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There are Other Ways to Find Victory

Posted on Tue Dec 27th, 2022 @ 1:46pm by Commander Galiaan Fordring & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Post Captain Heris Dvald

Mission: Mission 116: All Along the Watchtowers - Part One
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1500Hrs - December 21st, 2393

Lt Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar walked into the medical waiting space. She nodded to the guys behind the desk. "Howdy guys. My presence is required by Doctor Dvald," she explained why she was here.

The young petty officer nodded his head. "Thanks. She's expecting you."
the man answered. "Go on back."

Yamaguchi-Solusar turned before she began moving into the medical administration area. Yamaguchi-Solusar walked slowly as she was in no rush but she was also not used to not being pregnant anymore. She needed to replace all of her underwear again. Her cup size was now two sizes above what she was used to. Yamaguchi-Solusar had replaced all of her bra's with larger ones that fit better. Now she was much more comfortable with clothing that fit her better. She didn't have the issues she had been dealing with over the course of the last several months.

Yamaguchi-Solusar smiled as she approached her destination. She then knocked on the door. Doctor Dvald rose to her feet as she came out to meet the larger woman before her. "Hey, Beth." as she gently took the larger woman's hands in her own. "It's good to see you."

"Likewise. Doctor. It's good to be seen." Yamaguchi-Solusar answered. A gentle smile on her face. She had also come to this meeting in uniform rather than in civilian clothing. She also had a slender and thin look rather than pregnant and bloated.

Heris Dvald smiled. "Come on in. We're just waiting for Galiaan Fordring now." the tall Bolian female commented as she indicated a chair. "Have a seat while we wait," she commented. Yamaguchi-Solusar duly took a seat rather than argue. She regarded the Bolian female in silence.

"How are your babies doing?" Dvald asked softly.

"They are doing really well. They will be coming home on the twenty-eighth." Yamaguchi-Solusar answered, with a gentle smile. "Then I can raise them alongside Robbie. He will no doubt want to meet his new siblings. I can then look after their various needs on an as-needed basis rather than worry about stupid problems." she then let out a long sigh.

"That was the major issue. Wasn't it?" Dvald answered softly. "You watching your pregnancy like a hawk, from the moment that mass hallucination had occurred back in June." Dvald paused as she contemplated the matter. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"I did." Yamaguchi-Solusar answered. "I mentioned it to Doctors Sokanon and Fordring. But the Beta shift guys were not getting the message. Anyone who needed assistance always came to me. That's why Fordring eventually had me assigned to her on an almost regular basis. It was so I could have an easy shift, handling paperwork and rest as needed. She knew I was having issues because I decided she had a right to know about such things. She has had many children herself, so she knows how this goes."

Dvald nodded. "Ten now." The Bolian commented with a gentle smile.

Yamaguchi-Solusar shook her head. "No. It's eleven. Most don't know about Filoan... She's enlisted and doesn't answer to her mother's name."
As she suddenly grinned. "Filoan Archer wants to keep out of her mother's fame, same with her various siblings. Considering two of those are Generals. I can't say I really blame her for that choice."

"Fair enough. Galiaan never speaks of her family." Dvald commented quietly.

"Can you blame her?" Yamaguchi-Solusar answered softly as she paused. "She's here," she added in a soft tone of voice. There was the knock on the door a moment later.

"Come in," Dvald commented. The door opened and in walked the massively framed human-looking woman. Galiaan Fordring was now showing the signs of pregnancy. Her uniform reflected this present situation. She was wearing a skirt and she also wore calf-high boots in addition to her regular uniform tunic. She was also not wearing her usual lab coat.

Dvald greeted Fordring with a gentle smile. "Take a seat and I will explain what I wanted to see you both for," she commented.

Fordring nodded as she sat down on the chair before her. The Vrykul female held her silence as Dvald began to explain what she wanted these two women for. "Alright. I'm going to create a proper Administration department. These guys will handle all of the admin work for all shifts rather than each shift handling its own affairs." the Bolian female explained. "All the admin matters will be handled by a staff of thirty-eight people." before she turned to Fordring. "You. Will command the entire effort. You may run this little department as you deem fit and you have your pack of whomever so you wish to have to work with you."

Fordring suddenly grinned. "Excellent. I will handle matters from this point."

"Start tomorrow. But I think you will only need to select thirty-six others rather than thirty-seven others." Dvald answered with a gentle smile. "But that said. I am also going to deal with the other Oliphaunt in the room." With that, the Bolian woman rose to her feet as she produced a small black box. She then opened it as Fordring rose to her feet. Yamaguchi-Solusar rose to her feet.

Dvald smiled. "Elizabeth. Would you mind?"

Yamaguchi-Solusar smiled in response. She gently reached across the other woman's front as she removed the single black pip. "Galiaan... There's something I've been wanting to say. Now that I have the chance, I'm going to make it short and sweet." she commented as Dvald gently placed the single golden pip in the place of the single black pip. "Congratulations, Commander Fordring," Yamaguchi-Solusar commented before she gently shook the other woman's hand.

"Thank you, ladies," Fordring answered with a gentle smile on her lips.


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