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The Windswept Tide - Part One

Posted on Sat Apr 30th, 2022 @ 2:23am by Division Admiral Rhaenys "Nighthawk" Dvald & Commander Sohnaxx Dvald & Commodore Siaxx "Bluemoon" Dvald-Vaxx MD & Post Captain Heris Dvald

Mission: Mission 121: The Mobius Loop
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1600Hrs - November 1st, 2393

It was early afternoon in the Dvald-Vaxx quarters as Herar was sitting at the table, he wasn't doing homework but he looked miserable. Siaxx gently sat down across from him. "What's the matter honey?" she asked in a gentle voice as Shonax landed on the table, he regarded the scene before him as the cat gently nudged the Bolian teenager before him with his nose.

Herar gently ran his hand through the cat's fur. "I dunno mom... A friend of mine was assaulted... and I don't know how to help her," he admitted.

Dvald-Vaxx regarded her eldest child with a look of sadness. "I'm sorry Herar..." she answered in a soft tone of voice. "I assume that she was raped, considering how you worded that statement." as Herar regarded his mother in silence. "I know what this will be like for her..." Siaxx added in a rather nonchalant tone of voice. "Would it help if you have a different perspective on the matter you face?"

"I don't know what to do... What to say to her that might help..." Herar admitted.

"Come on, let's go for a walk," Dvald-Vaxx commented with a smile. "Computer, are there any holosuites free?"

The response from the computer was instant. "There are eleven holosuites available for use at this time..."

"Reserve one of those for my use, any one of them... It doesn't matter, book it for thirty minutes from now..." Dvald-Vaxx rattled off her orders in rapid-fire succession. "Which holosuite is mine?" the small-framed female asked.

"holosuite eleven." came the answer, Dvald-Vaxx turned to her son. "Come on... Your brothers do not need to be present for this..."

Herar rose to his feet and followed his mother out the door and down the hall in silence. Dvald-Vaxx and her son entered a turbolift which wicked them to their destination, Dvald-Vaxx arrived at the holosuite a moment later. "Alright. Computer... Access the personal files of Sohnaxx Dvald... Acess family recording one one nine..." Dvald's voice grew husky as she said it, Herar noticed as he regarded his mother, he knew he was about to see something that was either deeply personal for her or something that bothered her. "Set for the beachfront at Risa, the Longshore Lagoon... on Stardate four five one seven three point six one." she paused. "Time index thirteen hundred hours..."

"Program complete, you may enter when ready." came the response from the computer. The doors parted and Siaxx Dvald-Vaxx entered, followed by her son. "Herar, do you see those two young ladies over there..." she pointed out her younger self and her twin.

"I do," Herar answered.

"Why don't you go and hang out with them," Dvald-Vaxx answered. "I wanna take a moment and enjoy the sun," she paused. "This was not a good time for me... I will explain when you are finished with those two..." Dvald-Vaxx slowly smiled as she watched her son move over towards the two holograms.

Herar admired the two Bolian females before him, he wondered who they both were as they both looked really hot, one could almost say smoking hot but he sat down near the girl in the one-piece suit but he noticed the eyes of the girl in the two-piece suit, they looked dead, portals into a world of pain and suffering.

"Computer," Herar commented softly while being mesmerized with the dark portals of pain on the girl's face tormented him. He wanted to take away her pain and make her smile again. "Run the program." and suddenly everything around him came to life.

It was high afternoon on the beach and the young Siaxx Dvald sighed softly as she looked down at the white liquid substance in her right hand as she proceeded to press her hands together. The young Bolian female bad been told it was sunscreen and it would help prevent her from burning even though she did not really care about the details of the matter at hand. Siaxx was numb and her entire family knew of why. Rhaenys, her twin noticed Siaxx's hesitation as she gently gave her sibling a hug. "Its okay Siaxx.."

No, it wasn't. It wasn't okay. Siaxx silently raged inside her own mind but saying it would serve no good purpose, only it would remind others of what she had endured, what she had been through and she was not going to go back there. "Sorry, I zoned out for a moment," Siaxx admitted to her sibling.

"It's not often we get to see a setting like this one, outside of a holodeck... I mean, taste that sea-air." Rhaenys grinned at her sibling. "Let me get your back Siaxx..." and with that, Siaxx turned to let Rhaenys tend to matters, as Rhaneys gently ran her hands over her twin's skin as she applied the sunscreen to Siaxx's upper body. The two women were wearing very little other than the usual female bathing nature, Siaxx preferred two-piece bikini's, and Rhaenys was wearing a one-piece suit.

Herar already realized that this was his mother when she was about his age, but he didn't know the details of what happened to her. "Mom, why you didn't tell us of this," he commented as he paused the program again. "Freeze program." as he gently touched the face of the hologram of his mother who at this point in life was a teenager. "Mom, what the heck happened to you?" he whispered softly. "Computer resume,"


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