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Enter, The Shinano: The Evening Reception

Posted on Mon Mar 9th, 2020 @ 6:35am by Division Admiral Edward "Mackie" MacDougan & Colonel Bronwyn Yamaguchi & Commander Pamela MacDougan & Commander Lakaris Dvald & Commander Shando Yeager & Post Captain Davijaan "Oddball" Yeager & Post Captain Duran-Yeager Syal & Fleet Captain Kell Donos & Command Master Chief Petty Officer Sine Donos & Post Captain Nomek & Post Captain Lenaris Dvald & Post Captain James Yamaguchi & Post Captain Kenco, son of Makar & Commander Gabriel Wounded-Knee & Lieutenant Colonel Jake Thompson & Lieutenant Colonel Alec Ross & Division General Xyler "Whirlwind" Danix

Mission: Mission 81: They Shall Have Wars and Pay for their resumption
Location: Various Locations - USS Shinano
Timeline: 1800Hrs - April 9th, 2392

Fleet Captain Kell Donos smiled as he regarded the gathering around him, all of his senior staff were in attendance as this formal gathering had been convened to welcome aboard the new Squadron Commander, her chief of staff and her aide.

Donos know that three people in here had the same name but he wasn't about to let this bother him. The doors opened to one side as Talon came in wearing a simple but elegant dress that was a dark green but it made her look good. Her dress went over her shoulders but left her arms and shoulders bare and came to just above her knees.

Captain James Yamaguchi went over to his cousin. "Hey Talon." and with that he gently hugged her. She looked at him with a look of surprise written on her lips. "James... I didn't know you were assigned here."

"I am.. Bronwyn is too." he grinned at her. "Unfortunately we left the kids with mom and dad on Starbase 82." Yamaguchi explained. "Bronwyn was... less then happy with this."

"I don't blame her or you either.." Talon explained quietly as she recalled something. "James meet Davijaan. My husband." she did the introductions. "Davijaan, meet James Yamaguchi. my cousin."

"Its good to meet you James." Davijaan and James both shook hands, he was wearing his dress uniform where as his wife, Bronwyn Yamaguchi was wearing a simple but elegant cocktail dress. It was black, fully sleeved and came to just above her knees. Talon introduced Bronwyn to her husband.

Davijaan smiled. "Its good to meet you Colonel Yamaguchi. I've heard of you." he explained.

"Well I do what I can.. I've been working on some tactics for the future of the Federation's new vehicle forces. The tanks and everything else." she smiled.

Meanwhile Sine Donos regarded her husband. "So.. Talon Yeager is more then just spit and polish." she said quietly.

Kell Donos regarded his wife with a soft smile. "If she's anything like her cousin, then we've got someone who has more then just a simpleton personality." he responded with a smile.

"It could be worse really." Captain Lenaris Dvald, the ship's Chief Medical Officer commented with his wife who was the ship's Chief Tactical Officer. Both were Bolian with their characteristic blue skin and bald heads, also both wore their dress uniforms. "Yeah. My sister told me about a few of the Yamaguchi's she's served with... but that was Talon's younger brother and his wife and their children."

Donos raised an eyebrow. "So... what about Admiral Yeager... What do you know of her?"

"She's not an asshole if thats what you want to know." Dvald responded with a smile before he sipped the drink in his hand. "She is careful to not rush into something stupid." he addressed Donos who wore his dress uniform and the ships Chief of the Boat, also his wife who was also wearing her own dress uniform.

"Thats good to know." Sine Donos responded with a smile. "I'll be spending some time getting to know her myself... See what she's like in terms of her command approach. Syal can't shut up about her..." she indicated the smaller then average Bajoran female wearing a black cocktail dress with spaghetti straps over her shoulders who was standing nearby.

Fleet Captain Edward MacDougan smiled as he took a moment to adjust his dress uniform shirt before he moved into the lounge where most of the ship's senior staff meeting and mingling together. He smiled at his wife who was wearing a simple ballroom gown that was a lavender purple. "Shall we?"

Pamela MacDougan smiled. "Yes... Lets do this." as she followed her husband over to the large gathering.

Talon Yeager smiled as Fleet Captain Donos indicated the new arrivals. "Well Talon, This is the Squadron Exec, Edward MacDougan."

Yeager smiled as she shook hands. "Hello Talon, Its good to meet you at last. I heard many things about you... You were married to Admiral Hunt... My condolences."

