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Laying Down the Brickwork - Part Two

Posted on Thu Jun 24th, 2021 @ 6:54am by Fleet Captain Marie Yamaguchi & Brigadier General Krann, Son of Magh'tor

Mission: Mission 110: Blue on Blue
Location: Various Locations - USS Stalingrad / IKS Korinar
Timeline: 1645Hrs - October 23rd, 2393

"In the ready room." and with that, Yamaguchi turned and retreated into the ready room. Yamaguchi went over to the wall monitor, she exhaled once and then inhaled once, before she reached out with her delicate-looking fingers and activated the display, she found herself with an angry-looking Klingon Admiral. "Admiral."

"Captain." Krann addressed her. "What will be done with your prisoners?" he decided to get right down to business, he was a busy man and his ship was damaged.

"I don't have a lot of options. I can't space them and I need information from them... Also, there is the matter of the colony and the missing citizens." Yamaguchi answered, she didn't want to give away too much in exchange for the Klingon's not shooting at her, but she was prepared to take them on if that was what the wished from her.

"Indeed," Krann answered. "I want restitution from the USS Queen Mary for what happened," he commented. "I also want prisoners," he explained his position in quick and simple terms.

Marie was not a fool, as she saw exactly where this was heading. "Well... Admiral. I do have a hunt to conduct... But would you agree to a joint investigation?" she inquired. "All information obtained would be shared equally... Then we can deal with the matter of prisoners..." she sighed as she knew he wouldn't agree to this. She was alone and would remain as such, there were no reinforcements available and she was simply too far from any allied help to arrive in time, even if such assets were available. Yamaguchi glared darkly at the Klingon before her as she needed to establish her dominance quickly and not feel like a trapped animal.

Krann regarded the woman before him, he knew of her from Kolar as he had spoken of Marie Yamaguchi and several others in very respectful tones. He knew not to underestimate this slight-looking female before him, she knew how to fight and she also knew how to win. What's more, was that she wasn't afraid to show her true feelings either. Krann smiled as he wondered what Marie Yamaguchi would be like in bed before he turned his attention back to the woman before him. "No. I want prisoners." as he reiterated his position. "Honor must be satisfied."

"Your group is in no position to attack me for them." Yamaguchi suddenly answered, as if she was reading his mind on the matter. "and please don't... I'd prefer not to kill my allies, even in self-defense." she added that last sentence in a light tone of voice. "My husband would be most displeased with me," she added, almost as a joke.

"Very well then." Krann paused. "What do you offer me?" he inquired of her. He decided to skip with the posturing and get to the raght and gagh of the discussion.

"I'd like to repair both ships... Enough for transit to Starbase Fifty-Four... Fleet Admiral T'Sara McKnight is based there... She will honor any agreement we hash out..." Yamaguchi would write up a report of all that had taken place including this conversation to the Admiral and ask that she honor it.

Krann was ready to point out that no agreement yet existed but ht opted to wait to see what she offered. "As I said, all information would be shared and the guilty will be punished to spend the rest of their lives on a penal colony." she paused. "Or... I could turn them over to you... and let you dispense with the matter at hand."

"You'd turn the guilty over... So easily?" Kraan paused. "The Captain of the Queen Mary... I want him." as he glared darkly at the human female before him.

"Done," Yamaguchi answered. "Captain Aiden Torel is his name... and he is a ruthless asshole," she explained.

"No matter," Krann answered. "Give me him and the one who executed an entire planet to cover the crimes of others... Then honor will be satisfied." he tossed in the last to underline his point.

Thus, there it was. Honor, that term was malleable and could be used to make or break anything, it was used to justify holy crusades and bloody wars of expansion, in the name of honor was a term not used lightly. "Very well Admiral... But I wish time with him first... I would have words with him..."

Krann nodded as he slowly smiled. "Very well. We will escort your captures to Starbase Fifty Four... But for the sake of my quest and my family's honor... I will accompany you on the hunt for the Queen Mary."

"I accept," Yamaguchi answered. "Do you require some engineers to help with your repairs?"

Krann paused. "No. My engineers have matters well in hand... We will be ready to leave within the hour..."

"Understood," Yamaguchi answered with a gentle smile on her lips.


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