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Gone Fishin

Posted on Fri Mar 13th, 2020 @ 5:37am by Captain Daniel "Karass" McKnight & Division Admiral Celeste Yamaguchi-Hobbs & Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Nettles

Mission: Mission 94: Shattered Shields and Crack'd Swords
Location: Various Locations - USS Dreamcrusher
Timeline: 1200Hrs - 10th July, 2392

Lt Commander Jennifer Nettles sighed as she regarded Lieutenant Kameron Yamaguchi, he was the man, who according to rumor had been tipped to replace Nettles herself as this ships chief operations officer so she saw him more of a threat rather than a fellow officer, she routinely went out of her way to cause him issues and she took every opportunity to give him attitude for things that were her issues rather than his, today was measuring up to be another bad day for Kameron.

"I don't like this report, it's not done right. Do it again and you'll have it done before you go off watch." Nettles hissed angrily at him.

Yamaguchi regarded her with a raised eyebrow. "That's nice sir but I don't-" was as far as he got before she silenced him. "Do not finish that sentence Lieutenant. Let's not waste time with arguing over who will win this problem that you have with following orders. As in my orders."

"As I was saying, that's nice but I do not answer-" was as far as he got when she simply began talking over him so Kameron simply carried on with what he was saying. "I do not answer to you, I'm glad I don't because you are just unreasonable."

"Get out of my face until that's done right." Nettles snapped back.

Yamaguchi turned and walked out of her office, he was a fellow department head and he felt he was being treated unfairly. Captain McKnight meanwhile was heading the other way. "Woah, El Tee. Wheres the fire?" he inquired of Yamaguchi in a jovial tone.

"Anywhere that's not here skipper." Yamaguchi tried desperately to cover it over but he failed rather pathetic.

"Whats on your mind Lieutenant, you look like someone beat the crap out of your missus," McKnight commented, he knew that Yamaguchi had taken his wife's last name as his own otherwise he would have addressed him as Solusar. "What happened?" he inquired in a tone that brooked no argument.

"Lt Commander Nettles just ripped me a new one because according to her I can't write reports correctly."

"Really. That the report in question?" McKnight inquired as he nodded to the PADD in Yamaguchi's hand.

"Yessir." as McKnight plucked it out of Yamaguchi's hand. "Let me see," he commented. "I've had issues with her for awhile and so have others on the crew. Apparently, Celeste wants to murder her in her sleep but, you didn't hear me just say that."

"Heard ... What sir. Sorry I missed that." Yamaguchi answered in a deadpan tone what was half convincing.

"Good answer son." McKnight smiled. "Mmm... This report is fine. Whats her issue with it?" McKnight looked confused.

"She said it wasn't up to her specs and told me to redo it."

"No. I am overruling her and why are you answering to her anyway. You are a senior officer and a department head." McKnight answered. "I will deal with her, you carry on with your other issues and leave this... With me. Go have an extended lunch break Kameron, you look like you could do with it and go back to work an hour late. Take your wife with you as I know she needs the time off. That woman works way too hard."

"Aye skipper. Thanks." and with that, the two men parted company. McKnight went to Nettles office and he simply walked into her office. "Ms. Nettles, I'm having you reassigned off of this ship, you've caused me no end of issues and I have my limits on what I will deal with."

"Oh, that's fine. I got other offers anyway." Nettles responded in a snide tone of voice.

"You don't deserve your rank or station as you have caused this ship more issues than anyone else. You wanted to go back to science full time, well I'm going to give you your wish. You're being assigned to the USS Tigers Claw as their new Science Chief. Captain Morales has already been informed as to the situation and why he is taking you without anyone else's consent."

"You can't do this," Nettles answered.

"Yes, I can actually," McKnight answered. "I have the right to deal with issues under my command as I deem fit. You forget that I've done this before when I was commanding the San Fransisco. Back then, I would never have allowed your issues to arise in the first place as you want a science posting on a starbase, somewhere quiet where you can do your work and not be noticed and have nobody to rely on you to help them."

Nettles held her silence, as he was hitting rather close to home.

McKnight sighed. "You're done When you go off watch pack your things and turn your quarters over to the quartermaster. I want you off this ship by oh nine hundred tomorrow otherwise I'll have security kick you off. You will be on the Tigers Claw in three days time. You can take your work and assignments, whatever they are with you if you are so inclined but, you are gone. I'll assign your replacement to handle whatever you miss."

