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Torilla Returns: Elizabeth and Kameron

Posted on Thu Mar 12th, 2020 @ 5:21am by Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Lieutenant Commander Kameron "Foehammer" Solusar-Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 87: Torilla Returns
Location: Various Locations - USS Dreamcrusher
Timeline: 2000Hrs May 28th, 2392

Lieutenant Elizabeth Yamaguchi sighed softly, the larger than average woman was taking a shower as she felt the scalding hot water wash over her body while she stood under the water as it poured onto her hair and skin, it was almost a joke that whenever Elizabeth had a shower, it looked like she had spent a couple of hours tanning as she was a much darker shade of her usual skin tone then she was whenever she started. She was usually a mocha tone most of the time but when she was done, she was a dark shade of coffee as she preferred to be blowtorched when taking a shower.

She smiled as she finished soaping up her hair with soap before she began washing it all out with both hands, the soap washing over her form from her shoulders down towards her feet, the effects of gravity doing its work in silence as Elizabeth took something of a guilty pleasure in one of the last comforts available to her on short notice.

In addition to recent events, Elizabeth also missed her cats. Avalanche and Comet were her near constant companions and she missed her companion and now the newly pregnant female was miserable and she knew her husband was unhappy too, he likewise missed their cats as well but he had yet to come out and say as much.

The tall female sighed softly as she finished washing the soap from her tall frame, before she finished washing the long mane that was her hair, it went halfway down her back and required a lot of care and attention so she decided that it was time for a change and a hair cut as she decided she would go down to the barber's in an hour to get things sorted out for herself.

The Dreamcrusher was a twenty-four-hour ship and everything about her was staffed around the clock and at all times. This was a fact that Elizabeth really liked about serving on this ship, the thought went through her mind as she gathered her hair and squeezed out as much water as she could before she turned off the shower water, she then wiped down her arms, her legs, and her torso, removing any excess water from her frame as she did so.

The tall female then stepped out of the shower before she dropped herself with two large towels before she moved into the bedroom. 'I still can't believe mom's alive. Or is she?' Elizabeth asked of herself. 'My, aren't we melodramatic in the evening.' she added to herself. 'Now who's being paranoid?' She asked herself.

Elizabeth let the thought die in her mind as she proceeded to dry and then don her new clothing that she had replicated before starting her shower. Elizabeth only ever had five pairs of underwear, socks, and t-shirts. She had three uniforms at any one time and a dress uniform along with a formal gown and a cocktail dress for special events, she also had three pairs of shoes, one was with the uniform, the second was for the dress uniform and the last was a pair of sneakers. Calling Elizabeth a minimalist was being very blunt about it as anything else she needed, she could simply replicate in her size.

Kameron Yamaguchi was sitting cross legged in the center of their living room, several small scent makers clustered around him, his hands were resting on his knees but with the Palm's up as he meditated. As the door closed behind her, his eyes opened. "Beth," he commented quietly. "Are you okay?"

"I don't know.. I mean I had just started to process the news that mom was dead. It happened a week and a half ago and I'm still only now just starting to come to terms with the fact that mom's dead and is never coming back. But now this."

"I feel it too," Kameron responded quietly. "I'm just as confused as you are."

"You don't seem like it," Yamaguchi responded quietly.

"That's because I meditate and I have learned to control my emotions and urges, granted I still have a-ways to go but I am heading towards true mastery over oneself as well as my environment."

"Right, the mark of a true warrior," Elizabeth responded. "I recall Tom teaching me about the precepts of war and how they might be used in various situations." she sighed. "Bah!" she growled. "My relationship with Tom Lasky has been fucked up since day one."

"You didn't ask for what happened to happen Beth. Tom spoke very highly of you. In his eyes, you were a light shining down a very dark and very narrow road. You led the way for him to safety, you also gave him time to come to terms with other events. Like your mom wanting to abort Kurt. We both know she was going to do it and there wasn't a damned thing anyone could do to stop her. You chose to give that child life."

"I know," Elizabeth responded softly. "I carried my mothers last baby to term. I gave Kurt Lasky a life and Tom, something to hold onto and a light he can carry when all other lights go out. Because if the hope he'll see his son again doesn't bring him back.. Then he is lost." she sighed softly. "If he does get killed in action. I'd like to take in Kurt Lasky and raise him as our own."

"You do not need to ask my blessing Beth. Recall I was pushing you to not give him up in the first place." Kameron responded quietly. "But yes, he'll be raised with our other children." he paused. "But leave his last name as Lasky. There is no need that his name should die with him."

"Agreed," Elizabeth responded. "We are at war after all and we should be prepared." the tall woman shook her head. "That does not mean I need to like it though."

"I sure don't like it," Kameron responded lightly. "But then who said we had to like it," he commented as he watched Elizabeth pull her sneakers onto her feet, one at a time. "Where you heading"?

"I need a haircut," she commented. "It keeps getting in the way and I think a change would be good."

"Alright. Want me to come with?" Kameron inquired of her.

"Nah. Finish your meditation. Besides you enjoy it. I wish I could learn how." Yamaguchi let out a soft sigh.

"When you get back. I'll start teaching you how it's done." Kameron explained with a smile.

"Sounds good." and with that. Elizabeth departed her home without another word said.


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