Old Grievances Aired - Part Four
Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 4:51am by Captain Daniel "Karass" McKnight & Zuko Omakan
Mission 62: Its Hour Come 'Round
Location: Various Locations - USS Dreamcrusher
Timeline: 1115Hrs - January 26th, 2392
Division Admiral K'Temoc Bremer was in a downright angry mood as he stormed off of the USS Courageous after being told no so he went over to the USS Dreamcrusher as he still needed pilots. He was getting angry with the refusals as he had been promised full and complete cooperation.
He beamed over to the USS Dreamcrusher where he found Commander Daniel McKnight waiting for him. "Admiral. Welcome aboard."
"Commander... Maybe you can be of more use.."
"How so?" McKnight inquired.
"I need as many pilots as I can get plus their support staff for this mission." Bremer responded.
"I can't-" McKnight cut himself off as he saw Bremer was about to loose it completely.
Bremer snapped. "Fine. Get me someone who is worth something!"
McKnight sighed softly as he tapped his combadge. "McKnight to Zuko. He's aboard... and already making a fuss over nothing..."
Zuko came out of his ready room moments later and looked at Bremer, asking. "May i help you."
"I grow tired of asking..." Bremer responded. "I need all of your pilots, support personnel and maintenance techs... for a series of exercises." he regarded Zuko. "I was told I would have full and complete cooperation and so far I have people ignoring me, refusing me and downright treating me with no respect left and right."
Zuko shook his head. "Sorry, I can't help you with that, all my pilots are busy with the colony support operation. orders from the federation council itself, colony mission takes priority."
Bremer fumed with smoke coming out of his ears. "I was told I would have full and complete cooperation.." he repeated himself. "How long will this mission last to assist this colony?"
Zuko sighed and pulled out the mission order. "Given the severity of this giant mess of a colony, at least two more months, maybe longer. you can try and complain about it to the Bajoran and Betazed governments, but I rather doubt that they would help you. You may be better off just contacting a different battlegroup."
Bremer growled softly. "There are no other carriers available." he sighed. "I was told you could spare some pilots for my needs.... but so far every ship Captain shows me no respect and keeps telling me the same excuses."
Zuko was not impressed. "Has it ever occurred to you that maybe you got told the wrong information."
Bremer sighed. "I was assured by the head of Starfleet Research and Development about the details of my mission here." he responded.
Lynn kurkiv, whom just happened to be the R&D leader for the battlegroup, sensed that he wasn't fully telling the truth, prompting her to comment, "That's odd, because I am the head of R&D of the battlegroup and i never heard of that order."
Zuko decided to add before Bremer could respond. "It makes no difference, peoples lives depend on our missions success, so irregardless, our mission takes precedence and is more important than yours, and there is nothing you can do to change that. So I would advise you go to starfleet command and get another Battlegroup for this task, and I would also recommend that you do not bother any other captains in the Battlegroup, they are all under the same orders, and you will get the same answer."
Bremer sighed. "So... nobody will give m what I need to accomplish my goal?" he shook his head before he turned and walked out of the ready room.
He went into the transporter room and departed the USS Dreamcrusher.
Zuko sighed then looked at McKnight. "I am going to warn the remaining captains about him, I know he is not going to give up after us."
McKnight nodded in agreement. "I expect nothing less from him. I have heard some real horror stories about Bremer... Both this guy and Michael.."