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Under a Shroud - Part Three

Posted on Thu Mar 31st, 2022 @ 3:31am by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Commander Victoria 'Enyo' Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 114: Be All My Sins Remember'd
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1330Hrs - October 29th, 2393

Division Admiral Thomas Lasky departed the Admirals office before he went onto the Operations deck. He slowly ambled over to where his spouse was working. She turned her head as she smiled at him. "You look disgruntled. Is everything alright?"

"I need a few minutes of your time when you finish here. If, you do not mind... I need to see one of my guys first. Give me an hour because I will ask for your expert opinion on a few things." Lasky commented cryptically. "You are a master of war... and this is what I need," he added.

"You got it. Tom." Lasky answered her husbands look with one of her own. She knew instantly that it was something stupid but it wasn't so serious that it required her attention right this second but she still would attend to the matter, if and when her husband needed it of her. But she knew that something somewhere, had gone horribly wrong and this worried her because it concerned her husband.

Lasky turned before he slowly made his way back to his office. He arrived a few minutes later as he took his seat behind his desk. He tapped his combadge. "Lasky to James?"

"Yeah, boss. What's up?" came the voice of Lasky's aide.

"My wife will be joining me for a meeting in about an hour or so... and could you please page Commander Victoria Yamaguchi for me. I need to speak with her more or less right now."

"You got it boss... I'll also hold your calls for you. Nobody is to see you until you say otherwise."

"Outstanding. Thanks, James. I'll make it up to you later." Lasky answered with a sigh.

"I understand." James went about filling Lasky's orders and a few minutes the object of Lasky's desire came around the corner. "The Admiral wanted to see me?"

"He did Commander. Thank you for coming on such short notice... He's expecting you. Go on in."

"Thank you." and with that Yamaguchi entered Lasky's domain.

Lasky was reading a PADD as the door parted and in walked Victoria Yamaguchi. Lasky smiled as he regarded her. "Commander. Thank you for coming... We have a situation and I have been asked to look into the matter quietly.

Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow as she stood before him in silence. He indicated the chairs on the other side of his desk. "Take a seat before I hurt my neck looking up at you." he quipped as a joke. Yamaguchi sat down in one of the chairs. "Go on sir."

"You are aware of the Halanan situation?" Lasky asked of the woman before him.

"Only what's generally known. They are having some medical issues that could cause their extinction because of chromosomal maladies. Similar to the Andorians before Bashir's cure came along." she explained. "I assume there has been a development?" she inquired.

Lasky tapped his desktop monitor as he quickly pulled up a file before turning it so she could see what was being displayed. "Indeed and that's not the half of it, watch," he commented. "I will answer your questions when you finish." and with that, he played the video.

Yamaguchi watched the video in silence once and then she watched it a second time. While she did, she took her combadge off of her chest and began to play with it. The video ended while she did so. "I am confused, Admiral... What does this symbol mean... If we are not willing to stand up for it."

"You see now why I asked for you?" Lasky inquired as she slipped it back onto her chest, just over her left breast.

"I...I think I do." Yamaguchi answered softly. She regarded him with a coy look in her eye, almost as if she were a cat about to toy with her food.

"Just to be clear... Your assignment is black. Off the books... It's illegal." Lasky explained quietly. "But I need for someone to go in, obtain a copy of their cure and bring it back to us for study. The Halanan government used Federation resources to make their cure and they won't even sure their ill-gotten gains with us..." Lasky answered. "You heard their threat... They would leave the Federation if we tried anything official... So I'm going to have this handled unofficially."

"I'll do it." Yamaguchi didn't even hesitate. "When do I leave?" she pressed.

"In several hours. I need to make sure your new command is ready for you. You won't be taking the Peerless for this... I'll be assigning the Pembo to you instead." Lasky explained. "I will want to make sure that she's ready for this assignment.. as I am expecting trouble and I wish to make sure that you and your crew have time to ready up for anything."

Yamaguchi nodded, his council was sound and good. "I appreciate that sir." It was good to know that she wasn't going to be sent blindly or headlong into this incoming shitstorm but that she would have time to prepare. Something that was always wise.


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