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Klingons Love Surprise Attacks

Posted on Fri Mar 13th, 2020 @ 3:33am by Rear Admiral Heather Yamaguchi-Johnson & Captain Tolian Brevik & Fleet Captain Racheal Yamaguchi & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 92: O War! Thou Holy Son of Hell, Whom angry Heavens do Make their Minister,
Location: B Kayor system
Timeline: June 25th 2392

Nevanzi Jeko looked at the latest reports from his fighter groups who were on patrol throughout the system. They kept running across sensor ghosts, which indicates that someone was sneaking around in the system, but he had yet to get a definitive reading on whom it was. As a precaution, he had much of his fleet return to the system, except for those that were still busy setting up teleporter gate relay stations. However, he decided enough was enough. He looked to Kasana who was in her command chair, saying. "Alright Kasana, let's go find out whats out there."

Kasana nodded and directed her ship, the Washaibo's to move on the nearest cluster of sensor ghosts.

Rachael Yamaguchi was seated in front of a computer terminal, doing research for her own goals regarding how to deassimilate massive numbers of Borg. She noted that massive numbers of EMH's were critical and would be key for this effort.

Meanwhile around the planet was several dozen of Roanoke's former crew. Lieutenant Tolian Brevik smiled as he was presently hiking alone through the mountains of this moon, he found that he relished the location and the long nights and long days also helped him with his various issues.

Meanwhile back at the Federation base. Rear Admiral Heather Yamaguchi-Johnson had just been reunited with her husband not that long ago, he was taking the kids out camping as she went into the base command center. "Hey, guys. My ships are reporting sensor ghosts in the system. Whats going on?"

Wukari, who had her unit stuck on B kayor while they waited for a new ship was in the command center," Yeah, my fighters and the Akurian fighters are picking up the same thing. Nevanzi is getting the Washaibo's ready to sniff them out.

Heather ran her hand over her lower jaw, clearly deep in thought. "Mmm.. It could be a few things." she shrugged. "It could be the precursor to an ion storm." she shrugged. "it could also be cloaked ships too."

"We will find out soon enough," Wukari commented as she watched the Washaibo's move off.

Kasana had her ship power up its main sensor array and aim it at the nearest cluster. Studying the readings as they came up, she determined that whatever it was, the objects were artificial, but she couldn't tell what. Minutes passed by as the Washaibo's moved closer to the targets. Once they got close enough, Kasana turned to her tactical officer," Alright, fire off a bunch of pulse missiles at that ghost. set them to detonate at a distance of 600,000 to 2,000,000 kilometers."

The tactical officer nodded and the Washaibo's 100 cm rail missile launchers came to life. 576 100 cm rail launched missiles left their tubes, screaming towards the target area. The missiles themselves weren't designed to kill targets. Rather they were designed to emit a powerful pulse of energy that would disrupt the cloaking systems of any ship or mine caught within 30,000 kilometers of the detonation of the warhead. Though Kasana wasn't entirely sure of the pulse missiles would work against the cloaking devices utilized by Alpha quadrant powers, her question was answered only seconds after the first missiles detonated, revealing multiple very surprised Klingon ships at a range of 750,000 kilometers.

The Klingon ships caught in the blast radius of the missiles didn't know what to expect. One moment, they believed their cloaks would protect them. The next moment, their cloaks were rendered worthless. Though the missiles did no direct harm to the ships, they made their cloaks useless and confused their sensor systems. the pulse missiles also burned out the sensors of the mines the Klingons were busy laying. A few of the mines even detonated, and one unfortunate Klingon ship got caught by the detonation of its own mine. The others, once they recovered from their surprise, immediately opened fire, using SCP disruptions and long range missiles. Kasana was glad that she had the prudence to raise her shields before hand.

Heather Yamaguchi-Johnson raised an eyebrow. "Oh shit," she commented in a rather dry tone of voice. "I assume you raised the planetary energy shield?" she inquired. "Most of my ships were below it but not all." she paused as she tapped her combadge. "Yamaguchi-Johnson to Yankee Clipper?"

All she got back was static. "Shit!" Heather added a moment later.

Nevanzi's orders were quick. Even though his flagship was being fired upon as it raced back to the planet, he contacted Ukia Erivai. "Ukia, raise the planetary force fields and defense fields now."

