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Medical Concerns and Issues - Part Eight

Posted on Sun Oct 23rd, 2022 @ 4:22am by Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Lieutenant Commander Toshnarr & Lieutenant Kalliope Walking Bear & Ensign K'Porak, Daughter of K'mak & Staff Warrant Officer Veri
Edited on on Sun Oct 23rd, 2022 @ 5:03am

Mission: Mission 113: By Demons be Driven
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1310Hrs - December 4th, 2393

Lieutenant Kalliope Walking Bear smiled as she walked into the large surgical area. She turned her head as she regarded the large Gorn before her. He was busy preparing the last of the equipment and Yamaguchi-Solusar for the operation. "It's going to be fine Elizzzzaaabeeth." he rumbled to the taller human-looking female as she lay on the bed.

Yamaguchi-Solusar smiled as she looked down at her belly. It was still bloated and large, she knew it would change but it would take time.
"Well. I got all you guys fussing over me. That has to be something. Right?"

"Yesss..." Toshnarr rumbled as he turned to address Walking Bear. "All is prepared for you."

"Outstanding." Walking Bear answered with a smile on her lips. "Okay. You'll locate the issues and send them to me. I will then teleport them out into the waiting refuse bin. I want to save it for research rather than send it to be incinerated. Questions are being raised about this issue and I want to try and provide some answers." the small human female explained. A smile on her lips.

"It will be done." Toshnarr rumbled in response. "I have my own questions. I suspect, they are the same as yours."

"Oh. No doubt." Walking Bear answered. "You ready?"

"I am." Toshnarr turned to the two nurses. "Is all ready?"

K'Porak nodded her head. The Klingon woman regarded the Gorn before her. "I will be assisting you," she commented as the Deltan female approached. "I will be taking care of Elizabeth."

"Alright." She clapped her hands once. "Riders of Theoden. Oath's you have taken, now, fulfil them all. To lord and land." Walking Bear commented. "Let's do this!"

"She means, let's begin." Veri tossed at the gathering in a rather helpful tone of voice. She took the seat next to the patient. She gently took the other woman's hand in her own as she smiled. "Hey Bath. How are you feeling.?"

"Nervous," Yamaguchi-Solusar answered softly.

"Well. That's to be expected but don't worry. We'll get you through this." the Deltan woman explained.

Walking Bear tapped the display once. She then went to work as Toshnarr began scanning for their mutual quarry. Everyone present knew that this was going to be a very long afternoon.

Almost an hour or so later. Waling Bear turned to Toshnarr. "Well. Survey says?" she asked of him.

"Sometimes. I do not understand human speech patterns." Toshnarr rumbled back at her. "But I think we have it all," he commented. "Ms Yamnaguchi-Solusar is now ten pounds lighter than she was an hour ago," he commented. "I also took the liberty of taking care of the placental remains and the afterbirth issues she would be having within a few hours from now." Toshnarr rumbled. "The good stuff I removed last and I left it particularized out in space," he explained.

"Alright." Walking Bear commented. "And the bad cells?"

"Eight pounds of Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar. Freshly cancerfied and ready for research." Toshnarr rumbled. "Hopefully it will tell us something about how and why this happened," he added.

"Toshnarr. Telling jokes?" Yamaguchi-Solusar commented with a gentle smile on her face. "Will wonders ever cease?" she inquired.

"Who can say?" Toshnarr rumbled. "Thank you, nurses. You have both been invaluable today," he commented. K'Porak smiled as she nodded. "Thanks for the teaching material." she turned to Yamaguchi-Solusar. She nodded to the other woman. "You fought well today. Doctor. I hope I can work with you after you recover." she then smiled. "Live well. Doctor." and with that, the Klingon woman departed. Veri followed a moment later.

Walking Bear turned to Toshnarr. "Could you see to the delivery of the cargo.?" she asked. "I'll clean Elizabeth up," she commented.

"Certainly. Consider it arranged. I assume deliver the care package to Doctor Paris?" Toshnarr inquired.

"Indeed. I know Kadian will drool over the chance to look it over." Walking Bear answered, a smile on her lips. She turned and went about giving Yamaguchi-Solusar the once over. "You did good today, Beth," she commented as she smiled down at her colleague and patient. "We're gonna get you some answers really soon. Okay?" she added after a moment.

Yamaguchi-Solusar nodded her head. "Alright," she answered. "Now what?"

"Now we're going to wheel you back to recovery. You'll have one of the nurses come in and see how you feel about taking a stroll around the ward. I want you back on your feet as soon as I can get you up and about." Walking Bear explained with a gentle smile on her lips. "Since you never went through the trauma of childbirth. Your recovery will be a heck of a lot faster. However, that said, your leave will be shortened as a result but it'll still be four months. It'll be long enough to help you handle things with three children in the house and it'll give you time to adjust to other matters."

Yamaguchi-Solusar smiled. "Okay. Thanks, Kalliope," she answered.


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