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Say it Right

Posted on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 @ 8:50pm by Division Admiral Talon Yeager & Post Captain Davijaan "Oddball" Yeager & Post Captain Harmon 'Hammer' Rabb Junior. & Noel Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 67: In The Service of Life and the Living
Location: Various Locations - Battlecruiser Ryazar's Shield
Timeline: 0900Hrs - March 5th, 2392

The hatch opened and in walked Commander Harmon Rabb Junior. "Hey guys. Am I late?"

Talon rose to her feet. "Not at all. I'm glad the Admiral let you out of the office." she smiled as she regarded him. "Are you here to check up on Noel?"

"Well partly. May we go somewhere where we can discuss matters?"

"Of course." Talon walked out of the flag bridge as she led him towards a nearby conference room that was not in use. "So... What can I do for you Commander?"

"I'd like to discus Captain Yeager's request to adopt your children as his own... if thats alright."

"No, thats fine." she smiled breezily. "He informed me of his request. I confess I did not take him seriously."

"I can understand," Rabb responded as he tried not to smile but Talon caught it anyway. "Shall we go over things?"

"Yes... Let's do that..." Talon responded. "He proposed to me a couple of months ago," she explained. "Since then he's wanting to make the paperwork official in adopting my children as his... Its become something of a hot potato since he and I got married and I took his last name as my own."

"Yes. I got the paperwork on the matter... Since Admiral Hunt had made it clear at the trial a month ago that he wants no part of your children. I think we can consider his rights as a parent null and void."

"I don't trust him to keep out of it.." Talon responded. "Since we've seen how cruel and vindictive he can be." she sighed. "Also Davijaan and I will be assigned to the Delta Quadrant mission together.... But its been put on hold because of the refugee situation.. Will that be an issue?"

"No. We will handle your paperwork here and send updates to you through the network of starships and bases. It'll work out Talon." Rabb responded with a smile. "I aim to ensure that he does not get involved... Since he has made no bones about not being involved with your children." Rabb explained. "He can't have it both ways... I think he'll get involved if only to piss you off and upset Captain Yeager

Talon sighed softly. "That wouldn't surprise me..." she paused. "Alright let's go over the paperwork." as she placed the PADD's she had held in her hands before him after she had called up the relevant files. "Alright... I can give you my judgment now... Because I was expecting Captain Yeager to file adoption papers. The Admiral assigned me to handle things."

Talon raised an eyebrow. "Wait... how did you know?". I didn't even know.."

"Because I saw how he behaved at the trial... When I put him on the stand... and Lindsey ripped him a new one on cross, he kept his cool and told what was in his heart.. not what was in his head... He already considered your children as his... Now he's just making sure the law is on his side.." Rabb explained. "A good idea... by the way.."

Talon nodded. "Fair enough.." she tapped her combadge. "Yamaguchi to Yeager.... Would you mind meeting me in Conference room Four-Charlie. Commander Rabb is here... bring the kids too... They will need to be present for this."

"Okay Talon.... We're on our way..." Yeager responded. "Come on kids... Lets go see mommy.." with four children's voices all cheering. "Yeager out."

Rabb smiled to himself as he and Talon settled in to wait. The wait was not long as Yeager and the four children entered a few minutes later then he and Talon got the children situated in the chairs. Noel was seated off to the far left as she regarded Rabb with a look that was part fear and part loathing.

Rabb tapped the PADD, more specifically the 'RECORD' button on the display. "This is Commander Harmon Rabb, interviewing Commodore Talon Yeager and Captain Davijaan Yeager in regards to child adoption case." Rabb decided to ask bluntly. "Kids... Tell me something... How do you all feel about having Captain Yeager as your father?"

Marie blinked her large eyes. "He's my Daddy." she answered simply.

Othello regarded Rabb as he considered the question. "Dad actually cares... not like... the other... guy." he paused as Talon gently squeezed her son's shoulder.

Perea shrugged. "Daddy is right there." She indicated Yeager as she spoke. "Nobody can replace him... You should hear him sing."

"Sing?" Rabb inquired. "Okay then...." he turned to Noel. "What of you?"

