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Your Not Going to Believe This One

Posted on Tue Mar 10th, 2020 @ 7:09am by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Commander Galiaan Fordring & Post Captain Plataea "Phantom" Lasky & Lieutenant Lasarra "Silverbolt" Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 83: Gender-Blender
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: Apr 24th 2392

Teval was back in his ready room when Rykar's voice came over the Comm. "Teval, the Nightstalker is back."

Teval was dreading this moment so he replied. "Alright, tell Plataea she needs to come to my ready room as soon as possible, also let her know our transporters are down."

Rykar nodded and contacted Plataea while Teval looked at Ryuukei, who was snoozing on the couch with his tail wrapped around himself, and his head was in Hakaya's lap, and she gently rubbed his ears.

Moments later the door chime informed Teval of Plataea's arrival so he replied, "enter."

The door opened and in came Commander Plataea Yamaguchi. "Hello, Teval. you requested me... Whats going." she narrowed her eyes as she regarded Ryuukei. "He... looks odd." she paused. "Let me sit down.." and with that, she slid her form into a chair.

"He is not the only one," Teval commented. "Though if Ryuukei was any other species the change would be more obvious."

Plataea raised an eyebrow. "Teval... What happened?" she asked softly, her dark eyes blazed with concern.

"We had a transporter accident. "Teval replied looking at Ryuukei. "And somehow, it has resulted in Ryuukei, Shorin DeMasscho, and Lasarra Unal to have a gender swap. Don't ask me how the transporter managed to do that, I don't know, but these three are now the wrong gender, down to the DNA level."

"So... Lasarra is now... A male?" Plataea inquired. "I'd call that one hell of an accident.." she regarded Tevel as she fought not to smile. "You sure this was an accident... and where is Commander Lasky?"

Teval hesitated for a moment then answered. "Well, Lasky is in sickbay, thanks to Lasarra putting him there, with one punch. Yeah, Lasarra utterly flipped out over this event and got into a fight with Lasky, they are both still in sickbay."

Plataea raised an eyebrow. "Lasarra punched Lasky," she responded with a growl. "I think I need to have words with my wayward lost child." she paused. "I have left this one alone for too long... I will... deal with her myself. This shit ends today..."

Teval didn't say anything in response, however, Ryuukei woke up from the talking, which prompted him to sit up and stretch.

Plataea turned her head. "Well. Hello, my pretty... So I heard about what happened.. Whats you take on this little...issue?" was the words that Plataea settled on. "My lost child-" she also didn't refer to Lassara by name or gender "-Needs help." she finished.

Ryuukei yawned then commented. "I don't know what to think,.." He then looked down at himself," Other than the fact that going to the bathroom now is going to be really really weird."

Plataea nodded, while she processed the information. "Alright.." she paused. "Is there anything else we need to discuss?" she inquired of those present before her.

Teval shook his head, "No not really, just don't kill anyone."

Plataea raised an eyebrow. "Lasarra will not be permanently injured," she responded as she rose to her feet. "I had best go sort this out." and with that, she turned and departed, her next stop was sickbay.

Meanwhile in sickbay. Commander Tom Lasky had heard that the USS Nightstalker had returned from her assignment and was here for resupplying so he had an idea of what was coming, he was wearing his uniform pants with a large amount of bandages wrapped around his chest.

The door opened and in walked Commander Plataea Yamaguchi. Lieutenant Fordring met her at the door. "Can I help you Commander?" she inquired.

"I am here to see Commander Lasky and ... Lasarra." Plataea responded. "Is this possible?"

"Sure. Lasarra is in one of the recovery rooms and the Commander is right over there."

"Thank you," Plataea responded before she turned and went over to the various recovery rooms, she located the one she wanted, she didn't bother with knocking as she tapped the door release to find her daughter who was now her son, lying on the bed wearing a pair of shorts and nothing else.

"Mom." Lasarra lifted his head while he regarded her. "I assume you heard."

"Yes. I heard... Why are you always making problems Lasarra.?" Plataea inquired. "I am getting sick of seeing your name on reports that say you are getting into trouble... You told a Rear Admiral who is also your father to fuck off. You've been in more fights, disputes, and issues than most of this crew... I think people are waiting to see if you die during this conflict.."

Lasarra sighed. "Really... You came here to tell me this!?"

Plataea raised an eyebrow. "You have a death wish..." she responded. "I don't think you care... as you have the worst case of testosterone poisoning I've ever seen in my rather complicated life..."

That statement had the intended effect as Lasarra shot to his feet, rage blazing in his eyes as he glared at his mother who was still larger than he was. "How dare you!" he snarled.

