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Medical Nightmares - Part Two

Posted on Sun Mar 8th, 2020 @ 2:40am by Commander Ethan "Hardcase" Duval & Lieutenant Commander M'Tillie Nasao & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Major Sir Bruce "Scorch" Fraser, 15th Baron Fraser of North Cape & Lieutenant Jeffran Sinclair & Post Captain Plataea "Phantom" Lasky

Mission: Mission 75: Through the Looking Glass
Location: Various Locations - USS Dreamcrusher
Timeline: Apr 3rd 2392

After roughly 30 minutes of work, Anzan returned to Dreamcrusher's sickbay with a batch of nanoprobes in hand.

Commander Celeste Yamaguchi was seated around one large table inside a small cafeteria in sickbay with a dozen of her doctors and nurses. They were busy waiting for the materials to work with.

"So... " Celeste commented. "How long before he gets back?"

Tanya Stevenson simply shrugged. "No idea... Besides, its not often I get a free lunch out of the bargain." she indicated Scorch nearby with her thumb, a rather evil smile on her face.

Celeste raised an eyebrow, she had no idea that Tanya Stevenson was even intrested in Scorch let alone anyone, she was never really specific about her interests or anything really outside of sickbay.

Several of the others were all in agreement as they finished or were in the process of eating their meals when Anzan showed up. Celeste put down her spoon as she regarded him. "You made it."

The small foxlike kurokuri nodded. "Yep, I have the nanoprobes."

Celeste regarded her people. "Excellent. give us a few minutes to handle things and we will be right with you." the pregnant female responded.

Anzan didn't say anything as he waited for the medical staff to get together.

The medical staff finished their meals before they went to prepare for the surgery to come. Several minutes went by as the staff prepared and soon they were ready.

Celeste regarded Anzan. "Alright. We are prepared... Whats the plan?" she inquired. "Or am I going with my original plan?"

Anzan gave her a look. "I was assuming we would use our original plan, the one we discussed earlier."

Celeste nodded. "Yes... Lets proceed." she responded, the medical staff divided up into three groups before they all went to work on the operations as discussed earlier.

Renhai meanwhile, reviewed the rest of their implants and then made her conclusion once the surgery was done, mentioning. "Well, the energy manipulator implants seem to be implanted correctly so there is no need to remove them."

Celeste Yamaguchi sighed softly, a smile appearing on her face. "Well thats good to know... I was honestly dreading this part.. So they will be fine in keeping these implants then?" the pregnant female paused. "I'd like to have a look at the technology... see if we can make it work for us."

Scorch nodded. "Let me create a small forcefield over the incision site so we can work without exploding." he commented. "We'll do this one at a time." he added. "So... Are you guys ready?"

Celeste took a moment to look around. "I think we are."

"Be sure because once I start, I can't stop... I'll need to get rid of these implants quickly because if one of these explodes, it will disintegrate everything within ten feet." he commented. "Better tell the Transporter room that they might want to be ready for an emergency transport."

Celeste turned as she slapped her combadge, her plan was to do exactly that as the last of her people finished their preparations.

Renhai stepped up to the plate. "Well then best you let me handle this job then, I am an energy manipulator and I can use my abilities to contain the explosion if needed."

"Sounds good. Step right over here and we can do this dance."

Renhai donned her medical garb and put on some gloves, knowing this wasn't going to be a very easy surgery. Not to mention she would have to take a different approach for each of them, as their implants where located in different positions. Berin's implant was located in his midsection, next to his liver. Moni had hers in her groin, right next to an ovary, and Duval's was inside of the back of his skull. As to why the hell they did that was beyond Renhai, but she imagined they did it for the expressed purpose of making the thing difficult to locate. First job she decided to tackle was Berin. As soon he was sedated, Renhai went to work, first administering the nanoprobes to disable the implant. She used her powers to place a forcefield around the implant while the nanoprobes went to work disabling the implant. Once she registered the nanoprobes had disabled the thing, she went to work trying to cut the thing out.

Anzan acted as Renhai's backup, at one point commenting. "well, these assholes put it in one hell of a spot, right next to several major arteries."

"That's probably why they put it there," Renhai commented.

