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The Long Night of Solace - Part Two

Posted on Thu Mar 19th, 2020 @ 5:45am by Division Admiral Talon Yeager & Lieutenant Melody McKnight-Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 100: I'm Going to Ruin Somebody's Day
Location: McKnight Homestead - Utgarde Colony
Timeline: 1835Hrs - July 12th, 2393

Division Admiral Talon Yeager stepped out onto the patio where she knew Melody would be waiting for her, she let out a soft sigh as she had to atone for a crime not of her making but one that she had been accused of. "Melody?" Yeager asked aloud, as she didn't instantly see where Melody was located.

"Yeah, mom. I'm here." McKnight-Yamaguchi was seated in a chair nearby but facing away from her mother so Yeager couldn't see her.

Yeager raised an eyebrow at her daughters choice of location but she opted to not comment on it, she decided instead to address the main concern facing them both. "So, what's going on?" Yeager opted to test the water.

"Nothing, I wanted a few minutes to process what happened. Sure it was a hallucination and Dad explained the difference between real memories and fake ones, but... It makes little difference in how I feel." McKnight-Yamaguchi stated evenly.

"Because of what was said?" Yeager inquired of her daughter. "Between you and me."

"Dad explained that it wasn't you," McKnight-Yamaguchi answered evenly as she turned to face Talon. "I'm still not sure of what to feel on the subject."

"Why don't you share the memory with me and I can help you with it," Yeager answered with a gentle smile.

McKnight-Yamaguchi paused, she had not considered this as an option to deal with the issue before her, the young woman rose to her feet. "Alright. So long as you are sure of what you are prepared for."

Yeager raised an eyebrow as she was not sure of what that meant. McKnight-Yamaguchi advanced towards her mother. "Yes Melody, let's do this." clearly Yeager knew what she was talking about as she had done mindmeld's before with her daughter and with Orthos in the past.

"As you wish mom," McKnight-Yamaguchi answered as she knew that when her mother's mind was made up, she was ready and nothing would dislodge her from the path she had set for herself. Melody gently placed her hand on her mothers face, the younger female closed her eyes. "Mind mind to your mind... My thoughts..." she mumbled as the two of them started their merging of minds.

Yeager looked around as she quickly recognized her surroundings, a quartermasters workspace, a desk with two computer workstations, which was an odd setup but then Yeager was more weapons and tactics rather than computers and warehousing, she was not the expert of numbers that McKnight-Yamaguchi was and nor did she begrudge her daughter this, she had earned her space in Starfleet and Yeager knew it.

Yeager regarded the scene in silence as she knew that what followed was going to be good, she was not disappointed when McKnight-Yamaguchi received an incoming message. She tapped the display once as Yeager watched as her own face appearing on the display, she raised an eyebrow as she noted. 'This is gonna be bad.' she thought to herself as Yeager instantly started yelling at McKnight-Yamaguchi about lack of her order, something about transwarp gates and missing parts. McKnight-Yamaguchi was shocked and so was Yeager. Talon knew she had never addressed her children like so ever

Yeager winced as she watched her daughter take a pummeling from herself over the course of the conversation which lasted about ninety seconds before Yeager hung up on McKnight-Yamaguchi. Yeager watched in silence as a clearly shocked McKnight-Yamaguchi went back over her paperwork in silence.

Yeager watched, also in silence as her daughter got angry, as she flung a PADD into the far bulkhead. "What the fuck mom!" McKnight-Yamaguchi snarled. "I mean, you call me and you bitch at me and for what!" she added.

Yeager regarded McKnight-Yamaguchi. "Are you addressing me?" she asked of the younger woman.

McKnight-Yamaguchi turned her head. "No." she answered in a quiet tone of voice. "But now you know mom," she added.

Yeager nodded her head. "I do. I'm sorry Melody," he added in a quiet tone of voice, she left unsaid that it wasn't her but she didn't need to say anything. The two women were sharing one mind as the two had full access to each other, their personalities quickly blended into one with all of their memories. Talon felt her daughter sever the connection and suddenly the mind meld ended.

Yeager sighed softly as she blinked her eyes. "Well, that was more of a surprise when I was expecting. But I see now... Why you thought it was me."

"I know mom," McKnight-Yamaguchi answered quietly.

"I'm sorry sweetie, for what was said," Yeager answered in a quiet tone.

"It wasn't you," McKnight-Yamaguchi responded. "I should have known better."

"You get a call from me, at your desk and how were you to know it wasn't me?" Yeager answered. "It could have been me, sticking in a request for gear or supplies, or asking you if you were free for dinner tonight..." Yeager explained. "How would you know otherwise?"

"You make an excellent, if somewhat uncomfortable point," McKnight-Yamaguchi admitted. "But it'll be okay, once I process that this was a hallucination of my fears."

"It'll be alright sweetie," Yeager answered with a smile. "Just know that no matter what happens, I'll never address you like that. I have to set an example even in the face of the insane, to set an example for my other children... "

"How is everyone else doing?" McKnight-Yamaguchi asked.

"I'll tell you over dinner. Shall we head on inside?" Yeager inquired with a smile.

"Sounds good. Let's go eat." McKnight-Yamaguchi turned and went back inside. Yeager followed in silence.


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