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The Princes in the Tower

Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 5:50am by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Commander Moni Nasao PhD & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 63: Second Nature
Location: Various Locations - Roanoke Battlegroup
Timeline: 1800Hrs - February 5th, 2392

Captain Torilla Yamaguchi was sitting in her command chair as the story broke, she was reading a PADD as Lieutenant Garry Smithson commented. "Skipper, the news is coming in.."

"Okay.. stick it up on the big screen." Torilla responded. "Lets see whats fucked up today." as she settled back to watch the news on the Federation News Network which broke the story of the Ferasian slavery situation which apparently starfleet intelligence had known about for over twenty years. Torilla blinked. "What the fuck!?" she inquired

Meanwhile elsewhere on the USS Roanoke. Commander Tom Lasky was seated on the bridge as the story broke. "Well.. This should be interesting to see the fallout from this nuclear warhead..." he sighed softly as he regarded Teval. "I wonder who leaked this.." he tapped his combadge. "Lasky to Tane. Zara... you need to see the news...Yes I know you're watching Kurt but honey, you need to see this for yourself."

Zara sighed irritably, "On my way."

Lasky turned to Teval. "I wonder... who released all this.." as he knew he'd get nothing from Teval on the subject which lead him to wonder who would release this information to the media and why.

Tane walked through the door a moment later. "Zara. You best have a seat.. they are about to go back to the highlights."

Teval kept completely silent on the matter, so far only Hakaya, Aerina and Karryn knew the truth, and he didn't feel like changing that any time soon.

The reporter meanwhile started explaining. "If you're just joining us. Welcome, these are the headlines." the young woman explained. "A leak from inside starfleet sheds new light on the extent of the details behind slavery inside the Klingon Empire, how far does this leak go." as an official from inside Starfleet Intelligence was being barraged with questions. "No comment... go away... no comment.... no comment..." the man kept saying as he went into a building but was not followed.

Lasky raised an eyebrow. "Someone was angry with the system to do this..."

"Wasn't me," Zara insisted, and then pursed her lips as she thought hard on the motives for someone that might.

Lasky shrugged, he for one did not seem too bothered about it. "The Caitian personnel among us will react to this. So will the Klingon personnel too."

Aerin, whom was currently relaxed in his seat at tactical passed a glance at Moni, whom was in the second tactical chair.

Moni Nasao kept her thoughts to herself but she suddenly spoke up. "So... Starfleet Intelligence knew about this for twenty years and let people suffer all this time... and someone squealed on them... Whoever had the stones to let it slip... I owe them a very serious thank you."

Lasky agreed with the Caitian female who had excellent cause to be angry about this. "Oh I suspect that someone will want revenge for this.." as he shifted to Zara. "This... my dear is something I could see you doing..."

"I think it best not to look for the person that did this." Zara was careful with her words. "I don't want to punish someone for doing the right thing."

Teval, without saying a word, got up and disappeared into the ready room.

Lasky noticed Teval leaving but opted to not say anything.

"I do hope the politicians do the right thing here, regardless." Zara sounded very hopeful.

Lasky shrugged. "They won't." he responded. "They will want to shaft whoever leaked this."

"I think I will make it a point not to go poking, if folks take it into their own hands to right this wrong," Zara spoke with a firm nod.

"I'm not too fussed about it, Either way the person who outed this information did us a favor when you think about it." Lasky responded. "I'm going to go and raise a glass to whoever that magnificent bastard was.."


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