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Posted on Sat Mar 7th, 2020 @ 1:49am by Commander Patricia Kingston & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Commander Jiao Anderson-Smithson & Division Admiral Celeste Yamaguchi-Hobbs & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 73: Near Misses and Close Encounters
Location: Various Locations - USS Courageous
Timeline: 1230Hrs - March 20th, 2392

Now that she was fed and happy, also having spent twenty minutes or so with her eldest child and her husband. Torilla now felt much better as she was so proud of Elizabeth and all of her accomplishments, the bold, the blunt, the subtle and the hard to see, all at once. Her eldest had come a long way from the rebel she was a year earlier.

The oldest Yamaguchi who was involved with the Saki situation, named for her granddaughter sat at her desk, getting comfortable before she tapped the display once. "Bridge, this is the Captain." Torilla spoke.

"Anderson here sir." came the voice of Lieutenant Jiao Anderson who was presently seated in the command chair rather then at her usual post of Operations as Commander Javier Morales and his family were presently vacationing planetside along with much of Torilla's crew. "Could you contact the Dreamcrusher for me please... I'd like to speak with her Chief Counselor and her Chief Medical Officer."

"Right away." Anderson responded. "Give us a minute to arrange your call."

Torilla smiled as the Federation emblem appeared on the screen before her. Moments later the face of Commander Celeste Yamaguchi appeared on the screen before her, she too was clad in a medical uniform which highlighted her figure as Torilla smiled. Celeste also was not wearing the medical overcoat that Elizabeth habitually wore while on duty and sometimes when she wasn't on duty. Torilla also recalled that Celeste looked heavily pregnant with her child which as Torilla recalled was also a product of rape, her child was an accident but as far as Celeste was concerned, she would raise her son with love and attention. "Hey Torilla." Celeste's smile grew. "Is this a social chat?"

Torilla was about to answer no when the second woman appeared in the conversation. Commander Patricia Kingston likewise smiled. "Hello Captain. What can I.. Oh hey Celeste."

"Patricia. Yes I know I still need to come and visit you." Celeste commented to her colleague.

"Indeed." Kingston responded. "However I didn't call you." the blonde responded.

"I did." Toprilla responded. "I have a rather delicate request to make of a counselor and I'd like to ask that Elizabeth handle it. She is in training and she has the time available."

"She does." Kingston agreed. "Her grades are excellent... and I just need her to sit one official session and I can get her certified." the other woman explained. "You have much to be proud of Captain. She has learned well." Kingston smiled. "Its been a joy to teach her."

"I know.. Thats why I want her for this task." Yamaguchi responded with a sigh.

Celeste leaned forward slightly. "Whats going on?" She could tell that there was something going on.

"Well.. Someone called Starfleet Child Services because Saki-My granddaughter." Torilla quickly added for Kingston's benefit as she clearly didn't know, the look on her face said as much. The other woman suddenly nodded. "Okay. Go on." Kingston responded.

"Well..." Torilla sighed softly as she started a second time. "So.. they are sending someone here to evaluate Rachael and her fitness to be a mother.. So Rachael is about to be poked and prodded and it will go poorly for her... I wish to have Rachael be evaluated by one of our own... Elizabeth I feel will do a good job of this." Yamaguchi explained. "I want someone who knows Rachael and who isn't out to shaft her."

Celeste blinked. "Wow... you really want to test her... Don't you?"

Kingston raised her hand. "Wait... Let me get this straight... You want Elizabeth to evaluate her own sibling for the final test on the outlines you have just described."

"Yes." Torilla answered simply. "I do."

"I assume you placed this before Elizabeth already?" Celeste inquired with a smile.

"I did. She told me to see you guys and inform you both of the event in question." Yamaguchi responded.

"Alright." Kingston regarded the eldest Yamaguchi in the conversation. "You know you've placed her in an almost impossible position... Right?"

"Yes.. Elizabeth knows too and she will handle it if.. you both give permission and your blessing." Yamaguchi sighed softly.

Celeste lifted a PADD and quickly jotted down a note. "You really like the hard cases... Excellent. Celeste Yamaguchi." which she then quickly sent to Elizabeth's personal database.

"Okay.. if Elizabeth has signed off on this then I won't stand in her way... I hope she can handle this assignment... Because most people I know couldn't handle this... I couldn't handle this... But if she succeeds.. I'll have her simply end her training and I'll get her certified for the job myself."

"Thank you ladies.." Yamaguchi smiled warmly. "I'll take up no more of your time and I'll let Elizabeth know that she can proceed whenever she is ready."

"Alright.. I look forward to reading the final report.." Kingston answered with a smile.

"As do I." Celeste Yamaguchi responded with a soft grin. "I wish her luck." and with that the conversation ended as the two other women tapped out of the conversation, Torilla's fingers came down on the display with a certain air of finality.

She then typed out a message to Elizabeth, saying. "Operation: This will end poorly. Is a Go. Celeste sends her love and Patrica wishes you luck. I will end with saying I hope I have not asked too much of you. Mom."

Torilla then send the note to her daughter's personal database.


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