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The Insanity of the Dvald's - Part One

Posted on Sat Mar 14th, 2020 @ 3:47am by Division Admiral Andrew Whiteshadow & Division Admiral Rhaenys "Nighthawk" Dvald & Commander Alec Rota & Commodore Siaxx "Bluemoon" Dvald-Vaxx MD & Lieutenant Commander Shandis "Darkmoon" Dvald-Festlin

Mission: Mission 96: Settling Accounts
Location: Various Locations - Starbase 12
Timeline: 0830Hrs - September 9th, 2392

Cloudkit straightened out his fur and his whiskers. It had already been a long day and a long night as he had been at this for well over twenty hours, this would be his last interviewee before he would go home for some badly needed sleep. Four more infiltrators had been captured and there was still half of the Farragut's crew left to interview. He looked at the list then said to starbase security. "Alright, bring me the next person, Siaxx 'Nighthawk' Dvald."

Rota nodded before he did just that. He returned later with an irate-looking Bolian female. "Let go of me already. I keep telling you, you got the wrong Dvald." the small Bolian explained, a trifle hotly. "I am Siaxx Dvald, not Rhaenys Dvald, my twin and not whoever this woman is, that you are chasing." the small Bolian explained.

"How do I know?" Rota responded. "You three women were identical. How can people tell you apart?"

"I just gave birth not long ago, you ignorant ape. A simple check via any tricorder will confirm this fact you imbecile." Dvald answered smoothly. "How in Valens name did you survive your childhood?" she added. "Are you always this dense?" the female Bolian glared at him.

"Silence woman, Sit down." Rota all but shoved her into a chair.

"By all the gods, in all the religions of every world in existence, I hate you so much," Siaxx explained quietly as she gave him a dirty look. "You are a vile creature, Do you get off on abusing people?" she growled a moment later.

"Look, woman, shut it or else!" Rota responded with a soft growl.

P'relle looked at Siaxx and asked. "Alright so are you Siaxx 'Nighthawk' Dvald?"

Siaxx simply facepalmed. "No!." The small Bolian wanted to scream loudly. "I am tired of this endless shit!. I've said this fifty times. No, I am not Siaxx 'Nighthawk' Dvald. I am Siaxx 'Bluemoon' Dvald. I am the native of this reality. I can also prove it too." she indicated Rota. "The statute here doesn't want to listen to me," she growled.

"You are mean to my people," Rota responded in a dismissive tone.

"Because you deny my right to prove my innocence, you mindless barbarian," Dvald answered. "You also ignored the three of us for four days.." the small Bolian female added a moment later.

P'Relle could sense particular hostility between siaxx and Rota, so she asked Rota. "Can you please step out of the room for a bit."

"Sure. Will you behave?" he addressed Siaxx.

Siaxx growled softly as she twitched ever so softly but she didn't say anything.

Rota chuckled as he departed, clearly he as enjoying riling up the small Bolian female present. Whiteshadow sighed softly. "Ms. Dvald. Take a moment to calm yourself before we proceed."

"Yes," Dvald answered softly. She exhaled softly before she inhaled, while she worked to calm herself. One could quite literally see the smoke coming out of her ears.

P'Relle took a moment to look over her paperwork, while Cloudkit asked. "Who signed off on placing Dvald in the brig."

"Captian Teval Vakar," P'Relle answered.

Cloudkit nodded then called for Teval to come. After about 5 minutes Teval showed up, and P'Relle asked. "Captain Vakar, just for confirmation, is this our Siaxx Dvald or the one from the alternate universe."

Teval looked at Dvald, puzzled at first then he then answered, "she is from our universe, why is she in here?"

Siaxx blinked her large eyes. "Precisely the question I have been asking since I was arrested without charge four days ago." she turned her head. "Rota. I hate him. He has been keeping me locked up like a fucking animal for the last four days and it ends now." the small Bolian growled angrily.

Teval sighed then commented. "Yeah, I can see why the guards kept you and released the other one."

Dvald growled softly at him. "You are not funny. I recommend you work on your sense of humor, it'll really help you." her temper smoldered.

Whiteshadow sighed. He wanted the small Bolian calm, not angry. "Guys!" he snapped. "Where is the other Siaxx Dvald now?" he commented, it sounded more like a demand. "Who signed the paperwork to release an imposter?" he growled.

Teval answered Whiteshadow first, "Alec Rota would have signed the release, as it is his brig, as for where the other Dvald is, probably on the Manticore." He then turned his attention to Siaxx, "And you need to work on lightening up, you put yourself through way too much stress."

Siaxx regarded him in silence, her dark eyes said much. Whiteshadow turned to Cloudkit. "Send a team over to the Manticore, she is present here in the system."

Cloudkit nodded while Teval then asked. "So do you need Siaxx here anymore."

Cloudkit shook his head. "No, she is free to go."

Teval then turned his attention to Siaxx, "So you want to go get something to eat?." He inquired of her. "I can hear your stomach grumbling."

"Yes," Siaxx responded. "That sounds wonderful. Let's do that. I need food." she rose to her feet and followed him out the door. Meanwhile, the four CSI agents escorted the other Siaxx Dvald in for questioning.

P'Relle looked at her paperwork then looked at Nighthawk, "Alright, now that that confusion is out of the way, We want to ask you a few questions."

Nighthawk nodded. "Sounds good to me. What do you guys wanna know?" the small Bolian inquired as she slid her form into a chair. "At least you waited until I was finished with my food. Thank you for that," she added.

P'Relle moved to her first questions. "Alright first thing is first, you have two choices to make. you can either ask for refugee status here in the federation and become apart of this Federation. Or if you want to go back to your other reality, we will have to hold you as a POW until we can get the opportunity to negotiate your transfer to the other reality. That choice is completely up to you."


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