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What have you been up to?

Posted on Sun Mar 8th, 2020 @ 4:32am by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky

Mission: Mission 76: The Winter of My Discontent
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1400Hrs - April 4th, 2392

Ryuukei arrived onto Roanoke curious as to what Zara had done with the missing equipment she had appropriated some months back. Only stopping briefly to say hi to Teval, he showed up at Zara's lab and knowing Zara was inside he casually hit the door chime.

"It's open," Zara called while she began to button down the actuators of the left arm.

Ryuukai opened the door and casually walked in, first catching sight of a half disassembled Akurian Combine rifle on the table, "So, what have you been up too."

"Umm...." Zara fought hard for a lie and sighed, "Experiment on stuff I boosted. Making something for combat... or ta just be flashy."

Ryuukei walked over to the table an picked up the weapon, "Yes I see, hmm' this weapon looks familiar, though it does have a few components that aren't supposed to be here."

"Oh I've been testing the beam adaptability," Zara explained. "It's almost ready to be implemented in the the suit's disruptor blaster. Via in the middle of the charge plate in the chest."

Ryuukei looked at the suit and gave it a tap, "Yes, I see, it all looks pretty complicated."

"It's synthetically recreated from the metal alloy from your tanks," Zara explained. "Not quite as durable, but the suit would be ideal for infantry busting."

Ryuukei did another examination of the disruptor weapon and commented. "You know, wiring this thing that way can cause it to explode. Did you even bother reading the manual on these things before messing with them."

Lasky sighed softly, before he facepalmed as it seemed like it was always something with Zara when she was working on something. "I... I need a drink.." as he rose to his feet. "I can't keep doing this.." he growled before he went over to the replicator and ordered himself a glass of bloodwine.

"This food slot does not serve alcoholic drinks during working hours."

Lasky sighed. "I can't do this shit anymore..." He turned his attention to regard Zara, a look of resignation more then anything else on his face. "This relationship is over... You are reckless and you will not change.. You aren't ready for this relationship or any kind of relationship." and with that angry statement out of his system and off his chest, he turned and stormed out the door in silence, smoke coming from his ears.


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