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The Family, Dvald

Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 3:22am by Commander Sohnaxx Dvald & Commander Theris Dvald-Veldama & Commander Lakaris Dvald & Commander Drass Veldama & Master Chief Petty Officer Ranav Dvald-Grenix & Petty Officer 2nd Class Cheleya Dvald & Commodore Siaxx "Bluemoon" Dvald-Vaxx MD & Post Captain Lenaris Dvald & Post Captain Heris Dvald & Shonax Dvald

Mission: Mission 58: Revenge Served, the Bolian Way
Location: Sullivan Quarters - USS Tranquility
Timeline: 1100Hrs, Location Time - December 30th 2391

Commander Siaxx Dvald gently tapped the display before her as the holo communication device that she had requested engineering install while she and Phoenix were off on their jaunt to Bolarius was completed and she had been informed when Aryssa had dropped her a note in the Federations com-net. Something to the effect of "Your request has been completed, enjoy."

Siaxx stood as the device quickly scanned her before it added her to the conversation already in progress. Another dozen or so Bolians all appeared, they all had many things in common which was to be expected considering Siaxx was looking at her various relatives.

"Hey guys." Siaxx greeted her family, she spotted Heris's husband next to his wife and Lenaris's wife next to her husband, she nodded to them both in greeting as people responded to her.

"Hey Siaxx." her father greeted her as Sohnaxx Dvald was busy explaining something regarding genetics and stupidity to her audience. "Lovely... blame the stupids for everything thats wrong in the Galaxy." Siaxx recognized the voice as her eldest niece, who was one of a set of twins, also Siaxx knew that Cheleya had enlisted where as her twin Tyrion Dvald was busy with the academy and would remain so for another two years. Lenaris chuckled as he watched his daughter call out her grandmother

Lakaris Dvald smiled as she appreciated her daughter standing up for herself, even if it was against her greatmother's point of view.

Sohnaxx regarded her granddaughter with an appraising look. "How would you call it young one?" the sixtyish woman responded, with a subtle grin. Sometimes she enjoyed the fight and it was showing. Siaxx for her part settled into listen and watch as she knew this was going to be good.

"Well. I'd begin by looking at the cause and not the symptoms of the issue as you would greatmother." Cheleya responded with a smile as she smiled, if anything her parents who were also present were encouraging her as Cheleya pressed on with what he had to say. "The idea you have is just wrong, it doesn't make sense in three dimensions.. however it does in two."

"Sometimes the symptoms can be misleading." Theris chipped in. "Its important to consider all aspects of the picture, big and small.." the small Bolian woman explained, her eyes regarded her mother and her niece.

Heris Dvald was over six foot and she was easily the largest Dvald in this collection, all the other woman were predisposed to be small at about 5'1 to 5'4 in height. "You're both wrong." she tossed in with a smile, her husband chuckled softly as he grinned at his wife. "You said that on purpose." he almost whispered into her ear.

"Maaybe." Heris admitted with a soft chuckle as she gave her husband a peck on the cheek.

Siaxx was lost, the look on her face said as much. "Guys... as much as I'm enjoying this scintillating chat.... someone wanna bring me up to speed please?"

"Mom and Cheleya are having a animated discussion about quantum theory." Theris responded as a second Bolian male entered the picture as he gently sat down next to his girlfriend. Lieutenant Drass Veldama who was still in uniform, he gently gave Theris a kiss on the check as she moved so she was sitting on his lap as he curled his arms around her small frame so she wouldn't slide off of him.

That but itself was as telling a declaration as any before her family. "Hey guys... Sorry I'm late.. I had to run an errand for Commander Devereux-Wolfsong.

"Lovely." Siaxx responded. "I've had shifts like that when they pile the work on you before you go home."

"Tell me about it.." Veldama responded with a sigh of resignation.

Sohnaxx smiled. "At least you made it... and we still get to meet the legend."

"Legend?" Veldama regarded his girlfriend. "And what are you telling people about me?" he inquired with a crooked grin. "Lies I tell you... the lady doth slander me too much."

Shonax chuckled softly. "Maybe... So we will need to find out for ourselves.." he leaned forward slightly as he regarded his daughters fiancee. "Which we will find out in due time. No need to interrogate this young man now.."

Siaxx smiled, it was seldom she ever got to see her family which would make the conversation all the more bitter then she got to say her piece but she was willing to wait her turn.

Sohnaxx smiled at her husbands statement before she turned to her youngest who was now her eldest. "So... Siaxx... Hows things with you?"

Siaxx raised an eyebrow. "I have no complaints..."

"That you wish to air at this time?" Lenaris responded with a chuckle. "Siaxx... I don' think anyone here will begrudge you if you were to complain.."

"Fine then.." Siaxx responded. "I feel fat, my feet hurt and I have odd cravings at funny hours of the night. The air is too dry and I live with some very strange animals that climb over the ceiling, My wife has an adult daughter who people insist on treating like she's retarded except Aryssa is extremely intelligent and is one heck of a cook.... She'll make a fine Chef....... Its all really fucking annoying.."

"Oh?" Sohnaxx responded. "How did your trip home go?"

"It was alright... I am now the Chairman of Czerka Transport Systems." she sounded like she hated the idea. "He requested it of me.." Everyone in the room knew who 'he' was and the looks on their faces all confirmed as much.

