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Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 3:47am by Admiral Jake Yamaguchi & Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Zuko Omakan

Mission: Mission 57: The Northern Lights
Location: Various Locations - Roanoke Battlegroup
Timeline: 0900Hrs - January 8th, 2392

Rear Admiral Jake Yamaguchi was seated in the Green Dragon, a large mug of his preferred drink near his elbow and he often preferred to have his meetings in the Green Dragon rather then in an office somewhere. He regarded the being across from him. "Well Zuko... What do you think of this mess?"

Zuko looked at the damage report from the tank incident and replied, "Well its definitely a hell of a mess, The tank got totaled, the Akurians are not even sure if they can restore it, the whole bridge is going to have to be completely demolished and replaced, and its terrible timing because the planets construction crews are filled up over their heads with other construction contracts. Yeah its a mess and the timing is terrible."

"Yep." Jake tapped the PADD next to his left elbow. "Whats more is the Mayor of the town complained to the governor. He came to me about it and he demanded I do something about Zara Tane. I told him I'd look into the matter and see what could be done... but.. I doubt he;s going to be happy."

Zuko set down the pad and looked at Jake. "Well, the governor has every right to be angry, given the situation. Have you made a decision as to what your going to do about it though."

"Well.. Lets see... Zara stoke a tank. destroyed public property and nearly got a civilian killed." he simply shrugged. "The books says That it should be thrown at her for it.... But my gut has yet to weigh in... but if she gets of too lightly. she might not learn and Zara Tane has a bad habit of being a bonehead at times.."

Zuko thought on the matter before answering carefully," Well she might welcome the demotion so I'm not sure that it would be an effective punishment. Though she may not do anything boneheaded for a while given that she herself was almost smashed by the bridge."

Yamaguchi nodded. "Yes.. There is that... so I'll write up a none-punitive letter of caution and stick that in her file. Oh she most do some sort of penance.." he paused. "Yes... community service."

Zuko shrugged. "Well, you do have to give her something, yeah I guess that would work. Gonna have to be a lot of it though."

"Sure... the rest of her life... Then I'd have to demote her anyway... and..." Jake sighed. "Lets see.... How about... ten thousand hours?"

Zuko raised an eyebrow, "That's years worth of community service?"

"Thats what I'd like to give her... But no..." he paused. "Make it a hundred hours of community service pending the governors review and approval."

Zuko nodded," Fair enough I guess."

"Alright. Lets call the governor and see what he has to say on the matter." as he rose to his feet and went over to the large wall monitor, he tapped it once. "Yamaguchi to bridge. could you call the governor for me please and thanks?" he settled in to wait.

Moments later the governor came over the comm. "Yeah what is it."

"Well I have the punishment detail drawn out for Zara Tane... if you approve of it." Yamaguchi explained. "She will design you a new bridge. Help the crews build it and then she will serve a hundred hours of community service doing what ever you want her to do."

The governor regarded Jake Yamaguchi in silence while he thought about it. "Alright...So long as she's held accountable." he paused. "when does she start?"

"Tomorrow morning." Jake responded. "She will join the crew rebuilding the bridge.." Jake explained. "After that. she's yours for eight hours a day for as long as it takes.."


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