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Considerations and Thoughts - Part Eight

Posted on Fri Sep 30th, 2022 @ 5:02am by Commander Galiaan Fordring & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Lieutenant Commander Kameron "Foehammer" Solusar-Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 118: The Christmas from Hell
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1430Hrs - December 1st, 2393

Lt Commander Galiaan Fordring regarded the two people before her as the cat took the moment to begin kneading her ample breasts. All the while purring as she did so. "Well." her right hand gently tapped her combadge as she terminated the comline to nowhere. "That was exhausting." Fordring then let out a long sigh.

"I knew Kadian had a thing for me. Considering the nature of our relationship." Solusar-Yamaguchi commented quietly. "But I am very happy with the spouse that I have." he indicated to Elizabeth while he spoke. "I do not need to seek the company of a second. Its. It's not for me." he paused. "I can't give Kadian Paris what she seeks." as he slowly smiled. "But I know not one, but two guys who can."

Fordring raised an eyebrow. "Two?" she inquired. "How so?" she paused. "Wait. I'm confused."

"I have two brothers and both are single. Jason and Marcus." he regarded his wife. "You recall our relationship starting out... What Kadian needs, is a man that she can come home to. Someone who will handle her various needs. On a nightly basis and bed her whenever she wishes it. She does not need a guy who's in port for a month and then is gone for a year. Kadian Paris deserves better than that."

Yamaguchi-Solusar smiled as she nodded. She was seeing where this was going.

"You're serious?" Fordring commented softly. "After what happened earlier. I might keep you for myself. I think you'd be fantastic in bed looking after me." she commented.

"Well. I do what I can." Solusar-Yamaguchi paused. "But I'll start with Marcus and see if he's willing to come." Solusar-Yamaguchi's smile slowly faded. "I think he will come."

"What makes you so sure?" Fordring inquired.

"Because he hates being on Earth," Solusar-Yamaguchi answered, a smile on his face. "I know how my eldest brother thinks. I know him on a level that I suspect that even he doesn't know or appreciate. Because when I tell him he's invited to this bash. He will come." he paused. "His first and really, the only question will be if Jason is coming." and with that. Solusar-Yamaguchi let out a rather long sigh.

Yamaguchi-Solusar knew her husband well, she knew what this issue was about so she held her silence and let him speak.

"Your other brother?" Fordring asked.

"Indeed." Solusar-Yamaguchi answered. "Marcus is the eldest and Jason is the youngest. Next to my sisters. Jerrica will probably show up but Coral almost certainly won't. No great loss if you ask me. But Jason is envious of Marcus. So he competes with him in everything." Solusar-Yamaguchi explained.

"Wait. your brothers actively compete?" Fordring paused. "They squabble and fight over things?"

"Jason does. Marcus couldn't care less but he does hate it and Jason will try to get in the way of Marcus and my plans to send him home with Kadian." he paused. "Kadian Paris wants me. So she's going to get me. Via an alternate form."

"Your insane."Fordring gasped softly. "This will never work."

"Oh yes, it will." Solusar-Yamaguchi smiled at the massive woman before him. "Which brings me to a rather special request I'd like to make of you. Galiaan."

"Me?" the massive woman asked. "Why me?"

Solusar-Yamaguchi lifted his drink to his lips before he took a sip. "I know. I have no right on any level to be asking anything of you. Considering recent events. But before you refuse me. Hear me out."

Fordring shifted her ample form on the sofa ever so softly. She did not wish to disturb the cat who lifted its head. Eyes wide open. "Go on back to sleep kitty," she commented. "Okay, Kam. I'll hear you out."

"Alright. What I need is for Kadian Paris and Marcus Solusar to realize that there is a chance for a possible relationship to work between them. For that to happen. I need Marcus to be able to go in. See the girl. Make contact with the girl. Make nice with the girl and then take the girl home and then bed said, girl." Solusar-Yamaguchi answered. "Marcus looks enough like me that she won't tell the difference at first. But Kadian will know that I'll have a surprise for her. My brothers. All she has to do is pick the elder brother. Then all she has to do is make nice with him. The rest is up to Marcus." Solusar-Yamaguchi paused. "I will, of course, explain all of this to Marcus when I invite him to this party."

"Doesn't Marcus have issues with women.?" Yamaguchi-Solusar inquired.

"He does. So you and I will be there, front row, centre as well. Urging him on. I'm going to introduce both of them. I'd like you to be present for various reasons." Solusar-Yamaguchi commented to his wife.

"Oh, I'm not gonna miss this. Fuck no." Yamaguchi-Solusar answered.

"Which brings me to you, Galiaan. I need you to run interference for Marcus. I'll point out both of them to you and I'd like you to spend time with Jason. Keep him away from Marcus and Kadian. However, you do that is up to you." he paused. "Will you consider it.?"

"Yes. Leave Jason to me. I will make my own arrangements and maybe I can take him home and bed him." Fordring answered. "If your brother is even half the man you are, then Kadian Paris is going to be in very good hands." she smiled. "Frankly. I I envy her, what she is about to receve."

"Thank you, Galiaan." Solusar-Yamaguchi smiled at the other woman.


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