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Roadblocks - Part Three

Posted on Sun Jul 31st, 2022 @ 7:52am by Division Admiral Sildra Vaxx-Warfield & Commodore Korelii MacRae & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 115: The Pale-Fac'd Moon looks Bloody on the Earth
Location: Various Locations - USS Hermes / USS Grey Wolf
Timeline: 0820Hrs - November 11th, 2393

Division Admiral Sildra Vaxx-Warfield groaned as she slid her lithe form into her chair. She looked down at her feet which were still bothering her. She breathed out as she took a moment to make herself comfortable. Vaxx-Warfield gently picked up the picture of her sister-in-law off of the desktop before her as she regarded the picture of Siaxx.

Sildra's brother had bed and wed the other Bolian female. The two had their fair share of issues and problems over the years but the worst was when Vaxx-Warfield had relived Siaxx over not passing a medical exam which had been required for her to hold command of the USS Manticore. As a result, Siaxx had gotten recertified in several medical areas where she was lacking and then she had been reassigned to an administration posting on Starbase Twelve. Chen and their children had gone to rejoin their mother at the same time.

Vaxx-Warfield could still hear the strident voice of her brother as he made it clear in no uncertain terms, exactly how he felt about recent events. Sildra sighed as she felt like she had been blowtorched by her brother's rage over how Vaxx-Warfield had treated her sister-in-law. It had been Siaxx herself who had saved Sildra from her brother's anger.

Now, eighteen months later. Sildra was still unsure of how she felt about those events. She had been expecting Siaxx to close ranks with her husband and the two of them to maul Sildra over what she had done but that was not what had happened. Siaxx had tried to work things out between her husband and his sibling. All she ended up with was something of a temporary peace. Neither Siaxx nor Sildra knew it was going to last. It didn't as both women had problems and issues ever since. Vaxx-Warfield knew that she needed to deal with the issues present.

Vaxx-Warfield paused as she knew she needed to deal with matters of state rather than call Siaxx. The Bolian female gently tapped the combadge affixed to her uniform top over her left breast. "Vaxx-Warfield to com-centre. I need a comline to the Captains of the USS Hermes and the USS Grey Wolf," she explained what it was that she wished from the guys in the com centre.

Vaxx-Warfield groaned as she gently rubbed her left foot with her right foot, while she remained seated in her chair. A moment went by as Vaxx-Warfield waited while the two women she was calling answered her call.

Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi smiled as she regarded the Bolian woman. "Admiral," she said to Vaxx-Warfield in greeting while the other woman. Commodore Korelii McRae appeared after a moment. "Hello, Admiral." she addressed the Bolian woman.

Vaxx-Warfield regarded the two women before her. "Good Morning ladies. I know you've both been out there a while and are heading back to the yards in a few days for replenishment and leave time," she commented. "I'm having several supply ships sent to you as I need you both for a rather sensitive assignment. I'm sending you both to the Halanan homeworld. I'd like you both to see if you can reduce our issues on both sides and see if you can work out a peace that both sides can live with."

Korelii McRae regarded the Bolian in silence while she processed the orders she had been given. They sounded simple but she knew that they were anything but. "Aye Admiral. I assume these supply ships are on their way?" she inquired.

"They are. Yes." Vaxx-Warifled answered with a nod of her head. "Admiral Patterson was informed of the matter before I contacted you." the Bolian provided an explanation. "You should both have supply ships heading to you shortly. Once thats finished. Head to New Halanna and see if you can do anything to resolve the issue." she explained what she wanted her two subordinates to do. "You are free to use any methods and measures necessary." the Bolian woman added. "Short of violating the laws of physics or military intervention. We want to calm their issues and fears."

Yamaguchi was the one who gave voice to the concerns of both women. "What if we're fired upon?" she inquired.

Vaxx-Warfield paused a moment. "Use your best judgement ladies but please. I'm going to ask you not to start shooting back at them." the Bolian asked. "Any questions?" she inquired.

"Not from me," Yamaguchi answered, a gentle smile on her lips.

McRae regarded her younger sibling in silence a moment before she said the same thing. The meeting was over as the three women said their goodbyes. Vaxx-Warfield then ended the three-way communication before she sat back in her chair. Her mind went back to pondering how she could resolve her issues with her sister-in-law. She wanted this matter over with. Vaxx-Warfield was exhausted with the matter and she wanted it done. Now she wanted a moment to ponder how she could make that arrangement.


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