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Its Christmas on Vanguard - Part Fifteen

Posted on Tue Dec 27th, 2022 @ 2:07pm by Captain Daniel "Karass" McKnight & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Lieutenant Kalliope Walking Bear & Grand General Callis "Malice" Fordring

Mission: Mission 118: The Christmas from Hell
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1935Hrs - December 24th, 2393

Kalliope Walking Bear felt envious, everyone it seemed was getting laid except her. She let out a soft sigh.

Fordring regarded her with a gentle smile. "Something wrong, honey?" she asked the younger female present.

Walking Bear decided to come right out with the matter. "Everyone seems to be getting laid except me. I feel kinda left out."

"Thats understandable," Fordring commented. "For me, it's been a while," she admitted. "But you should go select the man or woman you want. Parties like this are great places to find yourself some companionship for the evening," she commented.

"I know... But my last relationship was a disaster." Walking Bear admitted quietly. More to herself than to anyone else. She let out a soft sigh.

Yamaguchi-Solusar regarded the small female before her. "I wish I'd known... I'd have asked you to look after Jason Solusar instead of Galiaan." she paused. "I think Kam made Galiaan the offer because of the fact he felt he owed her something."

Fordring regarded the two women before her. This was something of a revelation that she had not been expecting. "Why would your husband feel he owed my mother anything?"

Yamaguchi-Solusar had come far too far to quit now. "Because he was keeping everyone else away from me while I was dealing with my own issues. I let him too. Nobody was to see me or contact me outside of regular office hours. He hated the Beta Watch guys and he made sure they knew it." she let out a soft sigh. "His feelings were as plain as day,"
she added while she shook her head.

Walking Bear nodded in agreement. "I think the only reason he tolerated me, despite our friendship was that I wasn't demanding. I was always trying to get you out the door on time or even getting you to leave early. The amount of work I sponged from you was laughable at times."

"I know," Yamaguchi-Solusar answered, nodding her head in agreement.
"Kam developed a serious liking for you." she paused. "I don't think he thought you would have been interested in looking after Jason instead of Galiaan," she admitted. "Even though he did not discuss the matter with me... I really think that he felt he owed Galiaan one." the tall human woman let out a long sigh. "Considering that Galiaan was blamed for stupid shit. I can't say I blame him or her, really," she added, after a moment.

Walking Bear nodded her head. "Had I been asked? I would have seriously considered it... But Beth. I don't want to be someone else's sloppy seconds."

Yamaguchi-Solusar nodded her head. "I think. That is why Kam didn't ask you. He knew Galiaan would be down for it. Also, to the best of my knowledge. Jason wasn't interested in a relationship with anyone, other than whoever Marcus was interested in."

Fordring raised an eyebrow. "What is it with his brother anyway.?" the older woman inquired. "It's almost like he hates his brother. He's envious of Marcus, for some reason that he's not talking about," she commented with a pause. Fordring then gave Yamaguchi-Solusar a rather impish smile. "Maybe it is the chase that he likes... Who knows I'm." she paused as a grin appeared on her face. Captain Daniel McKnight approached the table as Yamaguchi-Solusar rose to her feet as did Walking bear.

"Stand easy ladies." McKnight greeted both women with a grin. "Elizabeth. You're looking well... I see being on a Starbase agrees with you." he regarded her with a look akin to affection. "I wish I had been permitted to keep you on the Dreamcrusher but... I see now that my hope was a fool's errand. Due to recent events."

"You are still too kind sir, for what you tried to do for Kam and I," Yamaguchi-Solusar answered, as she smiled at him. Are you in for long sir?"

"Just the usual," McKnight answered. "In for replenishment and give my guys ten days of leave time and then back out for New Years," he explained. "Callis." as he regarded the largest female at the table. "I was wondering if you were going to show."

"I almost didn't make it. Daniel." Fordring answered. She turned to Walking Bear and Yamaguchi-Solusar. "Ladies. Thank you for keeping me company. I have enjoyed our time together."

"Likewise." Walking Bear answered with a smile. "I appreciated the explanation on Vrykul rites," she added.

"I did as well. Callis." Yamaguchi-Solusar added. "Thank you for giving me the time to explain myself and not dive down my throat regarding what happened to your mother." she paused. "I still have to atone to her for my own issues."

"You owe her no atonement. The issues at hand were not yours to deal with. They were the fault of others who had failed both her and you." as Fordring rose to her feet. "Enjoy yourselves, ladies." as she grinned at Walking Bear. "Go find yourself someone to bed, honey. Have a good time." With that, she turned and departed the table with the man who was clearly her date for the evening.

Yamaguchi-Solusar smiled. "I had no idea that Captain McKnight was seeing anyone," she admitted.

"I heard about him. Is what they say true.?" Walking Bear commented.

"Worse. Daniel McKnight is a man who likes his peace and quiet. If Callis succeeds at tying him down. I suspect she will only go along for the ride rather than tie him down. I suspect that Galiaan is about to become a grandmother for the umpteenth time."

Walking Bear sighed softly. "Lovely. Anyway, she;'s right. come on... Let's go enjoy the party."

"Yes. Lets." Yamaguchi-Solusar rose to her feet before she led the smaller woman over to the dance floor. "Since Kam is busy. I'll dance with you. Then we can find you a man to bed tonight."

"Sounds good to me." Walking Bear commented with a smile.


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