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Old Grievances Aired - Part Three

Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 4:51am by Admiral Jake Yamaguchi & Captain Javier Morales & Commander Rachael Falanner & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Colonel Thel "Arbiter" Vadam'ee

Mission: Mission 62: Its Hour Come 'Round
Location: Various Locations - USS Courageous
Timeline: 1100Hrs - January 26th, 2392

Yamaguchi had just gotten off of the com with Siaxx as she regarded her Exec with a look. "Do me a favor... help me take these guys home please?"

"Yeah will do." Morales responded with a smile.

Yamaguchi reached behind her as she handed him a leash and she kept the second for herself as she leashed up Grey Wind who have her a reproving look. "I know... but Admiral Fatass isn't going to appreciate you guys in here the way I would."

Yamaguchi then led her dogs out the door with Morales walking Nymeria, they went into the turbolift as they gave the destination for her quarters that she shared with her husband whenever he was aboard ship.

While the two of them were in the turbolift, the com system beeped at them. "Bridge to Yamaguchi... Sir we have an Admiral Bremer requesting... more like demanding to come aboard to speak to you."

"Of course he is." Yamaguchi responded cheerfully. "Tell him I will meet in in transporter room two in ten minutes... If he protests, tell him I'm busy with the Admiral."

Rachael Falanner smiled softly as she turned back to her display. "Sounds good Captain. Consider the Admiral informed that you are.... busy."

Morales smiled. "You sir... are evil... I don't do that to my wife."

"Maybe you should..." as she grinned at him. "Go pay her a visit and ... do that." There was something mischievous in Yamaguchi's eyes.

"You are terrible.." Morales chuckled softly.

"My husband never complains and neither do I when he does it to me." Yamaguchi responded as the two of them reached their destination. "I'll leave you to it." as Morales took his leave, intending to stop by sickbay to pester his wife.

Torilla let the dogs off of their leashes so they could greet Jake. "Something wrong.?"

"Yeah... Admiral Bremer is here... he wants to talk to me..." as Torilla went over to Jake. "But I want something from you first.."

"Oh?" Jake regarded his wife.

In response Torilla glanced around. "Are the twins here?"

"No, they are in daycare.. why.... Oh." he paused as he watched her slip off her uniform jacket. "Okay.. I can help with that.." as he gently assisted her in stripping off her uniform.

Ten minutes later Torilla smiled as she went down the hall to meet with Admiral Bremer, she walked into the transporter room expecting to see Commodore Michael Bremer when in fact she was confronted by Division Admiral K'Temoc Bremer. "Captain..." he greeted her in a cold tone of voice.

Yamaguchi regarded K'Temoc Bremer who she knew was listed as 'James' via his birth certificate, she also did not care much for him or his style of command as she had served as his Executive Officer during the shakedown of the USS Yorktown before Starfleet decommissioned the Defiant Class light frigate before they recommissioned her as USS PT-109 which she knew K'Temoc here never forgave or forgot about what he felt was a slight. Trouble was that Yamaguchi for her part knew all of this of course.

"Admiral." she growled softly, there was no mistaking the dark undertones in her voice. "What is all of this about?"

"You should have been here fifteen minutes ago.." Bremer responded in a cold tone of voice. "I've been waiting here all this time."

"I was busy." Yamaguchi responded. "I do have a ship to command." she added with a sigh. "Whats all this about?"

"Orders." as he handed her an Isolinear chip.

"Whats this?" Yamaguchi inquired

"Your orders... You are to command a wing on the USS Bonhomme Richard during the forthcoming exercises." Bremer explained. "That is also authorizing me to promote you to the rank of Wing Master for the duration of the assignment. Exactly the same as what I offered to Commander Dvald-Sullivan except she refused me."

"You cannot possibly be serious." Yamaguchi responded bluntly. "I am not qualified to fly anything bigger then a shuttle... "

"You did fine with the Yorktown. Whats the problem?."

"Maybe you didn't hear me." Yamaguchi responded. "The answer is no, I have a ship to command and I am not qualified to command a wing of fighters..."

"I see... In any event I want all of your pilots, all your support guys and your maintenance techs for your birds."

Yamaguchi regarded Bremer. "No. I need them for my own mission... I can spare one wing.... maybe two if I redo things but you cannot have all three."

"You are telling me what you can and can't do. I'm telling you what I want... Let us not waste time as to who will win here.." Bremer responded. "I want everyone."

"No." Yamaguchi responded bluntly. "I have needs too and I am in the middle of an assignment, when that assignment is completed we can-"

"What part of I outrank you, did you not understand!" Bremer finally lost his patience and his temper with her. "You dare to stand there and tell ME to fuck off will you..."

Yamaguchi was no blushing violet and nor was she easily intimidated. "I never liked working with you or for you... but I won't deal with this shit from you now. I don't care of the rank and I don't care for you.. and I don't like you either... " she growled softly.

"You just ended your career woman." Bremer said in a soft but satisfied voice.

"That... Is where you are wrong Division Admiral." Torilla Yamaguchi addressed Bremer. "You do not ... have that level ... of authority." she explained. "You come in here, making unreasonable demands of everyone around you, moving them like pieces on a chessboard and then you lose all semblance of sanity and emotional control when others dare question you on anything." Yamaguchi explained quietly. "You do not get the right to tell others how to think... or how to feel..."

"I did not give you leave to address me so."

"I shouldn't have to address you like this at all.... The senior officers on ships and Admirals should not have to treat each other like crap at all..."

"I will address you how I wish." K'Temoc responded bluntly.

"Yes.. I know I am wasting both our time... Unfortunately. I cannot give you what you are being unreasonable about." Yamaguchi responded bluntly

"You dare to call me unreasonable.!"

"I do." Yamaguchi responded evenly. "You seem to forget that I earned my posting here and I earned my own command... You however are not in my chain of command and while you can request my help and services, you also can't demand things of me."

Bremer attempted to jump into the conversation as Torilla carried on, not giving him an inch. "This is my ship... and you will respect that." she explained. "I do not have control over the Starfighter Corps personnel assigned to this vessel." she paused as she tapped her combadge. "Yamaguchi to 'Vadam'ee?"

"Yes Shipmaster?"

"I have an Admiral Bremer who would like to be unreasonable with you." Yamaguchi responded with a smile. "Could you come up to-"

"Get your ugly ass up here now godammit!" Bremer roared.

Yamaguchi slowly grinned. "Did you catch that?"

"I did... I am on my way.."

"Good." Bremer responded. "Finally... someone who can give me what I want."

Yamaguchi smiled as she settled in to wait for her CAG who arrived moments later. "You wished to-"

"No she didn't... I did.... I want all of your pilots, mechanics and support personnel for a series of exercises."

"Who is this?" Vadam'ee responded evenly, asking Yamaguchi.

"This... is Admiral Bremer... He wants-"

Bremer sighed. "I want all of your pilots, support-" he was interrupted with a loud roar. "No." Vadam'ee roared. "You dare come in here and insult me and the shipmaster." he indicated Torilla while he spoke. "No Admiral...All of my people are tied up in their relief assignment and are not available for you."

"We'll see about this." and with that Bremer turned and marched back into the transporter room.

Yamaguchi smiled. "Thank you Group Master."

"Of course Shipmaster. Will that be all you require of me?"

"Yes... Take the afternoon off if your people can spare you.. and remind your mate why you love her so."

"I will do so. My thanks Shipmaster." and with that the massive reptilian turned and departed, leaving Yamaguchi alone, standing there with a smile on her face before she in turn turned and went back to the bridge.


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