"They did." Plataea responded in a rather dry tone. "They also have extremely high blast yields. If that goes off... the force will liquify the victim before shattering the body..." she then sighed softly.

"Ultritium explosives, Yeah I know," Renhai commented as she finally got to the point of where she could see the implant itself. "Fortunately the nanoprobes have disarmed it." This part required special care at Renhai's hands as she spend over an hour carefully removing the implant. The procedure was highly delicate, but she managed to remove it, without any hiccups. She then put the blood covered implant in the nearby tray and said to Scorch. "Alright, go ahead and dispose of that one."

Scorch smiled. "With the greatest pleasure." as he gently picked up the warhead as he sought to do exactly that. "Transporter room three. I have the first implant. Proceed."

"Stand by sir. Locking on." and with that the implant dematerialized in his hands before being being rematerialized outside of the ship in space, where it suddenly exploded in a small explosion thanks to transporter code fourteen being engaged for the second dematerialization process, the explosion was recorded by the USS Dreamcrusher. The transporter operator smiled. "Target one eliminated Scorch."

Scorch smiled "Roger that, fine work Chief.." he turned back to Renhai. "One down."

Renhai nodded, and then she went to work on Moni, while letting Anzan patch up Berin. It took her another hour to remove her implant, also passing this one off to scorch to allow him to handle. However for her, Duval would be the problem. Though Renhai was no novice at being a general surgeon, Neurosurgery was required fro him, and that was not her expertise. On top of that, she was beginning to tire. So she turned to Celeste saying. "I'm going to need a neurosurgeon for Duval's case."

Yamaguchi nodded as she tapped at the PADD in her hands. "Lets see who I have on call." she paused. "I have a Deltan...Jeffran Sinclair." and with that, the pregnant human woman proceeded to call him.

"I'm on my way Doctor." came the response and he entered sickbay from one of the research labs. "You called.?"

"Yes.. We have a situation requiring your rather specific skills." Yamaguchi then briefed him on the specifics. The Deltan nodded. "I can handle it, whenever the team is ready to start."

One of the other nurses responded that they were ready. Sinclair smiled. "Right. then lets go to it." and with that the team as a whole went to work. "Make sure that his induced coma is stable." he said to one of the nurses who went to double check things. "He is. Doctor."

"Excellent, lets proceed then." and with that. Sinclair picked up his tricorder as he ran a scan to determine exactly where the implant was located. "Its located inside the Opening longitudinal fissure." Sinclair explained. "the fissure which separates left and right cerebral hemispheres of the brain." someone else added as Sinclair didn't know everyone present.

"Alright.. Now I need the nanites to disarm the bomb please?" the Deltan inquired as he gently but effectively proceeded to cut open Duval's head with a laser scalpel. It had the helpful side effect of cauterizing the wound as he went then he proceeded to open the back of the skull.

Renhai gave the nanoprobe device to Jeffran Sinclair after briefly showing him how to use it.

Sinclair accepted the item. "Thank you." he commented evenly before he checked the settings and then he double checked the status of the warhead embedded inside Duval's skull, he then administered another dose of nanites to the warhead then Sinclair went in and gently administered the scalpel to the back of Duval's skull.

Once the task was completed. Sinclair gently peeled off the man's skull over the top of where the medical scanners were telling him the warhead was located. "Alright.. I'm in."

Sinclair gently fished out the warhead, which he then placed gently onto a surgical disposal tray. "Please... Dispose of that?" he muttered softly before he turned and made sure there was no damage from the bomb remaining.

Scorch smiled as he tapped his combadge. "Scorch to Transporter room two. Third and final package is ready. Energize when ready."

"Aye sir." and with that the bomb was dematerialised as it was transported away.

Sinclair then began putting Duval's skull back together with the assistance of a nurse who held a tricorder. "Just a little more to toe left Doctor.. Easy."

Sinclair nodded as he gently slid the chunk of skull into place as the nurse then began assisting with holding the skull. Sinclair meanwhile used a dermal regenerator to weld the skull back together.

Over the next ten minutes Sinclair then worked quickly as he healed Duval of the wounds that had been inflicted upon him to remove the bomb. Soon his head had been put back together. "Okay... Take him to post op." Sinclair commented. "Fine work everyone." he complimented his team and everyone else who assisted.


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