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Under a Shroud - Part One

Posted on Thu Mar 31st, 2022 @ 3:28am by Fleet Admiral Heather Duval & Master Admiral Pasha Andreyev

Mission: Mission 114: Be All My Sins Remember'd
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1200Hrs - October 29th, 2393

Master Admiral Pasha Andreyev regarded his aide as he knew that both Lu'Pal and Rae Sloane would be departing their postings in less than two weeks with their successors taking over by the first of December. He knew that April Yamaguchi and Heather Duval would do well in both postings. But for now, he had a large issue to deal with. "John. get me Fleet Admiral Heather Duval. Mark it as secure. I would speak to her."

"Aye Admiral." came the response from his aide, he turned and went about taking care of this order for the Admiral. Andreyev picked up a PADD while he waited as he knew that this matter would take a while to handle.

A few minutes went by before Andreyev's aide's voice came over the com system. "We have Fleet Admiral Duval for you, sir."

"Very good Henri. In here please?" Andreyev answered softly.

Henri James didn't get the chance to answer as the screen lit up with Fleet Admiral Duval's face. She wore a concerned look in her gentle eyes as she frowned. "Admiral. I assume you have bad news for me?"

"I'm afraid so Admiral... The Halanan's say they have a cure already and all of your work was apparently wasted." Andreyev explained. "However I don't believe them," he commented as he regarded the fetching beauty before him. "I am Russian my dear... I am used to being lied to." as he suddenly grinned at her. "So Heather... I'd like some answers to this little mystery and... Could you acquire them for me?"

"I'd love to," Duval answered with a gentle smile, the smile did not match the hardness in her tone. "My guys suffered and sacrificed for this effort. I do not appreciate having their work wasted."

"We know what you're guys paid for this effort and you may be assured that commendations and medals are coming... Once the medical guys get back to me on the matter." Andreyev answered he believed in being frugal with awards and medals when the people who had earned them, deserved to have them. "Your personel have performed magnificently. You can tell them that a presidential unit citation award is incoming. I have that one on paper..."

Duval paused, she had not expected that news. "Well... I... I appreciate that Admiral. I know my people will too." she answered quietly. "So. What exactly did this Halanan official say to you?" she asked, wanting to bring the conversation back to the matter at hand. She didn't wish to get bogged down with medals and the like.

"That's just it, he evaded everything I had to say and... As if all of that wasn't enough. He then refused to answer any questions... When I pressed for specifics. he then issued me something of an ultimatum. Leave us alone or we'll leave the Federation and take our chances elsewhere."

Duval's eyes narrowed, she was getting more and more irritated and annoyed. "Yeah... Something's up... I'll talk to my guys and we will look into this matter carefully."

Andreyev nodded his head. "I'll have my guys send you a copy of the communication. Maybe you'll be able to see through it with different eyes then we did," he explained. "At the very least. You will be able to see without any questions. Why I have my concerns." as Andreyev's fingers gently began tapping away at the display before him. "I'm sending it to you now, on a subchannel."

Duval tapped the display as the file appeared. "I have it." as she moved the file from the temporary folder where newly downloaded files went to into her personal database. "I will enjoy this." Duval regarded Andreyev with a rather evil-looking smile.

"Don't enjoy it too much. It'll piss you off... Even my great-grandchildren don't behave this badly and they have their moments at times." Andreyev answered quietly. "I will warn you, Heather... You will see it and then you'll get angry," he commented. "This guy was something else... So take five minutes and prepare yourself before you see it."

"I understand," Duval answered. "I'll talk to my guys and we shall see about getting you some answers." she paused a moment. "Do I have your permission to take this as far as I need to...?"

Andreyev regarded the woman on his display, he knew what she wanted. "Yes... You do. Get me some answers to this little puzzle Heather... I hate guesses like this... and the Halanan's are playing games with me..." he explained as he frowned at her.

"Alright then," Duval answered quietly. She breathed out as the zafting woman sat back in her chair as she formulated a simple plan in her mind as to how she would go about this matter at hand. "I'll keep you informed as to my progress..."

"I understand," Andreyev answered. "Good luck Heather..." and with that he thought the chat had come to an end. "I'll leave you to it. Andreyev out." and with that. He tapped the disconnect button. He hoped that this was enough.


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