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Of Mighty Kings - Part Two

Posted on Tue May 25th, 2021 @ 3:11pm by Commander Ken Noros & Commander Sohnaxx Dvald & Commander Ryan Saunders & Lieutenant Commander Hesutu M'kresst & Major Harry Stamper & Lieutenant Commander Jerzy Wojcik & Lieutenant Commander Katrina Sisko & Lieutenant Kira Stormrage & Lieutenant Kell Stormrage & Master Chief Petty Officer Horus Yamaguchi & Fleet Captain Marie Yamaguchi & Command Master Chief Petty Officer Tom "Guardian" Carter & Lieutenant Raeven & Brigadier General Krann, Son of Magh'tor & Commander Zheng Jet

Mission: Mission 110: Blue on Blue
Location: Various Locations - USS Stalingrad
Timeline: 0910Hrs - October 23rd, 2393

Lieutenant Kell Stoneheart held his silence as he guided the USS Stalingrad through the slipstream aperture that the ship's own drive systems had created as they rushed to answer a distress call from a Klingon colony, he was unsure as to what exactly was going on but then he didn't ask such questions most of the time, he had his spouse watching over the security aspects of the ship's personnel, also he was unsure how he felt about taking his children into battle since they were aboard this ship as well. Stoneheart trusted the ship's senior staff and if they were sure this was the best course of action then that alone, was enough for him.

Stoneheart turned his head as he quickly nodded to his wife who caught his eye with her own, she nodded back.

Yamaguchi smiled. "Hesutu, what's your status?" the commanding officer asked of the Captian, presently standing at tactical.

Lt Commander Hesutu M'kresst checked his pannel as he smiled. "All weapons are armed and ready for flight skipper, you tell me what to shoot at and they will die ten seconds later," he explained.

Noros regarded the Caitian. "I sure hope it won't come to that," he commented

"If it does then I am ready to ensure the threat is ended," M'kresst answered quietly.

"Arrival in ten seconds," Stoneheart added from his post, at the helm.

Yamaguchi watched in silence as the aperture opened and normal space appeared followed by a planet with several ships engaged in battle. There was one Federation Akira class destroyer engaged with several Klingon ships.

"Hail the Federation ship. Ask them what this is about.," Yamaguchi answered.

Lieutenant Raeven narrowed her eyes. "Belay that order," she commented suddenly. "Skipper, we're being hacked..." as she growled. "Oh, I will make you pay for this." and with that, the Stalingrad suddenly veered off her original heading. "They have access to the helm... I'm running a bypass now." as the unusual-looking human woman went to work. "They are trying to access our weapons..."

Suddenly, the com system beeped. "Engineering to Bridge... The ship's systems are going on and offline all over the ship. What's going on up there?" came the voice of Katrina Sisko.

"Someone's hacking us..." Noros answered. "We're working on it Katrina, we'll get back to you. Out."

Lt Commander Jerzy Wojcik frowned. "The source of the hack is the USS Holland. They are intent on either trying to destroy us or drive us off..."

Raeven tapped at the displays on her pannel. "Confirmed," she answered.

Yamaguchi growled. "Shut down our com system, initiate hard emissions controls." she paused as she turned to her tactical officer. "Target the Holland, disable their com system with a feedback pulse."

"Yessir, I'm on it." car the answer from M'kresst, on the display a yellow-coloured blast of energy impacted on the USS Holland's superstructure, and just like that, the control of the USS Stalingrad was restored. Raeven turned her head. "I now have full computer control again Captain."

"Nice." Yamaguchi answered as Noros tapped the com. "Engineering, damage report?"

"No physical damage, mostly just systems linkages all over the ship." came the answer from Sisko over the com system.

"Very well." Yamaguchi paused. "Target the Holland again, disable-wait, hold," she added as the Klingon ships finished with their regrouping before they attacked, the impacts of their weapons fire splashed against the Hollands shields as it tried to dissipate the incoming weapons fire, mostly succeeding but some shots managed to impact on the hull. Hollands return fire demolished one Klingon ship and scattered the other five ships.

Noros watched in silence, dismayed that someone in the Federation wanted Klingon blood. "Hail the Holland again..." he commented.

"No response." came the voice of Lieutenant Zheng Jet as a soft female sigh could be heard. "They're trying to hack us again." Lieutenant Raeven reported on the left side of the bridge.

Yamaguchi frowned. "Hail the Klingon Commander. I want some answers..." she added.

Zheng Jet nodded. "Aye Captain." he turned and went to work. A moment later the screen lit up with a Klingon ship's bridge as a large Klingon rose to his feet." What do you want Federation Captain?"

"I want some answers... I answered the colony's distress call about a Federation ship shooting at them... Then I come here and they start shit with me. I want some answers..."

"The simple truth is, we were attacked by this Federation ship, that showed up and demanded we surrender ourselves to them, we refused and have been fighting it out ever since..." came the answer from the Klingon officer. Marie narrowed her eyes. "Kolar?... No, it can't be."

That got a reaction from the Klingon Commander. "You know Kolar?" he asked, more as a growl than anything else.

"If you are who you appear to be... Then Commander Kolar, son of Magh'tor must be a sibling to you."

"He is my brother..." the Klingon answered. "I am Krann, eldest son of Magh'tor... Why are you in this fight.?"

"I came because the colony called for help..." Yamaguchi answered.

"I see... You are not allied to these dogs.?" Krann asked.

"No... I am not." Yamaguchi answered. "Helm, take us back into orbit over the colony and hold in geosynchronous orbit over the colony."

"Very well Captain, we shall not attack you... I expect you to abide by the same. Krann out." and with that, the screen reverted back to the stars of the galaxy.

"Status of the Holland?" Noros asked.

"They have suffered only moderate damage, the Klingons are in worse shape..." Zheng Jet answered. "Sir. I'm trying another warp signature. It's the Queen Mary."

"Nice, we can get this squared away really fast..." Yamaguchi answered with a smile, as the Queen Mary popped out of warp, as she began volleying off all of her weapons at the Stalingrad, hundreds of warheads began pounding into her shields and armour plating as Yamaguchi realized the depth of their betrayal. "Shit!" Yamaguchi screamed. "Helm, get us the hell out of here, any heading... Now!..."

The Stalingrad, venting smoke and fires from over two hundred hull breaches, was forced to withdraw, she turned and moved off towards the planets moons as the Klingon fleet was likewise attacked and scattered.


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