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Operation: Coronet - Part Two

Posted on Sun Jul 31st, 2022 @ 7:57am by Captain Tienn Kerris & Lieutenant Commander Marie Hasti-Antilles & Commodore Korelii MacRae & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Commander Masako Anderson
Edited on on Sat Nov 19th, 2022 @ 4:44pm

Mission: Mission 115: The Pale-Fac'd Moon looks Bloody on the Earth
Location: Various Locations - Federation Battlegroup
Timeline: 1630Hrs - November 13th, 2393

Torilla Yamaguchi narrowed her eyes as she heard that Korelii would go over to the Halanan command ship with proof of the cure. Yamaguchi had major misgivings about this plan but she wasn't about to question her commander's plan. Maybe the Admiral could bring a measure of peace after all. But until this was all finished. Yamaguchi did not trust the Halanan government and nor did she trust the people she was facing, to honour any agreements.

Several moments later, the worst was confirmed as Anderson turned, a look of horror on her face. "I've lost her signal," she commented, the alarms around her screamed in betrayal as Yamaguchi sighed softly. "All Federation ships. This is Admiral Yamaguchi. I'm assuming command of the fleet and the mission."

"Sir, they are locking onto all of our ships with their weapons." Marie Hasti-Antilles reported from tactical.

"Hail the Halanan fleet commander," Yamaguchi commented. She rose to her feet with a hard, determined look on her face. She found herself looking into the eyes of a man she once knew well. "Silas. You're looking well."

General Silas Montross regarded the object of his desires. "Captain Yamaguchi. I demand you leave now... If you-" was as far as she got before Yamaguchi answered. "No. You can either return my Admiral to me, now... Or I will burn every ship you throw at me... Then if you harm her. Well, you do not want to know what I will do then." a rather evil grin appeared on Yamaguchi's face. "Oh, I recall how you used to play your little games with me... I left home for a reason, and it wasn't because of the climate..." as she decided to make her threat plain, while she had a chance to do so. "You have one minute to decide... Do not force my hand, Silas... Otherwise, you will live to regret this day... Or worse, maybe you won't."

General Silas Montross regarded Yamaguchi on his screen, while he mentally undressed her with his eyes. He knew well the teenager in the older woman before him now. He knew that she could be a right little Spitfire when cornered or crossed. He knew she would carry out every threat that she would utter against him. Montross turned to his subordinate. "Where is her Admiral.?"

"She is being escorted to the conference room. As you ordered." The man answered. "Bring her up here instead. Since Torilla here won't back down unless she sees that her precious Admiral is safe."

Yamaguchi regarded him with a rather frosty smile, while she waited. A few moments went by before Korelii MacRae was brought onto the bridge with Montrose. "Ahh. Torilla. Just who I was hoping to see." MacRae commented, a grin on her face.

Montrose regarded MacRae. "Tell your subordinate to stand down and we can dispense with these issues and lies."

McRae sighed as she looked down. Looking thoroughly beaten. "Torilla?" she asked.

"I'm here, Admiral. What are your orders?" Yamaguchi inquired, she knew that this was about to get very interesting and very exciting in a very short span of time.

MacRae slowly smiled. "Carry out the mission, as ordered. Do you understand?" as she regarded the other woman. Yamaguchi nodded slowly. "I do," she answered softly. With that, she turned away while she ran her fingers over her throat, the screen suddenly cut as MacRae smiled. "You should have taken me at my word, General. I hope you realise what you have set loose here." as MacRae suddenly grinned. "Your threats are worthless now."

"General. The Federation fleet is breaking formation. Their starfighters are attacking our planetary defences. One of their-" was as far as he got when the ship shook due to a direct strike.

"Very well. Take her to medical." Montrose turned his attention to the battle. Only to watch as one of his ships was suddenly incapacitated.

Meanwhile on the USS Grey Wolf. Torilla grinned like a madwoman as she pointed at the screen. "All units, open fire!." she called. "Fire at will. Shoot to disable."

The battlespace began to fill with hundreds of missiles and phaser blasts, as starships began to jockey for positions. All the while, the Starfighters were strafing and demolishing orbital mines and satellites.

Yamaguchi watched in silence as the orbital battle was slanted heavily against the Halanan's, and as the fight processed, it was obvious who was going to win. The battle raged over the orbital space as the mines were slowly stripped away. The phaser emplacements were being surgically removed with methodical precision as well. Most of their return fire was against the Federation starships, rather than the several thousand-strong starfighter force.

Yamaguchi tapped the display once. "Grey Wolf Actual, to York Actual. Look out for those two frigates moving on your portside flank." she paused. "Fifty-Six squadron, watch those mines on your starboard side," she commented, everything looked like it was going according to plan.

Tienn smiled. "Captain. Do you see those three frigates?" she commented, she indicated the three ships as she spoke.

"Something about them bothers you?" Yamaguchi commented softly.

"They are getting set up to screen a withdrawal," Tienn explained. "There, the second is now following suit," she commented with a gentle smile.

"Ahh. Yes." Yamaguchi then grinned. "All units. Target that battle station. It's time to remove the queen from the board." she commented. Moments went by as several thousand warheads sped downrange, all of them either spending themselves into the battle station itself or were shot down by the base weapons. But the outcome was never in doubt. The base was left as a flaming ruin.


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