"Thank you." Talon responded with a smile, despite the fact that she felt nothing about Jerome Hunt's death or her divorce from him.

MacDougan noted Talon's lack of reaction. "You hated him... didn't you?"

Talon chuckled softly. "Yep. After what he did to me... I'm surprised I can even feel anything about him.." she explained. "He was more vindictive to the kids then he was to me." she sighed softly. "He didn't like the fact he couldn't control me so I served him divorce papers and called our relationship a day.."

"Sounds like you are best rid of him then." Mackie responded before he turned to Talon's husband. "Davijaan Yeager. Well well... Fancy meeting you here."

"Wait.." Talon turned slowly. "You two know each other?"

"Yep." Davijaan smiled warmly at his old friend. "Its been a long time Mackie... Hows you been!?" he inquired as Mackie gave Yeager a rather powerful bear hug. "I'm good, i'm good... Married life is great... I've spent the last dozen years of my life teaching cadets the difference between ignorance and stupidity."

Yeager chuckled. "I still recall that question you threw at my ethics class at the academy..."

"I wanted to see if you cadets had it to go... Out of the whole lot, you were the only one who impressed me."

Teager turned to Talon. He noticed the curious look on her face. "The event was like this... Lets see how well i remember the challenge.. Mackie here, the fanatic that he is.. or rather was.. put this to my entire cadet class.." he paused as he remembered. "A madman who has threatened to explode several bombs in crowded areas has been apprehended. Unfortunately, he has already planted the bombs and they are scheduled to go off in a short time." he paused to breathe once. "It is possible that hundreds of people may die. The authorities cannot make him divulge the location of the bombs by conventional methods. He refuses to say anything and requests a lawyer to protect his fifth amendment right against self-incrimination. In exasperation however, some high level official suggests torture. This would be illegal under Federation law, but the official is sure that it will make him tell the truth in time for you to find and defuse the bombs." he regarded his wife with a dark look. "What should you do?" Yeager paused. "Oh... What if you know that the bomber can withstand torture himself, but would talk if you were to torture his innocent wife instead?..."

Mackie nodded. "Good memory."

"My answer was harsh..." Yeager answered softly.

Talon didn't even hesitate. "Then I would make her suffer... I'd make sure he saw me doing it and he could hear her screams... Now I can fix those injuries however but if I can get what I need from him using her as leverage then... I could live with it.."

Mackie regarded Talon. "You made the same choice as your husband here is." he paused. "Remember a threat made is worthless unless you plan to carry it out." he added. "Nobody else could answer it that quickly... Davijaan here answered the question in under a minute after I'd posed it to the class.. Needless to say it was shocking."

Just then a Klingon male came over, wearing a dress uniform that indicated he wore the rank of Captain and was this ships Chief Operations officer. A svelte Vulcan female followed wearing a dark red strapless cocktail dress. "Hello." he announced himself. "Admiral.. Captain." he greeted the new arrivals.

"Ahh Captain Kenco. I've heard of you." Talon Yeager commented with a smile.

"Yes. I have my father legendary father to thank for that." The Klingon responded. "Welcome aboard the Shinano." the massive Klingon regarded the smaller human female before him.

"Thank you Captain, you honor us with your presence." Talon answered formally.

Kenco smiled as he indicated T'Lee. "No need to be so formal Admiral... I am not the average Kingon where honor is everything.." he turned as he indicated the Vulcan. "This is Commander T'Lee. Our Chief Intelligence Officer and my mate."

"Commander." Davijaan Yeager responded. "Your service honors us."

"Welcome aboard." T'Lee responded with a smile, clearly she was not the average Vulcan. "Its good to meet you at last Admiral, Captain."

"You know me?" Talon inquired.

"No. Its more appropriate for me to say that I know of you." The Vulcan explained event. "Your reputation precedes you." with that T'Lee almost grinned.

Shando Yeager came over, wearing her dress uniform. "I should hope so." as she came over to his brother, hugging him and holding him close to her. "Hey bro... I was beginning to think you forgot I existed."

"Not going to happen Shando... I'm sorry you had to leave our family behind on the starbase." Yeager responded with a sigh as he regarded his younger sister.

"At least my kids, yours and Talon's will all be hanging out together." Shando responded with a smile. The large human female turned to her brothers wife. "Hello Talon. Its good to see you again." and with that Shando hugged her brothers wife. "Motherhood really looks good on you."

"Thanks." Talon responded with a smile. "I think.. I'm going to like this ship."


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