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In All Her Fury

Posted on Mon Mar 9th, 2020 @ 6:53am by Division Admiral Celeste Yamaguchi-Hobbs & Colonel Brianna Hobbs
Edited on on Mon Mar 9th, 2020 @ 6:55am

Mission: Mission 81: They Shall Have Wars and Pay for their resumption
Location: Various Locations - USS Dreamcrusher
Timeline: 2100Hrs - April 9th, 2392

Commander Celeste Yamaguchi was wearing a pair of jogging pants and a sweatshirt, it was as far from uniform as one could get. She had just finished putting the Ferasian kits to bed and now she was wanting to go climb into her own bed herself, she was tired and the look on her face reflected this. She smiled as she regarded her wife. "Brianna... I need to ask you something."

Brianna sat in silence for a moment, not sure what Celeste will ask. "Alright, please ask."

"I want you to teach me how to defend myself... I mean something more then the fact that we often get taught that this teal uniform will protect us... I need something better... Will you teach me?" she inqured of her wife.

Brianna thought for a moment. "Sure, we can start after you deliver Jackson. I don't think you need the training but I'm still happy to help."

In truth Yamaguchi was expecting this response, she still let out a soft sigh however. "So... Nothing until Jackson is due then.... Which is sometime in June." Yamaguchi sat down on the bed. "I lost sight of my feet a couple of weeks ago and now I'm feeling fat..." the pregnant woman sighed. "Fortunately not all of it is my weight." she turned her attention back to her wife. "So... Is there nothing you can teach me before Jackson is born?"

"I can teach you a lot, Honey." Brianna replied. "You just won't be able to practice most of it or do any sparring."

"Thats fine." Yamaguchi responded, a smile on her face. "It'll give me something to think about." the pregnant woman paused. "This isn't going to involve you... pinning me.. isn't it?"

"No pinning. Or punching or kicking unless it is a target dummy." Bri told her.

"Sounds good." Yamaguchi responded, a smile on her lips. "When do we start?"

"After I get off duty tomorrow. I'll meet you in the gym." she told her.

Yamaguchi nodded. "I'll be there." she responded. "You staying up for awhile or no?" she inquired of her wife.

"A little while, why?" she asked.

"I can't remember when I've had time to myself." as Yamaguchi gently ran her fingers over her slowly growing abdomen.

"Anything you want to do?" Bri asked.

Yamaguchi sat down on the bed as she regarded her wife. "I dunno... I'm..I'm always tired and no matter how much rest I get it never seems to be enough."

"What have you done recently that is fun?" She asked her.

Yamaguchi didn't even hesitate. "Take a shower with you about thirty minutes ago..." she paused. "Does that count?" the pregnant female inquired, a questioning look on her face.

"Maybe, I didn't think you had much of a libido." Bri replied.

Yamaguchi chuckled softly. "When I am properly motivated. I do." she responded. "Most of the time however... Its been washed out of me." she paused as she yawned. "Due to lack of energy.."

"Oh, so let me know when you are properly motivated." Brianna told Celeste.

Yamaguchi regarded her wife, a gentle smile on her lips. Its not that I'm not motivated.. I'm just.. tired. Its the little one being demanding of me."

"Yeah, I figured that out." Bri told her. "Children are very energy draining."

Yamaguchi nodded her head. "Yeah..." she sighed as she regarded her wife. "Well...I was going to wait for a couple of years until after we got married, take my time and do it right... you know... Instead I got shafted." the then sighed. "Thanks Ro'Cholk... You fucking bastard." she didn't raise her voice or otherwise get angry, she kept her voice in a flat tone.

"Do you consider Jackson a blessing or a burden?" Brianna asked her.

Yamaguchi, to her credit didn't even hesitate. "Jackson himself.. No, he is a blessing... Jackson is my child... My son and he will have a good home with a family who loves him..." she paused. "I would have preferred more time to prepare, more time to do my homework into having children and good ways to have a pregnancy but.. Ro'Cholk used me to get to you. That's why he raped me.."

"Sometimes life doesn't follow the timeline we have planned for ourselves. Jackson will take his place in our family and in our hearts. So what if it happens sooner than expected? Be grateful we are so blessed it is happening." Brianna told her wife.

Yamaguchi regarded her wife. Brianna's companionship and her presence were both sources of strength for Celeste to lean on when she had none which she was having a lot of those moments over the last few months. "Your right." Yamaguchi responded. "Jackson will become a good, strong man when he grows up."

Brianna smiled at Celeste. "I know he will. Right now I'm still worried about his mother. It isn't your fault he raped you. You didn't invite him to do that."

"I still think of the time I let Karass bed me." Yamaguchi responded. "Now he was abusive... But at least he was a gentleman about it." she paused." Yamaguchi knew that McKnight had kept that one to himself and he almost never spoke about it. "He also never spoke about what happened between him and me.. and this was before he became the Exec.." Yamaguchi looked at her wife. "I think I was more naive then anything else.. Ro'Cholk cured me of that notion."

Brianna blinked at Celeste. "I never pegged you as naive. Someone as dangerous as that rage case is hard to predict."

Yamaguchi paused, her wife was right. "Yeah.... He could have gone for you or worse.. But he went for me.. and now he is dead... so good riddance.." she smiled.

She gave Yamaguchi a soft smile. In her mind she knew that Celeste would never truly be over what happened. Right now Bri knew that she was just putting on a brave front as to not worry her.

Celeste regarded her wife in silence for several minutes. "I don't know what to do... I want to hate all Klingons but... I can't bring myself to do it. I just.... I can't do it.." she paused. "I sleep with a light on.. I'm afraid all the time... Had you asked me what fear was a year ago.. I'd have laughed at you and say 'I laugh in the face of danger'. But now... I'm scared.. that basterd scared the crap out of me and I've not stopped being scared." the pregnant human explained. "I think I could benefit from spending some time on the sofa with Patricia and Elizabeth helping me with my problems.."


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