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The Rains Of Castamere - Part One

Posted on Sun Mar 8th, 2020 @ 4:39am by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Commander Luhanna Wintersnow

Mission: Mission 76: The Winter of My Discontent
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1500Hrs - April 4th, 2392

Commander Thomas Lasky felt like someone standing before an avalanche, the stones had been falling down the mountainside for months and Tom in his hubris had not seen it. He sighed as he slid the last of his clothing into a crate before shutting the case closed.

Lasky heard the door chime ring once. "Its Open!"

The door slid open as Commander Luhanna Wintersnow stepped into his quarters which honestly looked more like a battleground. "You called for me Commander."

"Yes Luhanna... I'm not on duty and neither are you... so you can address me by name."

"Yes Commander," Wintersnow answered, a soft impish smile on her lips as Lasky facepalmed. "Okay... The reason I called for you was that I need someone to watch over my cats for at least the next few days while I go and get things sorted out... I'm relocating home and I need to make sure the animals are alright."

"I will help you with that.." Wintersnow responded evenly

"The dog is in the bedroom, I already got my stuff from there first.. most of that is in storage.." Lasky explained. "The cats are in those four carriers... You'll need a few things."

"Litterbox, four food bowls and one large water bowl.... right?"

"Yeah. Pretty much..." Lasky responded as Luhanna tapped her combadge. "Wintersnow to transporter room three. I have four cat carriers. Could you please relocate them to my quarters?"

"Yeah will do." and with that the four carriers vanished in a haze of transporter energy. Lasky handed her two large rolls of plushy soft material. "What are these?"

"Three cat beds.. Thank you Luhanna for helping me with this.."

"No worries Tom... I hope it all works out for you."

"That... makes two of us." as Luhanna turned and out the door she went, as she went through the door, she sashayed her hips, allowing her tail to swing gracefully from side to side in an effort to be provocative.

Lasky let out a sigh.

Luhanna smiled as she bean to sway her hips, as her eyes met his, she let a small smile crowd onto her face before she winked at him. Lasky for his part found himself mesmerized by her short and impromptu dance which she did as she was departing, her movements were controlled yet graceful as she sashayed to the left and then again to the right before she shook her ass at him, then she started forward and out the door.

The sound of the door closing snapped Lasky back to reality. "No way my lucks this bad.." he muttered softly to himself as he resumed his packing.

Lasky finished packing away the last of his items, he placed the lid over the crate and then had someone in Operations beam the crate into storage.

With that done, Lasky rose to his feet and did one last look around, all of his stuff was gone and with that he went over to the bathroom door and let Cleo out. She whined up at him for keeping her in the bathroom.

"Yeah... Zara will be home soon... Go lay down... go on girl.. go lay down." Lasky said quietly. The dog turned and went off into the bedroom as Lasky turned and departed Zara's quarters for what he was sure was the last time.

In a daze, Lasky's mind continued on autopilot as his feet took the body they were attached to on a walk to the quartermasters office, he entered a moment later. "Hey guys." Lasky said quietly. "I need a set of quarters... Are my old quarters free?"

The young Ensign seated behind the main desk looked young enough to not need to shave, let alone go through the academy. "You recall where they are sir?" as the man jotted down something on a PADD.

Lasky accepted the PADD as the man handed it to him. "Yeah.. thanks." and with that he departed the Quartermaster area, his next stop was his old home, for as long as it remained his as Lasky's mind was moving at a million miles an hour.

A few minutes later. Lasky reached his old home and it had looked exactly as he had left it, so he decided to go in and start setting up shop. He tapped his combadge. "Lasky to Operations, beam, in my crib and crates please.."

There was the sound of a transporter effect in operation while two large creates appeared along with a decent-sized crib which Lasky then began moving into the master bedroom before he began to unpack the few things he owned.

Most of his stuff wasn't even his, it all belonged to Kurt who even now was in daycare but that wasn't his next stop. That was of a far more adult nature as he needed to go and deal with his problems. He needed allies and his friends and not new enemies.


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