Plataea slowly smiled. "You can't tell your friends from your enemies.." she commented. "Why should these people give a shit about you?" she inquired "You sure don't care... You assaulting Commander Lasky proves this. Will he press charges against you?... I hope he NEED to learn some respect young one.."

Lasarra growled softly. "Mother... get out of here and let me sleep.."

"You are lost... Lost in your own rage, well that's fine... I don't think Ouros or Selendis are prepared to deal with you," she explained. "Yet both of them suffered worse than you... Selendis was a product of rape and she allowed the commandant of the academy to rape her so she could graduate." the older woman explained. "You got. what... Oh yes, beaten by the man who is dead... by the way.. you watched him get atomized." Plataea explained, her tone indicated she was speaking to a particularly dense child who had neither her affection or her respect. "Selendis is dating someone... by the way. she seems to be doing well.. and Ouros is likewise settling into her new assignment.. yet you are the problem child.." as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Let's see.. one count of assault... one of brawling, one of breach of the peace and one of conduct unbecoming... Let's see.. that nets you about a dishonorable discharge and about a year and a half of hard time in jail... That's assuming JAG doesn't press and Lasky doesn't charge you with aggravated assault."

Lasky could hear every single word that the two said. "Commander. Your words are wasted on him... He does not give a damn about anyone other than himself."

Plataea turned her head as Lasarra groaned softly. "He's wrong but... It doesn't matter."

"It matters... Show these people you care... Stop fucking yourself over, get out of that bed and start acting like you want to at least do something different than what you've been doing." Plataea took a step back before she closed the door in Lasarra's face. She turned and went over to Commander Lasky who watched her carefully. "Commander... " Plataea greeted him. "I heard what happened.."

"Did you..?" Lasky responded quietly. "Well.. there isn't much I can say that hasn't already been said... Lasarra is determined to destroy himself. Should we let him pass?." it was phrased as a question.

"I don't know," Plataea responded. "I was honestly hoping to get a decent night's sleep in my own bed but that's not going to happen... I have no time for this shit.. and I'm stuck dealing with it all the same."

Lasky regarded her. "Lasarra needs discipline. She has potential... But she.. rather he has so much to learn.." he explained.

"Yes, he does..." Plataea let out a rather big sigh before she breathed in. "So... what now.... will you be pressing charges?"

Lasky regarded her. "No... No point... It would be a waste of time... and I don't have the personnel to spare for it either."

"Fair enough... I leave tomorrow morning... How long before you are evicted?"

"Not soon enough," Lasky responded. "Help me up..."

Plataea gently assisted him to his feet, before she turned to the nurse who looked downright intimidated. "Stand down... I'm helping him with his issues.." she wrapped an arm around his shoulders as she helped him remain upright. "Okay... I'm going to speak with Lasarra."

"Okay." Plataea gently guided him over to the doorway. Lasky sighed as he wheezed softly, his issues were caused by lack of breath rather than anything else. He tapped the door release. "Lasarra Yamaguchi.."

"Do not call me-"

"Silence. I will call you whatever the fuck I like... You NEED to learn discipline and I will teach you." Lasky responded. "After this tour is concluded, I will sign your discharge papers from Starfleet myself... You are a mindless rage case and you will get everyone around you killed. I will not have you on this ship... or any other assignment in Starfleet... As long as you are in Starfleet... I expect you to comport yourself as a Starfleet officer... Is that clear.."

"Yes... It's clear..." Lasarra responded, in a rather dismissive tone.

"Why are you so determined to flush your career down the shitter?. What is your problem... Do not answer me now... I will ask you later for your answer and you will answer me at that time... Once you and I are able... I'm going to make you into my personal reclamation project because most would have written you off by now...Including your entire family. However... I will still give you one chance... do not screw it up... or you are history... is that clear?"

"Yes sir," Lasarra responded quietly.

"Good. I will leave you to sleep now." and with that, he closed the door. "Help me back to the bed.." Plataea did so without a fuss, comment or complaint, she then helped him back onto the bed. "She broke... how many ribs.?"

"Eight ribs." Lieutenant Fordring responded. "It's taking a while to heal," she added. "Commander... was that wise?"

"Reassign the nurse you have assigned to Commander Lasky. I will handle his issues until I depart." Plataea responded evenly. "I would like to get to know him better."

"Sounds good.." Fordring responded as she handed the large woman a PADD. "The commander's medical needs.." she explained. Plataea noted the requirements, issues going to the bathroom and bathing among them. "I understand..." as she sat down in the chair by his bedside. "It will be no problem," she added as she tapped her combadge, she called her Exec and explained the situation to him.

"No worries Skipper. I got this... you look after him. I'll advise you if I need help."

"Thanks, Mac. I owe you one."

"Nah. Don't worry about it. Davoust out." and with that, the com went silent. Plataea settled in to wait.


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