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Talon and her Children

Posted on Mon Mar 9th, 2020 @ 2:35am by Division Admiral Talon Yeager & Post Captain Davijaan "Oddball" Yeager & Noel Yamaguchi & Grand Admiral April Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 70: Children and the Workplace do Not Mix
Location: Starbase 12 - Orbiting New Holland
Timeline: 0700Hrs - April 9th, 2392

Commodore Talon Yeager regarded her children, several sets of bags were near the entrance of her quarters on the Ryazar's Shield. "You got everything kids?" Talon inquired.

Othello nodded. "Yes mom." he responded quietly as he placed his pack by the door as Marie looked more confused then anything else. "We'll be visiting your Aunt April and you guys will be staying with her for awhile okay?"

Marie seemed cheered by this but Perea didn't. Noel gently soothed the small child's fears even while the eleven year old still had her own fears. "It'll be fun." she left unsaid 'I hope.'

Monique had departed, returning to her posting and Talon was happy to get to know the young woman, she found that she had liked spending time with the younger woman as Monique revealed another side of her husband that Talon didn't know at first. Her reverie was suddenly interupted as Samantha Yeager approached. "Hey.. We're ready to go, everything is packed up and ready." The part Klingon female addressed Talon in a soft tone.

"Alright." Talon responded lightly as Talon mentaly counted to five. "Alright.. Everyone grab your bags and lets go." Talon then picked up her pack which she slung over her shoulders before she stepped back so everyone else could gather their bags and then they departed their home on the Ryazar's Shield, their next stop was Starbase 12 where the children would remain behind.

Davijaan Yeager boarded the shuttle along with his family, oldest daughter and wife beside him, the children knew that this was coming as they said goodbye to the Akurian battlecruiser where they had been living these last several months before the shuttle got underway for the starbase.

April Yamaguchi was on hand to meet them. "Hey kids!" she greeted her nephew and nieces. Othello and Perea were both happy to see aunt April and it showed.

A short time later. Talon, Davijaan, Sammy and April were all seated in her office as they discussed their next assignment. "Shinano is a Support Carrier and I know you've never commanded carriers before but it was the only assignment I could get you in a short time. Frankly Talon you've always been very subtle in battle... I've read your battle strategies and while you're not a fan of starfighters. I am going to give you the chance to prove your theories about a combined arms fleet... Shinano Squadron is assigned to the Tenth Fleet. Rear Admiral Theris Shen will be your fleet Commander... so do be nice to her."

"Okay." Talon responded with a smile.

"Alright. Your children will be well taken care off here. Along with Heathers and Torilla's little ones. I'm about to have a stupidly full household but considering all of us are married to guys and gals who are also in Starfleet. I'll handle it." the pregnant Fleet Admiral smiled. "I'll have a lot of work to do but I have Franklin and several others helping me out with things."

"Alright.." Talon replied with a soft sigh. "I'm going to miss them.."

"I know... I don't like it either but... Its better then the alternative.." Davijaan Yeager responded softly.

"Taking children into battle.. you think it'll be that stupid?" Talon inquired of the two other people before her

"I do." April paused. "Anyway the Shinano is present orbiting the base. So I'll detain you no longer." April's smile widened as she handed a small black box to Davijaan. "Please... promote your wife. Captain.."

Davijaan chuckled softly as he opened the box in his hands. "Talon's there's something I've been wanting to say for a while and now that... I have the chance.. I'm going to keep it short and sweet." as April gently plucked Talon's old rank insignia, the five solid golden pips off of her collar as Talon's husband pinned her new rank insignia onto her uniform. "Congratulations Division Admiral Talon Yeager." he then smiled at her.

"Thanks.." Talon responded in a cheery tone of voice.

"Alright... Off with you then." and with that the meeting ended.


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