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Laying Down the Brickwork - Part One

Posted on Thu Jun 24th, 2021 @ 6:52am by Fleet Admiral Heather Duval & Admiral Jake Yamaguchi & Commander Ken Noros & Fleet Captain Marie Yamaguchi & Commander Zheng Jet
Edited on on Wed Jul 14th, 2021 @ 9:21am

Mission: Mission 110: Blue on Blue
Location: Various Locations - USS Stalingrad / Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1630Hrs - October 23rd, 2393

Fleet Captian Marie Yamaguchi was sitting in her ready room, as the reports of the two ships that had been captured filtered their way to her office, she sighed as she tapped her combadge. "Yamaguchi to Bridge. Zheng, get me Fleet Admiral Heather Duval and I don't care how you do it." the older woman knew she could have pressed the issue with over forty examples to choose from but she opted to not say anything of the sort.

"Aye Captain, placing your call and stopping for nothing." Zheng Jet answered in his usual, almost amused tone of voice.

Yamaguchi settled in to wait as she considered what exactly she wished to say to Duval when the screen lit up with Heather Duval's face a moment later. "Well, this was surprisingly easy... Admiral... I have dire news... and you are not going to like this."

"I suspect there are very few things these days that I do like Captain, proceed with your report..." Duval answered, in her usual good cheer.

"My report Admiral is that as of zero nine hundred hours, after answering a distress call from a Klingon colony, near the Somraw Anchorage... We found it being looted and pillaged by a Federation ship, the USS Queen Mary." Yamaguchi paused so Duval could interject here, which the older woman did so a moment later.

"A Federation ship, you are sure of this?" Duval inquired.

Technically, Duval had just insulted Marie Yamaguchi's intelligence, but Yamaguchi opted to allow it to pass without thought or comment. "A Renown class Starship, the USS Queen Mary."

"I don't believe I'm hearing this," Duval answered quietly.

"Oh, it gets worse Admiral," Yamaguchi answered quietly.

"Okay, please continue..."

Yamaguchi nodded before going into her explanation. "We approached, then asked for an explanation, Queen Mary then fired upon us... Whats worse was they caught us with our shields down... The attack did heavy damage... We then retaliated, except they were reinforced twice by three other ships... The USS Michael Monsoor, a Century class starship... the USS Drake, a Chimera class starship, and the USS Holland, an Akira class starship."

"These three ships also attacked you?" Duval almost couldn't believe her ears.

"Indeed they did... The Queen Mary finished her business and then she glassed half a planet to cover up her crimes..." Yamaguchi answered. "My ship's logs and crew logs will explain many of the details... We still don't know why this all took place... A Klingon battlegroup showed up and attacked Queen Mary and her allies, that's when Stalingrad engaged the Queen Mary in battle... We were able to deal with two of the four attackers, we boarded them and took over both ships... With some help from the Klingons."

"Sounds like you got a right shitstorm there..." Duval answered. "Will the Klingons consider a joint-investigation into this matter or do they wish prisoners and won't budge?"

"I've not addressed that detail yet with the Klingon Admiral. I thought I'd call home and inform you of my shitstorm that I seem to have had a hand in creating out here Admiral." Yamaguchi answered.

"Marie." Jakes' voice came over the com system, as he stepped into view. "You're the person who's in charge out there. I hate putting you on the spot like this but we don't have any real options, we're short flag officers and Admiral Lasky can't send anyone to you." he paused. "Do whatever you think best to resolve this matter... But above all else, find out what happened and why this is taking place..."

"You got it, Jake. Starfleet's finest is on it." Marie answered as she nodded at her cousin. He was younger then she was but he had also earned his place where he was. "I'll report back when I have something new for you," Yamaguchi added.

"Understood Captain, keep us apprised of your progress. Duval out." and with that, the screen went black. Yamaguchi rose to her feet before she moved around her desk before heading back onto her bridge, there she found Commander Ken Noros. "Ken, gimme good news... That's an order." Yamaguchi said in a very tired tone of voice.

"Then I must respectfully, disobey," Noros answered with a soft sigh. "The Klingons are demanding prisoners," he explained.

"Lovely... What else is new today... What's our damage," Yamaguchi answered with a dry tone of voice.

"That's the good news, we're back to a hundred percent, Engineering outdid themselves this time. They stole... err I mean liberated half of Operations and security to do the job, but they made it work for us. We're ready to start the Hunt for the Queen Mary."

Yamaguchi smiled. "Good," she answered. "I need to deal with the Klingons... See if I can recruit them to the cause... But they may want something from us... So I need to be coy with them on the matter at hand." as she shook her head. "Zheng, hail the Klingon commander for me."

Zheng Jet turned his head. "I have him on secure channel two. Sir."

"In the ready room." and with that, Yamaguchi turned and retreated into the ready room.


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