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Tue Dec 27th, 2022 @ 2:07pm

Lieutenant Kalliope Walking Bear

Name Kalliope Walking Bear

Position Surgeon

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human - Colonist
Age 27
Birthdate July 15th, 2366
Birthplace New Samarkand - Alpha Centauri A/d

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9
Weight 135lbs
Hair Color Chestnut Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Kalliope Walking Bear is a woman of high physical beauty, much like her siblings.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Michael Walking Bear - Diplomat
Mother Zoe Walking Bear - Deceased
Brother(s) John Walking Bear - Civilian - 22 years old
Lee Yamaguchi - Starfleet - 44 years old. Julia's husband
James McTaggert, Marines - 44 years old. Heather's husband
Sister(s) Alyssa Walking Bear - Starfleet - 44 years old (Import from another Universe)
Julia Yamaguchi - Starfleet - 42 years old
Samantha Walking-Bear - Starfleet - 39 years old
Heather Walking-Bear - Starfleet - 37 years old
Patricia Walking-Bear - Starfleet - 34 years old
Jennifer Pravdin - Starfleet - 32 Years old
Odessa Walking-Bear - Starfleet - 27 years old
Korenna Walking Bear - Starfleet - 32 years old. Patricia's wife
Other Family There are several other Walking Bears. All of them call Alpha Centauri A/d home.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Kalliope Walking Bear is a generally cheerful young woman who has much going for her, she is easy to get along with and easy to please however once angered, she becomes unreasonable and argumentative, she does carry her emotions on her sleeve and isn't subtle about things whatsoever on any levels at all. When needed, she has no trouble stepping up to the plate when needed and has an excellent work ethic which means she's mentally flexible.

When provoked, however, she can lose emotional and mental control in a very explosive fashion. This almost always ends poorly for all concerned.

Kalliope is a martial arts master. This is something she takes great pride in as she has earned the status of first dan in two styles. Okinawan Kung-Fu and Japanese Karate. She also has a blue belt in Japanese Judo. Also it should be noted that Kalliope is a history major. She can rattle off things in history that most don't know or understand.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: she is extremely goal-oriented. She has plans to make work happen. She also has work to get done as a result of those plans, when she's working. Leave her to it.

Weaknesses: she can sometimes lose herself in work. She is also quite easily distracted.
Ambitions She's happy with life. Her career is progressing well. She isn't interested in settling down at the present time but she is ready for it, should it happen.
Hobbies & Interests She'll try anything once. Her hobbies are many and varied as Walking Bear rotates them in and out to prevent boredom from settling in.

Personal History Odessa Walking Bear was born in 2366 on the world of Alpha Centauri Ad. Odessa and Kalliope were twins, both of them were Oops babies as her mother had not expected a sixth and seventh child. However, this did not deter Zoe or Michael from welcoming and then raising these two children alongside her siblings who were all older. Odessa would naturally benefit from the lessons her parents had learned from raising her siblings. Like her siblings. Odessa was raised on Alpha Centauri Ad. A world rich in water and beaches, she grew up loving to swim in the seas and since the planet was warm from pole to pole, she didn't need to wear a lot either so she grew up wearing very little in terms of clothing, her mindset reflects this mentality.

Walking Bear was always a practical woman as she joined the swim team in high school while she matured from a gawky child to a confidant and extremely good looking young woman. She and her team won two championships while she was in school but she was not the type who liked lots of cardio in her daily routine and eventually she dropped out of the swim team as she wanted to focus on her other interests.

Walking Bear discovered almost by accident that she had talents with healing other people. There was an accident was her school and she was able to save one of her classmates from drowning during a swim meet. What she would later learn was that she prevented her classmate from committing suicide as one of the coaches had been sexually abusing her. The coach was found out and the matter was dealt with. Kalliope refused to let anyone come near her wounded classmate for fear of dealing with her. The rest of the Walking Bear family closed ranks around their family member.

Kalliope was honoured for her efforts but she didn't feel worthy. Her grandmother saw this and said simply. "Kalliope, your calling is a higher one... You have saved the lives of others, girl... Who cares for the trinkets of others... Its what you feel is worthy of you. But you should consider going into medicine... Good doctors are so rare... The greats become legends." So, heeding the advice of her grandmother. Kalliope sank more time into medical classes. Some of them were university-level classes.

Kalliope watched as both Sam and then Heather both went off into Starfleet with Jennifer following several years later. Kalliope and Odessa wished to do the same.

When she graduated high school. Walking Bear instantly set an application to go to the academy. it was accepted and off she went to Vega where she not only encountered issues with men, she also encountered issues with the heat for the first time too. Walking Bear had been raised on a planet that was a good deal cooler then Vega was and it also was much closer to its host star, so the skies were brighter. Vega's skies were almost as bright and only had the one star. The star was a Blue main-sequence star and it put out a massive amount of energy. All of this meant that Walking Bear needed to adjust for life on different worlds.

Walking Bear went to the Academy in 2384 and she would become a medical officer. She worked her way through the schoolwork she would encounter, thinking that if she worked hard enough. Walking Bear could become another McCoy or Crusher. To add to her already considerable workload. Walking Bear resumed taking her martial arts classes as she needed an expressive creative outlet.

Walking Bear graduated in 2388 and was assigned to the USS Hormuuz, one of the newly commissioned Lafayette class destroyers, that were designed to succeed and eventually replace the older New Orleans class starships. Walking Bear learned a great deal about how Medical worked and what didn't work. What also helped her was that she decided to take four post-graduate classes to increase her skillsets which she took two at a time. The first and second were both for general member species in the Federation, the third was for the proper caring and feeding of children of said Federation member species. The last was an Engineering extension course. Mostly so she didn't have to call her twin any time something went wrong.

In early 2390, a posting opened on the USS Valorous for an assistant chief engineering officer. Walking Bear was going to pass on the assignment offered to her but she was encouraged to consider otherwise by her section head who said she was due for promotion. If she had gotten it, she would have needed to stick in for reassignment anyway as she would hold a rank that was too high for the position she was holding. That and she did not need to hold herself back because she liked serving on the Hormuuz.

Walking Bear stuck her name in for the posting and she got it. Life on the Valorous was a little more formal and a little more routine but the Valorous got missions that the Hormuuz didn't get as she was a much larger spaceframe. What also helped was that the Valorous was a newer ship of the line. Also Walking Bear decided to take an engineering course after she went over to the Valorous.
Service Record Starfleet Academy - Vega IX, VEGA
2384 to 2388 - Medical Student
Cadet One / Four

USS Hormuuz - Lafayette Class
2388 to 2390 - Medical Officer

USS Vindicator - Century Class
2390 to 2393 - Medical Officer / Assistant Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant JG / Lieutenant

USS Prinz Eugen - Century Class
2390 to 2393 - Chief Medical Officer