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Its Christmas on Vanguard - Part Fourteen

Posted on Tue Dec 27th, 2022 @ 2:07pm by Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Lieutenant Kalliope Walking Bear & Lieutenant Commander Kameron "Foehammer" Solusar-Yamaguchi & Grand General Callis "Malice" Fordring

Mission: Mission 118: The Christmas from Hell
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1930Hrs - December 24th, 2393

Callis Fordring regarded her three table companions as she sat back and relaxed. "Don't misunderstand me. I've probably sold you all the impression that the Vrykul are a species of hedonists who will sleep with anyone for any reason whatsoever," she commented.

Walking Bear was the first to answer. "Nah. Not really. I could use many words to describe the various Vrykul I know but hedonist is not the first word I'd use. Nor is it the twenty-fifth either." she commented in a rather light tone of voice. "Your parents are among them. They have their hands full with their little ones. I should know... I've babysat for them a few times. It's been educational."

Yamaguchi-Solusar nodded her head in agreement. "Well. I only know the two and they do not socialize with anyone. Minus the dispute between Galiaan and myself." the larger woman explained quietly.

Fordring smiled as she regarded Elizabeth with a curious look in her eyes. "Yes. I had many questions for you about matters of state." Fordring answered with her mother's usual dry wit. "Why did my mother feel the need to get obliterated on Thungwine.?" she asked Elizabeth directly, suddenly the massive woman crossed her rather impressive arms over her chest, under her breasts. It was a sign that Fordring was not taking any prisoners. She wanted an answer and would not settle for anything less than a real answer. Elizabeth knew she wasn't dealing with a medical officer, instead, she was dealing with a combat ace who had tens of thousands of hours in Starfighters behind her. She found it rather unnerving.

"Your mother and I were having issues because of my own issues with the system. I don't know if you want the history behind matters but." she paused, leaving it open as a question.

"Sure. Go ahead and regale me with your tale." Fordring suddenly grinned at the other woman. Walking Bear began to become uneasy as she sighed softly. "Guys, we're at a party, let's try and remain civil," she said quietly.

Kameron arched an eyebrow while he bristled. It was clear he did not like the statement. "What happened ma'am, was not all Elizabeth's fault."

"I know that Kameron," Fordring answered quietly. "For if I had thought, for one second that it was Elizabeth's fault. I would have opened proceedings against you both, and then I would have had my parents reassigned from this Starbase without delay. I assure you all that I do have such authority at my beck and call," Fordring was marking a line in the sand. "While neither of my parents are in my direct chain of command. I can still stick in the request for them and my request would have been approved. Even Fleet Admiral Heather Duval cannot ignore me or my desires. Considering that all Starfighter forces in this region of the galaxy answer directly to me." Fordring paused as she signalled a waiter. She then selected two drinks. "Thanks, darlin.' she said to the waitress who nodded before moving off. "I can never get large enough glasses. Anything smaller than a pint glass is not worth having," she added before she drank one of the two glasses, downing the contents in one go. She placed the other onto the table.

Yamaguchi-Solusar regarded the other woman in silence. Suddenly unsure of what to say on this matter or any other. Fordring took her silence in stride as she continued. "I know you are not directly responsible for what happened. So let me explain why I am asking you this question in the first place. My mother's fitness as a parent is under question. The High Council of Elders on Vrykul has heard of this matter and they wish to judge her fitness to be a parent to her unborn child." Fordring explained. "I have been requested to evaluate her and report back," she added.

"Thats a tad harsh... Don't you think?" Walking Bear commented quietly.

"Not at all. It's how my kind has done this matter, for many centuries now. A family member is often sent to look into matters and then report back. I have a month to do so. Failure to do so will count against her and against me." Fordring answered. "Besides. It was mom herself who explained the situation. She then requested I open proceedings against her. I all but refused but she explained to me that it had to be me. Tyrael is busy with her small army of children and Tasmin is little better."

Yamaguchi-Solusar narrowed her eyes. "Because it's a female relative who has to look into the matter," she explained. "There's a word... Naq'chos'hak... I think." she stumbled over the pronunciation of the word.

"Naq'chos'han," Kameron added.

Fordring nodded her head with a smile. "You are aware of the rite. Indeed, mom has taught you both well," she commented. "She and I will proceed with matters tomorrow after she is done having sex with her new friend. I will need to sober up after tonight." as Fordring suddenly grinned at her audience. "Hopefully my boyfriend shows up and then he and I can tend to matters between us."


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