Ukia immediately obeyed without question, and she ordered all the defense satellites to power up. Within seconds of coming online, the satellites created a powerful force field around the planet and everything within 30,000 kilometers of the planet's surface. Fortunately, it protected the vast majority of the Akurian fleet from surprise attack.

While all Akurian service members were rushing to their ships to man them, hundreds of Klingon ships began to decloak and attack any ships, not inside the planetary force field. Nevanzi sent out a distress call. "This is Commodore Nevanzi Jesko, this is a priority one distress signal to all ships in range, the B kayor system is under attack from Klingon forces and we need immediate assistance."

Meanwhile on the USS Yankee Clipper. Captain Elizabeth "Beth" Jones began shouting orders to everyone in sight as she was caught flatfooted by the massive Klingon attack. "How many ships?" she asked

"At least several hundred at present sir. Mostly smaller ships.." came the response. "There is also something of a static mine shell present too, most of the mines are non-operational."

"Lovely. Order all Federation ships above the shield to form up on us." Jones responded.

Kasana managed to get her ship behind the forcefield just in time, as Wasahibo's shields were nearly drained. However, she fired off her entire missile load just before passing through the barrier, destroying several Klingon ships with the volley. Nevanzi then contacted the old DS9 station next. Wukari took his call.

"Wukari, I suggest you evacuate that station, it won't stand up for very long if the Klingon's manage to break through the planetary energy shield."

Heather Yamaguchi-Johnson sighed. "Lovely. Alright." she paused as she turned to the Operations Chief. "Start the evacuation of this base. Send everyone planetside."

Wukari nodded and started evacuating her people, while Nevanzi tried to contact the Federation.

6th Legate Yukrin Karav tried to avoid getting involved in the fight, but the Klingons had other ideas. Most of her group of ships were still outside the planetary energy shields when the Klingons attacked her. Yukrin however calmly commanded her battle group, "All ships, target those two Vo'Quv carriers at my designated coordinates."

She then types out the target coordinates on her chair's command pad, picking two Vo'Quv carriers that were hiding behind a planet 14 million kilometers away. However, they weren't hiding good enough as one of her stealth fighter patrols had them targeted. On her command, her four Legate Damar class cruisers launched half of their complement of long-range anti-ship cruise missiles.

These missiles were based on the technology pioneered by the dreadnought missile, however, these missiles were much smaller, and didn't have the range or defenses of the original dreadnought missile. But they used a quantum based warhead, so they were more powerful than the original dreadnought, and, they utilized stealth technology, which enabled them to cover 95% of the distance undetected.When they were finally detected by a Klingon CSP, they had point defense compression beams and micro-torpedoes to fend off fighters, and the Klingon CSP found this out the hard way.

Though the CSP managed to destroy over a dozen missiles, it was only a small fraction of the number of missiles fired, and the CSP was destroyed in return. the Klingon carriers didn't stand a chance. Though their point defense nailed more missiles, their defenses were overwhelmed. Their shields collapsed and their hulls burned away from the powerful explosions, leaving them as little more than burnt-out husks. Four Cardassian heavy cruisers had deprived the Klingon of two of their largest fleet carriers.

Kasana took notice of this event on the Washaibo's. "Well, looks like the Cardassians may have even more powerful anti-ship cruise missiles than we do."

Nevanzi nodded as 6th legate Karav said over the Comm. "We are here to fight by your side."

"We're glad you're here," Nevanzi replied.

Meanwhile, the Federation force was also getting shot at. "Captain, we've got Cardassians coming in. They are.." the man paused. "Shooting at the Klingons."

"I don't believe it," Jones responded quietly. "The Cardassians fighting with us against the Klingons."

Jones paused. "Hail the Cardassian command ship." she paused as the connection was made. "Hailing Cardassian commander. It's good to see you, My forces stand ready to stand beside you."

6th Legate Karav nodded. "Well the Klingon didn't give us much of a choice, I am contacting the CDF now, they might be able to send us some ships."

Jones turned. "Have our ships form up with the Cardassians. Tell them the Cardassians are friendlies," she ordered.

"Aye skipper." came the response.

"Sir, we have additional contacts and lots of them." came the response from the Operations officer.

Jones sighed. "Stand by for defensive fire." she paused. "Helm, get us some room to maneuver. We do not need to get trapped next to this energy shield." as she sat down in her command chair. "Order all ships to fall back to the next moon out in the system."

Nevanzi looked at the situation grimly. Unless they could get reinforcements soon, they were in serious trouble.


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