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Sleepless in Stalingrad - Part Five

Posted on Thu Mar 19th, 2020 @ 10:50am by Captain Tienn Ezas & Captain Tienn Kerris & Commander Tienn Iteela & Tienn Jaina & Almar Pettar & Lieutenant Colonel Tienn Nerra

Mission: Mission 102: Sic Transit Tienn
Location: Various Locations - Utgarde IV
Timeline: 1245Hrs - July 25th, 2393

Tienn Iteela regarded the rest of her kin as they had their say on the matter before her and now she would have hers. "No.," she said simply. "Leave it be, Rachael and I discussed the matter before us and we more or less are working on the matter at hand, You will only make things worse."

Ezas regarded her younger sibling with a look akin to confusion. "You wish for her to get away with being an asshole on things, why?"

"Because it's not anyone else's matter to deal with, its mine, the twins are now in a place where they can be looked after properly, among family." the younger female explained. "Rachael was missing her own children, that's why she got attached to mine. Also, the situation with my dogs did not help matters either, they regarded Nebris as a threat as they were being overprotective of me." Iteela explained. "Rachael and I had a heart to heart and we discussed the matter, while she was dropping off the twins."

Tienn Jaina nodded her head. "When you went to collect her from her repairs the other evening?" she responded. "That explains much."

"Yes, while I did not like what she had to say on the matter, I did respect her for it, plus she did fix our two shuttles and help us with the water reclaimer," Iteela explained. "She did not need to assist us with our problems but she did," she added.

Ezas nodded. "Alright, then. I'll leave this one be.."

Kerris regarded her two siblings as they spoke before she added more or less the same sentiment as Ezas. "Working with Torilla should be educational."

"It will be, for you," Iteela answered. "Torilla is fair and reasonable. She was fair during the article fifteen I had to deal with, and through everything that happened afterward, the hanger deck fire and how I very nearly died that day." The younger Bajoran female let out a soft sigh. "I had almost no time to process events before the special security team showed up and trashed sickbay with me and a dozen others right along with it."

Ezas nodded her head. "I recall that event. I also recall Toshnarr wanted to murder than with extreme prejudice. So did a few others, to the point that Captain Vakar and Commander Lasky had to secure them on the Dreamcrusher."

"Captain Teval prefered his first name, rather then his last, I don't know why... I never asked." Iteela answered with a smile. "He wasn't a bad skipper, not like Zara Tane who was just out there in left field somewhere."

"I've heard about her from others, nobody I've talked to seems to know where she is assigned these days, I suspect that nobody cares either," Ezas answered as Kerris nodded her head. "I don't think asking Torilla for her opinion would be wise?"

"Noo." Ezas and Iteela both said at the same time. "Jake might be a better choice though as he was not directly involved in dealing with that disaster but I'd not ask Torilla on the subject," she added. "Not if you wish a decent working relationship with her, that is," Ezas added.

Kerris smiled. "Sounds good to me. I won't ask Torilla about her past but she will probably expect me to ask, in any case, I'll deal with it when it comes up."

Tienn Jaina sipped her drink. "Your dogs are settling in quite well Iteela. They now have the space they needed to get their energy out of their systems." she decided to change the subject. "I'm going to take them into town in the next few days and get them groomed. They should adjust well, once they get to know the other dogs we have here," she added.

Iteela smiled. "The twins?"

"They are in the local daycare and they seem to be enjoying living here, they have a lot of attention on demand and they have people to play with so they should settle in soon," Jaina explained. "They also seem leery around the dogs, that will go away in time. Where will you be assigned?"

"I'm being sent to the USS Cassini. She's a Vikrant class carrier and she's apparently testing some new kind of drive system, so we'll see how this all goes." the younger female smiled. "Maybe what I see, is out there and not here," she commented. "I've been wondering if I should go back into the field and try something new... So this assignment has me taking over as the second officer for the Cassini, it'll be interesting."

"So you'll be wearing red and not teal any longer.?" Ezas inquired.

"Yeah, it should be interesting," Iteela answered with a gentle smile. "Rachael and I talked, it was not a pleasant chat but we got the issues out in the open and.. I'm glad we could do that before I leave in two months time." the Bajoran inquired.

"So you two were able to resolve things then?" Pettar inquired, his first words since this conversation started.

"Yeah. Iteela answered with a smile. "Her main concerns were concerning the twins and now that that issue has been resolved,m our issues kinda went away."

Ezas sighed. "Good. I was wondering if I needed to go and yell at her."

"No, even if she and I had our issues, I don't need anyone else involved with the matter between her and myself, it would only make things worse and I am tired of making dumb decisions," Iteela commented.

"Good," Ezas answered evenly. "So you gonna be okay?" she added

Iteela nodded her head. "I will be in time. Once I figure out what to do about recent events and figure out how to move on from them," she added with a smile. "Come on guys, let's finish this lunch so we can go back to work or we'll never get anything else done today," she added.


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