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A Song of Frost and Fire - Past Two

Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 3:49am by Commander Tienn Iteela & Commander T'Ree

Mission: Mission 57: The Northern Lights
Location: Kwil'inor - Vulcan, 40 ERIDANI
Timeline: 1200Hrs - January 9th, 2392

Lieutenant JG Tienn Iteela regarded the PADD in hand as she let out a soft sigh of trepidation, she has never been to Vulcan and yet she was being flown here via a small shuttlecraft with some supplies for one of the Vulcan's medical stations on their westernmost landmass.

"Who am I here to see again?" she asked the medical courier who bad been briefed on her situation.

"A Vulcan healer... I'm not sure who he or she is however.." the pilot, a Human woman responded with a smile. "I am sure you'll find out when we get there."

"Okay." Tienn answered simply, as she looked content to watch the scenery fly past as the pilot focused on her task, minutes later they were landed as Tienn gathered her two bags and off she went into the base to find where she needed to go.

She went into the operations center before taking a look around. "Can I assist you?" asked a Vulcan male who wore the starfleet rank of commander.

"Yes. I am Lieutenant Tienn Iteela and I am here to seek medical assistance for mental injuries sustained during a previous mission."

The Vulcan nodded. "Of course. We have been expecting you. Please follow me and I will show you to where you need to be."

"Of course." and with that Tienn followed the Vulcan man out of the operations center and down a hall and then into a turbolift. He recited their destination as Tienn kept her mouth closed, she didn't feel like being overly chatty and she was content to enjoy the silence.

A Minute or so later, the two reached their destination. "This is sickbay... The healer assigned to you is waiting within." and with that he led Tienn into the sickbay.

HealerT'Ree was sitting in a chair, she had her eyes closed as she was meditating, the commander interrupted her using gentle tones. "HealerT'Ree. Lieutenant Tienn has arrived."

"Ah, thank you Commander." T'Ree turned to face the Bajoran woman. "I greet you. I am T'Ree."

"I'm Tienn Iteela." The Bajoran woman responded simply.

"Very well, shall we go?"

"Go where?" Tienn inquired.

"I will conduct your healing at my home, you are welcome to spend your time there with me."

"Most logical." Tienn agreed. "I am prepared to go."

"Excellent." she turned to the Vulcan officer. "Thank you for your hospitality Commander."

"Of course." and with that he departed as Tienn followed the Vulcan woman out the door. "I was led to believe that some could not resist talking about things."

"That is true. I feel the need not to talk... as I don't need to fill every second with chatter."

"Mmm.. Logical. I apologize as I was not expecting you to have such a logical mind."

"I have learned the art of silence due to recent events." Tienn explained. "I was doing my duty and a member of a Federation protection detail very nearly killed me for it." she then shrugged. "It is of little consequence as others will deal with him for his crimes against me and my shipmates."

"I see." T'Ree responded as the two entered a small but effective looking hanger bay set in the side of the mountain. "My personal shuttle is this way.." as she led the smaller woman over towards the left side of the bay.

T'Ree came to a stop near a small Type Six shuttle that was clearly Starfleet surplus. She tapped the small keypad before she quickly input a twelve digit code, the shuttles computer recognized it and the hatch dropped open.

The two women entered the shuttle while T'Ree tapped the 'Hatch close' button on the side next to the aft hatch while Tienn secured her bags, then she went to sit down in the co-pilots chair, as she quickly assisted with the preflight checks. "I have shuttle flight experience... I assumed?" Tienn stopped when she noticed the look she was getting from T'Ree, one of polite amusement.

"I do not object to your assistance, in fact I welcome it." T'Ree responded with a soft smile. "For I too am unusual for a Vulcan."

"Oh?" Tienn inquired softly. "How so?"

"I can appreciate emotions and humor unlike some of my kin." T'Ree responded with a smile as she sat down in the pilots chair, she smiled. "We're ready to fly." before she tapped the com-panel and got clearance for departure.

"Smooth skies to you T'Ree." came the response as T'Ree gently guided the shuttle out the hanger and into the dry desert skies of Western Vulcan.

Tienn sat in silence as she watched the Vulcan woman pilot the shuttle with a quiet confidence. "You used to be in Starfleet?"

"I retired about ten years ago with the rank of Lieutenant Commander." T'Ree explained. "I wanted to see if it was worth working for... My own command and being away from home....I eventually came to realize that Starfleet was not for me, too harsh in their ways." she explained.

"Indeed... and yet you assist them with their wounded and the like."

"I do." T'Ree responded. "My skills are of an older tradition Ms Tienn." she explained. "The land and the people are one, I believe is the Bajoran saying?"

"It is. Yes." Tienn nodded her head with a soft smile. "I wasn't sure you knew anything about Bajorans."

"We are just meeting for the first time Ms Tienn." T'Ree responded evenly. "That assumption is only logical. You will be living with me as my guest for the duration of your therapy. I will assist you with the issues you are presently dealing with however.. There are some issues which you will need to contend with alone."

"I understand." Tienn responded,

"Do you?" T'Ree inquired as she regarded the handsome Bajoran woman beside her. "You'll have some motor control issues which you'll need to sort out on your own.. and you also will have a gentle speech impediment from time to time."

Tienn listened in silence as T'Ree gently guided the shuttle she was flying to her home in the side of a large mountain, the scene looked like something from Deneva's Highland Mountains or from Earth's Himalayan mountain range.

"Looks homely." Tienn commented as the shuttle landed.

"Indeed. I like it here." T'Ree smiled. "Shall we?"

"Yes." Tienn rose to her feet before she turned and went to retrieve her bags with T'Ree following the Bajoran woman in silence.


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