With all that out of his system. McKnight turned and walked out of the door, his next stop was his office. He tapped his combadge. "McKnight to Yamaguchi. Celeste, be in my office in five minutes, please. We must talk."

"Mmm... Okay.. Roger that skipper." the sound of his Exec sounded dull and tired but she was nursing a young infant, this was to be expected. Also, she had been woken from sleep. "I'm on my way," she added a moment later,

"Thank you, Celeste. McKnight out." he tapped his combadge.

Meanwhile, in the Yamaguchi's quarters, the Caitian kits were all in daycare and so was Jackson, this gave Celeste a badly needed break and she was going to use it for sleeping in and getting some badly needed rest but fate it seemed had other plans for her this fine day. Celeste dragged herself out of bed, working quickly, she donned her uniform including jacket and boots before she went out the door. The skipper's tone had indicated he was in anything other then a talking mood.

Celeste yawned as she walked into a turbolift car. "Bridge." The lift sped into motion, stopping moments later as Celeste walked out onto the moderately lit bridge of the Dreamcrusher.

The chocolate-skinned female entered her bosses office to find McKnight already sitting behind his desk. "What'dya want?" Celeste inquired in a low tone of voice, one who didn't know he could easily assume she was angry but McKnight knew better as he was the direct cause of this one. He had bothered her on one of a few days off that she was going to be getting. She wasn't angry, she was extremely tired.

"We need a new Chief Operations Officer to replace Ms. Nettles." McKnight regarded her, he watched Celeste's dour look instantly brighten. "Ahh, so you came to your senses and listened to me after all then.?" Yamaguchi inquired "Here I was thinking you didn't trust me at all."

Choosing to not answer her second statement was probably a good move for McKnight to do. "Well she did fuck up with Lieutenant Yamaguchi but that happened before I could deal with her," McKnight answered. "So, who do we select?" he handed her a PADD.

Yamaguchi slid her lithe form into a chair, thanks to her wife's physical training on the holodeck and the running she was having Celeste doing every evening for four hours, Celeste had all but demanded her wife teach her how to defend herself so she could do more than break pots over peoples skulls or snipe people from long range because her close quarters battles skills sucked. "Let's see. Mmm Marcos. No, he's a malcontent. skip him." she commented.

"What about Henderson?" McKnight inquired. "He's got all the right marks."

"He's a womanizer, he'll try bedding me and my wife at the same time. No. Skip him too." she paused. "What about this guy. Rutland?"

"Rutland?" McKnight inquired. "Where's he?"

"Right down at the bottom," Yamaguchi answered. "I started with the worst and work my way backward." she paused. He's a farm boy, from Arcadia, says he's brutally honest with others and is an excellent team player." she began to smile widely. "I like this guy," she admitted. "What do you think?"

McKnight pulled up Rutland's file. "Mmm. Let's see. He gets top marks from his last three skippers, the last one said he tried to adopt Rutland as his brother, he's apparently an asset to Starfleet Operations in wherever he serves." McKnight paused as he regarded Yamaguchi who was seated across from him. "Let's make this one your choice, shall we?"

"Done. I want Rutland." Yamaguchi answered. "If he works out then I'll take him to bed and fuck him senseless," she added, with a bright smile on her face.

"Celeste, you are an unending source of astonishment." McKnight quipped in a soft tone before letting out a sigh. "We'll get this done and then you can go back to bed."

"A wise plan, my wife will thank you for it." Yamaguchi smiled. "I know the kids will want to play and I'll be miserable. You know how it is right?"

"You want Orthos. He has raised children, I've never had any." Karass commented with another sigh. "I've never found the right lady."

"She's out there Daniel," Yamaguchi answered. "Who knows. Maybe you'll end up dating Courtney Yamaguchi. God knows she needs friends."

"Maybe I can try her, who is she in this reality." McKnight inquired.

"Marie. My older sister." Yamaguchi answered. "From what I've heard and seen of her. Courtney has been through a lot so if she is assigned here, be easy with her."

"Okay," McKnight answered. "Thanks Celeste, why don't you go on back to bed. I can handle the rest of this work."

"Right." and with that, Celeste rose to her feet and departed in silence.


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