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Operation: Coronet - Part Four

Posted on Sun Jul 31st, 2022 @ 7:57am by Captain Tienn Kerris & Lieutenant Shomer'eggan 'Show' & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 115: The Pale-Fac'd Moon looks Bloody on the Earth
Location: Various Locations - Federation Battlegroup
Timeline: 1700Hrs - November 13th, 2393

Commander Tienn Kerris narrowed her eyes while she regarded the Caitian female next to her. "Am I the only one who's thinking that this surrender was a little too easy?" she asked the Caitian woman in a gentle tone of voice.

Shomer'eggan smiled while she regarded the Bajoran across from her with an amused look. She knew her name was hard to pronounce so she tended to go by an abbreviated version of her name, which she shortened to 'Show'. "When it comes to this ship and this crew. I am always paranoid about their safety," she explained. "Oh, sure. I like to get to know my crewmates, sometimes that includes intimate relations with them but I watch them like a hawk. I am Chief of security, after all." she explained.

Tienn raised an eyebrow. "I actually didn't think that Caitians liked intimate relations with other species." she paused. "Unless you wish to change the subject," she added after a moment.

"Nah. It's fine." Show answered. "Some guys across various species are always going to be curious about Caitian females. There is nothing wrong with this and I like to encourage this whenever possible," she commented. "So long as they aren't too rough with me and they can accept that I am not going to want to be tied down to one partner, then we can get along," she added. "For some, sex is an expression of their love, it's their bond together. While some others treat it as nothing more than exercise." the Caitian explained. "I don't mind being known to the men of this ship, it helps me foster relations with others."

"Sounds interesting," Tienn commented as she regarded the Caitian. "So long as you are happy with it and things won't get stupid. I don't need to interfere do I?"

"Oh, of course not." Show answered, a gentle smile on her face. The doors opened as the Caitian stepped out first. Tienn followed in silence as the thought went through her mind. 'Could I be as carefree... Could I seek sexual attention from random people so casually.?' She asked herself, as she knew that two of her sisters had done just that and both had netted spouses, also both had children of their own with those spouses.

Tienn banished the thoughts from her mind while she entered the transporter room, to find a dozen security personel present. Several were armed with phaser rifles. Show turned to the transporter operator, she nodded once to him. "Bring him aboard now, please Chief." the Caitian requested.

The human chief petty officer nodded his head. Before the Halanan General appeared on the transporter pad. "General. You'll have to forgive the welcoming party but we are expecting you to be a formidable psi. Please, don't do anything stupid. The second you do. One of us will stun you. This is your own warning." Tienn explained. "I understand you wish to surrender to the Admiral."

"I am not going to surrender to a mere Captain. I must surrender my authority to someone of equal station. Torilla is more than just my equal. I've known her since we were children." Montrose answered. "This will be a fascinating experience." he then shrugged. "Show me to your Admiral then." He added in a rather dismissive tone of voice.

Tienn slowly crossed her arms over her chest, under her breasts. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't show you to my brig instead and then tell the Admiral my tale of your disrespect. I assure you then I am seriously considering it." with that, Tienn grinned at him.

Monstrose regarded the Bajoran in silence. He gently touched her mind with his own. She regarded him as she let out a soft sigh. "That tickles. Anyway. Let's be off. The Admiral awaits."

Montrose had no idea whatsoever that Bajorans, especally their women could sense a psi's touch. "How could you detect my touch.?" he inquired of Tienn. "I simply must know."

"I've been taught. My Captain was a good teacher, and then there is my husband. He and I mind-meld often, usually three or four times a week... He's helped me develop some kind of psionic defence. Both my Captain and my husband, are concerned that you will attempt to read the minds or telepathically manipulate anyone in this room, or on this ship." Tienn explained. "I assure you that such treachery, should it be uncovered. Would be considered a violation of any surrender accord you sign with the Admiral."

Montrose smiled at her. "Is that so?" he asked.

"It is," Tienn answered, in the same arrogant tone of voice. "Take this as fact. You will leave this ship with your life, you won't leave it with your career or your command." Yamaguchi commented as she came around the corner. She grinned at the man across from her. "Silas. You look terrible. Lack of sleep will do that to people." she commented as she grinned at him.

Montrose regarded the object of his desires. He was supposed to have been her husband and father to however many children her body could make for him. He did not react to her statement.

Yamaguchi indicated the closed door next to them. "Let's go inside so we can have our conversation." and with that. She entered. followed by Montrose, Tienn and then Show. All in silence


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