"Its nice to be in a home where I have a decent male role model who will let me be myself... Captain Yeager cares about me... my well-being and my life at home..." she paused. "Its good to be able to sleep through the night and get a good nights sleep.." her lips quivered. "for the night is dark... and full of terrors Commander Rabb," she added softly.

Rabb turned to Talon as if seeking confirmation of something. "You're not being taken away, Noel. Commander Rabb is just here seeking information regarding some adoption papers. We talked about this a couple of days ago.." Talon explained while Rabb ended the recording, but he made sure that people saw him doing it.

"Oh... I thought...-" Noel whispered softly.

"Its okay sweetie. nobody is ever going to take you away ever again.." Davijaan Yeager replied, just as softly. "Not on my watch..." as he gently placed his hand over the top of hers, which Noel added to by placing her hand over the top of his, a move that was not lost on Rabb.

Talon smiled but she kept her thoughts on that matter to herself. "So Commander?" she asked of Rabb.

"Oh I think I have everything I need.." he nodded to Noel. "I will process the paperwork myself... and I'll inform the Admiral that child services can clear this... and I see no reason why your adoption request can't proceed Captain Yeager..." he paused. "You are already more of a father to these children than the other guy... He will not cause you problems. I will make certain of that."

"Can you be sure of that?" Yeager inquired.

"I can... And I am." Rabb smiled back at Yeager, this one was pure confidence and determination. "He has already said publicly several times that he has no interest in the subject... We may consider him out of the loop permanently... but if he does make trouble... then I will take a rather perverse pleasure in... Shall we say, nailing him to the nearest bulkhead on various charges from child abandonment up to child abuse.. and whatever else I can think up." he paused as his smile only grew. "Did I say all that out loud?" Rabb added. "Thank you all for coming... I apologize for imposing upon you all like this.."

"Its fine Commander," Yeager responded. "Come on kids... Let's go home."

The three younger children all climbed out of their chairs, helped by Talon and Yeager and they ran out of the room, Noel was much slower.
"Commander... My apologies."

"For what?" Rabb inquired of Noel. "You owe me no apologies m'lady."

"For assuming you were here to take me away... I've... not had a good time in foster care.."

"That... Will be looked into once I am finished with the adoption case of your mother and Captain Yeager." he was unsure of what to call Yeager in regards to Noel, this caused her to open up a little. "Davijaan..." Noel said quietly, as if for the first time. "He is more of a father to me than any man I've ever known... He truly cares... I wish I'd known him sooner... but I must still deal with my feelings on what happened... I thought Jerome cared too... and look what my feelings on the matter got for me.."

Rabb regarded her. "I accept your apology m'lady." he smiled gently at her.

In a surprise move. Noel bowed before him. "Thank you."

"Go on Noel... I'll be right behind you." Talon gently rubbed her daughter's shoulder before Noel turned and departed.

Rabb waited a few moments. "I was expecting all of the hostility to come from her... I did a little checking into her background... sectioned not once but twice... ending up in an orphanage on Earth for unwanted children." he sighed gently. "The idea that a child could be... unwanted.... offends me deeply Talon.," Rabb said quietly. "I will be prying into this little matter when I get finished..."

Talon regarded him, with kind eyes. "That's not your fault Harmon. The system doesn't help the downtrodden and misunderstood as often as it should."

"I see she's wearing those gloves..." Rabb sighed softly, his distaste for them was well known.

"They wouldn't give her to me unless she wore them at all times... she hates them... and I do not blame her.... but she needs to be allowed to control her abilities." Talon sighed softly. "Besides repression has never worked..."

Rabb nodded his head in agreement. "I know... I was there remember." he smiled at Talon. "How you raise her is not my business... but the court didn't give either of us the option of her roaming unchecked." he paused. "However, that said... What they don't know, won't hurt them."

Talon sighed. "I know... But I am worried about her. She hasn't opened up much to either myself or Davijaan about her experiences... but... we've not pushed her to talk about it... We've been giving her a space of her own and the freedom to be herself.... but I can't help but worry.."

Rabb regarded her as he picked up his PADD. "Yeah. This case will not take me long... and I can say that processing this case... will be a privilege. By your leave sir?" Rabb responded.

"Thank you, Commander. On your way." Talon smiled and with that the two parted company.


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