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Its Christmas on Vanguard - Part Six

Posted on Tue Dec 27th, 2022 @ 2:05pm by Commander Galiaan Fordring & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Lieutenant Commander Kameron "Foehammer" Solusar-Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 118: The Christmas from Hell
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1810Hrs - December 24th, 2393

Lt Commander Kameron Yamaguchi-Solusar slowly smiled as he caught a glimpse of his brother departing the party with his date in tow. He didn't think that either had made an impression on the other and what was worse was that he didn't think this was going to work.

Elizabeth came over, wearing the dress that made her shine like a star with raw sex appeal. "You okay Kam?" she asked her spouse. She could hear him thinking but she wanted to say it. Rather than simply think it.

"I don't think this is going to work. Marcus is too suspicious and Kadian is too afraid." Solusar-Yamaguchi commented with a soft sigh. It was then that Galiaan Fordring approached them. "Hey, guys. I've yet to see Jason Solusar. Is he about?"

"Not yet but Marcus has already departed, Galiaan so you may not be called upon to hang ten with my other brother." Solusar-Yamaguchi smiled at the massive woman before him. "How's your impending little one?" he inquired.

"Things are proceeding well," Fordring asked. "After that incident two months ago. I all but demanded the medics check me over. They threw every single test in the book at me and a few that weren't in the book. Everything from skeletal scans to muscle density to blood issues." Fordring explained. "I told them to check absolutely everything for signs of anything." she paused. "Everything came back clean. Oh. I needed some medical assistance in cleaning up the mess but all in all. I got lucky." Fordring commented before she turned to Yamaguchi-Solusar. "Don't say it, don't even think it."

"You know me too well," Yamaguchi-Solusar replied softly. She had a crestfallen look on her face as Fordring gently put her hands onto the smaller woman's shoulders. "You did not lead me to the table and make me drink any of that Thungwine. That was my choice, honey," she explained. "Mine, alone." She commented. "Not yours, not his and not anyone else's. Just mine." Fordring commented. "My baby will be fine. No thanks to my stupidity. That error is mine, honey. Not yours."

Yamaguchi-Solusar decided to let the matter be. "Did Tirion take you at your word?"

"He did. He and the kids have gone camping for the weekend." Fordring grinned. "So I have a change of clothing that's guaranteed to make a splash. But Jason isn't here and neither is Marcus so the clothing won't be used here," she explained.

Yamaguchi-Solusar regarded Fordring. "What did you pack?" she inquired out of curiosity. "Was it what I recommended earlier.?" as she grinned at the other woman.

Fordring gave the smaller woman a rather evil grin. "Oh yes." she commented "A Japanese kimono dress with no bra. A pair of panties and a set of nylon leggings will complete the look. A pair of black heels will finish it." She grinned at Elizabeth. "I tried it for Tirion and he made his approval very clear to me. He seriously considered asking one of the guys he works with to watch his kids for the weekend and spend two days having his way with me." she smiled. "But I had this event to look after. So he will have his way with me later."

"Oh my." Yamaguchi-Solusar answered. "I can see you totally rocking that look." she smiled.

"Same as I can see you making it work," Fordring answered. "You should try it for happy boy here. I guarantee that you will be pregnant again before the night is out." Fordring suddenly grinned. "If not, then you'll be walking funny for a month," she added.

Yamaguchi-Solusar smiled. "Okay. I'll try it myself and see what it does for me," she commented. She gave her husband a sly look as she did so.

Solusar-Yamaguchi turned to his spouse. "Mention it to Rachael but tell her to wear red. I guarantee that Ennis won't let her leave the bedroom without showing her how he feels. Same with Selendis. Don't forget Plataea or Savvanah." he paused. "Or your mom." as he grinned at his wife. "Trust me, they will all thank you for it."

Yamaguchi-Solusar grinned back. "You want to assist all my female relatives in getting laid?. Very well. I will oblige you," she answered with a smile. "I'll mention it to Rachael when I talk to her tomorrow. Same with Savannah and mom."

Fordring smiled. "I'll be over at the bar. Having a few drinks while I select my conquest. Many of the men in here are eligible." she commented. "But that said. Beth, you have done a really good job with the planning for this event," she commented. "Lots of food on demand. A full bar and an area for music. Plus you even got mistletoe." Fordring then gently pointed up, where a large clump of mistletoe was presently hanging from the ceiling.

Fordring grinned at the two younger people before her. "Enjoy yourselves, you two. I'm going to the bar." with that, she turned away.


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