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Nothing Ventured and Nothing Gained - Part Two

Posted on Tue Mar 10th, 2020 @ 4:07am by Rear Admiral Talon McKnight & Division Admiral Edward "Mackie" MacDougan & Colonel Bronwyn Yamaguchi & Post Captain Davijaan "Oddball" Yeager & Post Captain Duran-Yeager Syal & Fleet Captain Kell Donos & Division General Xyler "Whirlwind" Danix

Mission: Mission 79: Sound Trumpets! Let Our bloody Colors Wave
Location: The Kilrogg System - Various Locations
Timeline: 0030Hrs - April 16th, 2392

The USS Shinano was patrolling the area near the Kilrogg system as a large Klingon force had been detected moving into the system, the hostile force was several hundred strong as the word came in that a distress call had been received.

Division Talon Yeager had been dragged out of bed as well as her husband's arms for this, he had been brought for this as well. The door opened to Mission Operations as Talon Yeager walked in, zipping up her uniform jacket. "Okay, guys. if this is a late April fools prank then its... Oooh." she paused as the heavily pregnant female now came fully awake. "Oook" Talon stopped talking as she slipped her formerly slender body into a chair, she now felt overweight and fat. Talon also hated that feeling as she felt bloated and cranky as a result.

The door opened a second time as the Marine commanding officer present came in, she was wearing just the standard duty uniform as she had also been woken up from sleeping. Her bleary eyes widened at the sight. "Oh boy.." she commented in a light tone. "Whats happening?" Colonel Bronwyn Yamaguchi inquired.

Right behind her was Wing Master Xyler Danix, He was a tall Trill male who didn't have a symbiont but then he always had a need for speed. "Hey, guys. What's going on?"

Captain Edward MacDougan turned to face Talon Yeager, her husband, Colonel Bronwyn Yamaguchi and Wing Master Xyler Danix. Also present was Fleet Captain Kell Donos. He was waiting for the last member of their little group, the doors opened and in rushed a small Bajoran female as she too looked tired. "Hey, guys. Sorry, I'm late." Duran commented. "What's going on...What's with the light show?"

Edward MacDougan indicated the display. "Thanks for coming so quickly, everyone... Alright. This is a real-time feed, what you are seeing is what is presently happening... The Kilrogg System is being invaded, I highly suspect that this is because of the Gorns supply bases and training facilities located here." he paused. "This system is also used as a major staging area for the Gorn fleet which at present is tired down in the nearby Dranosh and Garrosh star systems, the Klingons have attacked multiple star systems inside the Gorn Hegemony in this fashion to tie down the Gorn's response and divide the Gorns military."

Talon Yeager paused before she responded. "What is our response?"

"We're trying to help as best we can. However, we only have limited forces at the present time but Fleet Admiral Yamaguchi assures me that we have more forces moving forward as we speak."

"Sounds like April... Now, what about Kilrogg?" Yeager inquired with a smile on her lips.

"That's up to you," McDougan answered her.

"Alright then. Call up the rest of the fleet and inform them as to the situation... Then we make for Kilrogg Four... Stage our own invasion and drive the Klingons from the skies."

Captain Yeager regarded his wife. "The rest of our forces are spread across this area, we'll need a little while for the other two squadrons to regroup with us."

"I know," Yeager answered her husband before the pregnant female turned to Donos. "How about it Captain?, is your ship prepared for battle?"

"Yes sir, we are," Donos answered. "All of our escorts are too." he paused. "I've been keeping them on around the clock yellow alert since we entered the war zone."

Talon smiled as she knew what that meant. "Very well." she turned. "Mackie, contact Squadrons Two and Three then bring them here to us. Meanwhile, let's move towards Kilrogg and see if we can't get the Klingon's attention."

Donos nodded. "Sounds good to me. I have two battleships, this ship and a dozen or so others in all," he responded in a light tone. "What is the Klingon forces breakdown??"

"Three battlecruisers, one battleship and sixty other vessels, half of the entire fleet, however, is transports and landers," Mackie explained evenly. McDougan then began tapping his fingers over the displays. "I have recalled Squadrons Two and Three... They will be here in about an hour."

"We have that long then..." Talon responded. "Looks like neither I or anyone else will be getting any more sleep tonight... Let's go to work.."

Kell Donos nodded his head, his gaze hardening as he mentally prepared for the battle to come. He regarded Syal Duran before he nodded to her, she rose to her feet and walked quickly out of the room, Colonel Bronwyn Yamaguchi followed the shorter Bajoran female out the door.

Danix smiled. "Mys guys will be ready on time Admiral. Excuse me while I arrange it for you."

Yeager nodded. "Do not let me keep you Wing Master." before she rose to her feet. "Thanks, Mackie... Time to go to work." as she tapped her combadge. "Bridge, this is the Admiral. Sound Red Alert and wake everyone up.. We're going to war tonight..."

"Aye Admiral." and with that, the lights dimmed as the red alert siren began to scream its unholy noise, the lights in the hallways began to flash red. The hallways of the Shinano and her escorts began to fill as personnel were awoken from their slumber and were called to work or to prepare to do battle.


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