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The Cries of Calliope - Part Two

Posted on Wed Mar 11th, 2020 @ 3:22am by Lieutenant Colonel John "Hammer" Burgoyne & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Lieutenant Commander Calliope Pravdin-Burgoyne & Division Admiral Celeste Yamaguchi-Hobbs

Mission: Mission 84: The Ghastly Echoes of Vietnam
Location: USS Dreamcrusher - Sickbay
Timeline: 1000Hrs - May 1st, 2392

A dozen casualties appeared in the medical reception area where the various medical personnel gathered proceeded to come over and quickly triage them. "Alright. This one has a sucking chest wound. move him into surgery stat." Commander Celeste Yamaguchi-Hobbs commented as she pointed to the surgery ward nearby.

Two orderlies carried out her order without question as they carried off the first patient. "This one is dead.." she sighed softly as she tapped the marine once, as two more orderlies carried the human male away. "Okay. This guy is moderately wounded but he could be poisoned. Take him over there. Preferably to Lieutenant Donald Shepard but Lt Commander Tanya Stevenson is she's available."

Celeste regarded Colonel John Burgoyne as she narrowed her eyes. "Disruptor blast to the back... Move this guy into surgery stat." as she finished triaging the last of the wounded.

It was relatively steady but not insanely busy on this fine day in Dreamcrusher's sickbay. Mostly thanks to the battle of Halen'goran raging below, the vast majority of the casualties went to the Akurian ships as they simply had more people and more resources. The Federation personnel that were wounded went to their own ships and now the medical personnel was showcasing their skills in the battle to save as many people as possible.

In the surgery suite. Lieutenant Calliope Pravdin sighed as she finished with her most recent patient. "Alright.. Take this guy to recovery.." she paused a moment to gather her wits as she breathed out and then back in. "Alright. Next!"

The orderlies removed her most recent patient and Pravdin felt her heart stop as her husband, lying on a stretcher was placed before her. "John no." Pravdin whimpered softly before she blinked, while she pushed away from her thoughts and began the operation to save her husband's life.

Pravdin had a horrible feeling that only solidified into a chunk of nitrogen ice as it wrapped its way around her heart, her husband was leaving her as he was dying and there wasn't anything she could do. "No!" Pravdin screamed down at him. "Stay with me John!" she yelled loudly. "Dammit... don't leave me now!" she added, it was almost a desperate plea.

She heard the flat tone of cardiac arrest, his heart had stopped. "Dammit.!" as she went to work. "Paddles.. charge.. set at forty.." as she accepted them before she shocked her husband once, then twice and then three times before she gave him ten chest compressions, then she gently kissed him as she breathed out into his lungs, then she shocked him again.

Pravdin had tears streaming down her face as she fought tenaciously, some would say she fought heroically to save her husband's life but after twenty minutes which honestly was long after she should have stopped. She whimpered as he was gone and he was never coming back.

"Make... make a note.. in.. in the log." Pravdin whimpered. "Death of John Burgoyne occurred at ten oh four hours.." she paused. "Goodbye John.," she added softly.

"You knew him?" Yamaguchi-Hobbs inquired, a sad look in her eyes.

"He was my husband," Pravdin responded softly. "I knew him well."

"Oh god... I'm so sorry.." Yamaguchi-Hobbs responded. "Let me clean this up... You go on... I got this.."

"No.. Let me handle this... I can still do my job." Pravdin responded softly.

"Go take fifteen minutes... Go have a coffee... and a good cry... You'll need it. After this." Yamaguchi-Hobbs commented.

"After this... I .. I don't know." Pravdin turned and departed in silence, her husband's blood staining her shirt front and her hands. Yamaguchi-Hobbs turned as Lieutenant Elizabeth Yamaguchi who had just entered due to what Elizabeth would later call a rather serious emotional firestorm she had felt throughout the entire ordeal. "Need a hand Doctor?"

"Yes Elizabeth, help me with him.." Celeste commented to her younger cousin.

"John Burgoyne." Elizabeth paused. "Oh no.," she whispered. "Does Calliope know?"

"She tried to save him," Celeste commented quietly. "She fought heroically." the tall female sighed softly. "I know you knew him.." Celeste responded softly.

"I did... I introduced him and his wife..." Elizabeth replied in a soft, quiet tone. "John will be missed... Let's get him into stasis."

"Yeah." Celeste breathed out as the two women moved John's body onto a stretcher before they carried the body away, pending Akurian medical efforts. However, the two women decided to not share this information with Calliope Pravdin as she was presently too fragile to handle it and then it doesn't work.


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