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Under a Shroud - Part Two

Posted on Thu Mar 31st, 2022 @ 3:29am by Fleet Admiral Heather Duval & Division Admiral Thomas Lasky

Mission: Mission 114: Be All My Sins Remember'd
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1300Hrs - October 29th, 2393

Fleet Admiral Heather Duval slapped the display with her left hand, the message paused before the screen went black as Heather Duval could almost feel steam coming out of her ears as she watched the conversation between Master Admiral Andreyev and this unnamed Halanan official who did not introduce himself. She could not help but think of Jake's spouse and the slight this government had done to her.

Duval growled softly as she considered how best to deal with this matter. She gently cradled her right arm with her left as she gently ran her fingers along her jawline. She sighed as she gently tapped her combadge. "Duval to Lasky. Tom. Could you drop by my office, please... We have a matter to discuss..."

"Of course Admiral. I'm on my way." Lasky answered quietly.

Tom Lasky rose to his feet and departed his office. He slipped on his uniform jacket and he carried his boots in his left hand. "Keep an eye on things for me please John.?" he asked of the aide who was presently looking after the affairs of his boss.

"Aye Admiral." John McMillen answered as he went to his work. While Lasky dropped first one boot onto the ground, which he quickly slipped on and then he repeated the process with his other boot, while he zipped up his jacket. A few minutes went by as Lasky made his way to his destination. He knew that Heather Duval was irritated as he could hear it in her voice and she had asked him to come and see her without explaining why. He did not think he was in any trouble but he had no idea as to why he was being summoned like this. What he did know was that he would find out soon enough.

Lasky nodded to Duval's yeoman. "Admiral Duval is expecting you." the young woman commented.

"Thanks," Lasky answered while he was admitted access to the Fleet Admirals office. Duval was sitting at her desk. She shifted her attention to the younger man before her. The look on her face bespoke much and Lasky swallowed almost involuntarily.

"Admiral..." Lasky addressed her. "You requested me?"

"I am told that you have rather specific and special talents..." Duval commented quietly. It was not phrased as a question. "I am also told that you will do anything for family." Duval shifted her attention to the man across from her.

Lasky raised an eyebrow rather than get up and take a step back. He could see that this was a woman on the verge of losing what little composure she had remaining. "I do what I can." he regarded the angry-looking woman. "This tiger-footed rage suits you not lady." he addressed her a moment later. "I understand a fury in your words. But not the words." Lasky paused a moment. "Your anger is like a full hot horse, who being allowed his way, but self-mettle tires him..."

"Sit before me. Oh, noble son of Earth." Duval answered quietly. "I have news. Most foul."

"Indeed?" Lasky answered quietly. He slid his form into one of the chairs on the other side of Duval's desk. She placed her hand onto the computer display before her, she activated it before she turned it. "Watch and listen. I will answer your questions when you are finished."

Lasky tapped the display once, he watched the listened to the conversation between Master Admiral Pasha Andreyev and the unnamed official from the Halanan government. He felt his anger begin to brew but he watched it in silence twice before he turned his attention to the older female before him. She had calmed herself but now she looked tired and saddened with the news of what she was about to give her friend.

Lasky regarded the paused display as he looked at the official who had not named himself. "Teach me. Dear creature, how to think and speak. Lay open to my earthy-gross conceit. Smother'd in errors, feeble, shallow, weak. The folded meaning of your words' deceit," Lasky commented softly. "Thee must think me a fool," he added quietly.

"I do not want Torilla or any of her siblings seeing this video..." Duval whispered. "I do not need that shitstorm let loose in here... It's bad enough I have to show this to Jake..." Duval sighed angrily. "He will not keep this from his spouse and then she will probably strangle someone."

Lasky knew how Torilla thought. "Then. may it please the Admiral to give me a few hours before you tell him of the matter at hand," he commented. "These Halanan's think we are either ignorant or cowardly... I have questions for this man I wish to pose..."

Duval sucked in a lungful of air. She needed a moment to calm herself and she knew it. "Tell me something, Tom... How would you go about resolving the matter?"

Lasky regarded the woman before him. "Admiral... I want you to be clear... What would you have me do?"

"I want more infomation on the Halanan cure... What it does and does it work?" Duval answered. "I feel I am being lied to."

"As do I," Lasky answered quietly. "I shall get you some answers... But it is best if you do not ask any questions about how this mission was accomplished..."

"Fair enough. I'll give you a couple of hours before I tell Jake about this. I suspect he's going to want to go grab a few ships and cause the very event I'd like to avoid." Duval paused. "This conversation never happened and we were never here. You'd best get going Tom."

Lasky rose to his feet and nodded. "I will keep you informed ma'am." and with that. Lasky turned and departed.


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