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Hope and Memory - Part Five

Posted on Sat Apr 30th, 2022 @ 2:21am by Lieutenant Commander Gabriel Yamaguchi & Commodore Kimora Reeves & Lieutenant Savannah Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 112: The Heart of a Truth Long Lost
Location: Various Locations - USS Spirit of Winter / USS Cassini
Timeline: 1100Hrs - November 1st, 2393

Lieutenant Savannah Yamaguchi was looking herself over in the floor-length mirror, she was wearing her regular duty uniform and Gabriel was wearing regular civilian clothing, a sweatshirt and a pair of shorts completed his look of a man who was off watch and wanted to enjoy it. He was sitting on the bed watching his wife fret as she was giving herself the once over, he knew she was nervous and it was easy to see in her actions. But Gabe knew his wife's heart and he could tell that she was afraid. "Savv... It'll be alright." he tried to reassure her of this fact but she was not as convinced as he was.

"What if she doesn't accept me?" Savannah asked of her husband.

Thus, there it was, the main crux of the matter at hand between the three people involved in the present matter of state.

Gabe had been expecting this statement, just not quite so soon. "Then she doesn't... and we can move on with life." It was cold and even a little heartless but it was the blunt, honest truth that Savannah had come to expect from her husband and father to her children. "But either way hon, there is no need to worry about things you can't control."

Savannah nodded her head as she turned to her husband. "I have no idea of what to say... or what to do."

"Then let me help you with this." Gabe gently rose to his feet as he gently took his wife's hands in his own. "You've wanted this your whole life... Here it is... Now we'll face it together." he commented. "So let's go call her and let's get this done."

Savannah looked up at her husband before the two of them departed the master bedroom and then moved into the den. Savannah tapped the display once before her. "Yamaguchi to com centre?"

"Go ahead, ma'am." came the voice of one of her Operations officers, she wasn't sure if it was William Farris or Kerian Sanderson but she dismissed the thought almost immediately. "Could you contact the USS Cassini for me please?" Savannah asked. "I'd like to speak with Commodore Kimora Reeves, please... Mark it as personal and secured," she added.

"Of course. Placing your call now... It'll take a few moments." came the expected answer as Gabriel sat down next to his spouse as she settled in to wait. A moment later a womans face appeared on the display before her. "Hello. I'm Commodore Kimora Reeves... To what do I owe the pleasure Lieutenant?" she addressed Savannah. she suddenly frowned as she openly gave Savannah the once over. "It can't be..." The older woman muttered to herself. "I apologize Lieutenant. You reminded me of... someone else." Reeves added, covering up her error quickly.

"It's fine ma'am," Savannah answered. "I called you because I... I have a matter to discuss with you."

Reeves raised an eyebrow. "Oh... What is that matter then?"

"Well." Savannah felt her husband gently grasp her hand under the table and out of the line of sight. "I'm your daughter ma'am... The one you lost."

"Really.?" Reeves paused as she looked suprised. "I'm... I wasn't expecting you to ever find me again..." she added quietly. "I've... I assume you've read the details on my life before you contacted me?"

"We did," Gabriel answered.

"Who are you, Lieutenant?" Reeves asked of Gabriel. "I'm Lieutenant Gabriel Yamaguchi, your daughter's husband ma'am."

"Ahh... I apologize Lieutenant..." Reeves paused, she wasn't sure of what to say.

"I know all of this is sudden," Gabriel commented lightly. "We weren't expecting you to even give us the time of day ma'am," he added.

"Indeed Lieutenant," Reeves agreed with the young man before her. "I was informed two days ago that my medical records have been accessed for the purposes of a DNA test. I assume that was you two?"

"Yes ma'am," Savannah answered. "According to what I found out, you are my mother." she paused. "I was always wondering who gave me my name..."

"I did... Savannah Reeves..."

Reeves closed her eyes and then she opened them again after a moment. "I assume you wish for an explanation of why I gave you up for adoption?" Reeves asked of the younger couple before her. She noted that Savannah seemed happy and that was more then Reeves felt she deserved on the matter at hand.

"If you wish ma'am," Savannah answered. "One isn't necessary."

"Yes, it is honey," Reeves answered. "However, first... Did you bother to contact your biological father?"

"No, but I am looking into him," Savannah admitted. I figured I'd deal with you first and try talking to you... Feel you out and see where things go from here."

Reeves nodded her head. "What's your perspective on all this Lieutenant?"

Gabriel didn't hesitate when he was asked. "I stand beside my wife. Her issues are my issues... Her happiness is my number one concern. he turned his head from Reeves to his spouse and then back to Reeves again. "This has been a long time coming ma'am."


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