"Lovely.." Shonax responded. "And you... you don't want to do it... do you?"

"Not particularly.... No." Siaxx admitted

"Then I will do it instead." Shonax smiled. "I've been thinking of things I can do with that company for awhile now... and I aim to clean it out... Valen only knows the nasty evil shit thats in there... so I will relieve you Siaxx of this burden.... Besides.. Now that Shvorax is dead. I'll be happier.."

Sohnaxx regarded her husband and youngest turned eldest daughter, she knew fully well that Siaxx still had issues and troubles with what he brother did to her daughter and she couldn't find it in her own heart to forgive him. "What did he say to you Siaxx..?" Sohnaxx inquired gently.

"He asked me to end his life with some measure of dignity.." Siaxx explained. "I had no issues with it... One could argue that I had been looking forward to it since I was a teenager.. after... what happened.." she paused. "Which is all kinda ironic I guess..."

Sohnaxx knew her daughter had never forgiven or forgotten, she had not brought it up either, not wanting to add to old wounds. "Did he ask you're forgiveness?"

"No... He said he was not entitled to it... That his crimes were too vile and did not warrant forgiveness... But he still apologized to me for it all the same.."

Lenaris was dismissive. "A deathbed confession and an apology. not worth much.."

"Its still better then nothing Lenaris... I was his brother and I can't forgive him..." Sohnaxx responded softly. "Yet... could you Siaxx...?"

"Could I.... What?" Siaxx paused for her mother to finish, she didn't want to misunderstand her.

"Forgive him if... he asked it of you?" Sohnaxx inquired of her youngest who was now her eldest.

"I could.." Siaxx responded almost instantly. "I have spent too long being a prisoner of my own rage where he is-" she smiled softly as she spoke. "-or rather was concerned."

"Then you are a better person then I am.... He was my brother... and Yet. I can't forgive him.... How do I know he didn't violate any of my other daughters?"

Heris and Theris both shared a look. "Well Uncle Shvorax spent his time avoiding me." Heris commented. "No idea why?" she then shrugged. "Maybe it was because I was a child?"

"No. You were much older then Siaxx was..." Shonax responded quietly. "Maybe we're still missing something?"

"Maybe it was chance.." Cheleya responded suddenly. "Lets face it... all of us Dvald women look mostly alike because we're related and we're all about the same size... except you Aunt Heris. You're much taller then everyone else."

Heris chuckled in amusement. "Now this I have to hear..." as all of the other Dvald's gathered closer together, clearly intent on hearing what the youngest one present had to say. "Go on Sweetie... Say whats on your mind..." Siaxx added in with a smile. "Do not be troubled, you won't upset me."

Cheleya Dvald paused. "Well... Lets face it, he had the motive, the opportunities... he knew his victim quite well and he also knew everyone else involved... This was a crime of passion."

Siaxx found herself in silent agreement with the younger Bolian female who looked very close to herself. "Also.. He knew what you'd be doing Greatmother and he knew how much time he had to himself with Aunt Siaxx ... so he had plenty of time and chances to make his move.. SO.. when he did... nobody would be any the wiser.."

"But he was not expecting me to show up two hours early to take Siaxx home.." Lenaris suddenly interrupted. Cheleya nodded. "Yes father. You stopped it from getting any worse.."

Lenaris sighed softly. "I didn't expect to find what... I had found..."

Siaxx spoke up. "Do not blame yourself for the misdeeds of others Lenaris, you couldn't have known.."

"I know... but still.." he paused. "I had to follow you to ensure you got home..."

"I understand... and I appreciate what you did for me.... You stuck up for me when other people did not.... Lets face it... a child bringing an accusation of sexual assault against a male relative... even in this decadent age is still sometimes a problem for the authorities.."

Sohnaxx nodded. "Even after he told me it was a harmless bit of fun.." she responded. "I knew... so After you joined Starfleet Siaxx... I arranged it so all of you could go into Starfleet then I submitted my application to rejoin."

"I enlisted and then got a warrant due to my medical experience." Shonax responded with a smile "I think that when my enlistment expires... I will go back to Bolarus and clean out Czerka." he explained. "Trouble is... I can't manage my own career in Starfleet and this company at the same time... so Czerka wins... Only grudgingly." he shrugged. "Then I will give that company an enema." Shonax smiled.

Siaxx grinned. "I want to be there when you do this.."

"Oh I know... and I will not deny you Siaxx... your revenge... If anything I will help you get it." he paused. "However... You'll need to manage Czerka for the next several months... I am sorry Siaxx... however your uncle would have made it clear that the new head will be a serving starfleet officer..."

"You think others will try to shaft me on it?" Siaxx inquired.

"I'd expect it." he paused before he smiled. "However.. I'll be over the next time our ships meet and we can at least clean up the board.... I'll put you in touch with an old friend of mine... Nova is her name and she has... ways of ferreting information out on people.."

Siaxx smiled. "Now this woman I have to meet."

"Nobody meets Nova, they call her... As she tends to operate in the shadows... Which is where she does her best work." Shonax responded with a smile. "However she is a childhood friend of mine... "

"Watch your back Dad... I don't like these paranoid special types... They are too crazy." Siaxx responded evenly. "I'll do the best I can with Czerka and then when the time comes. I will deal with them soon enough."

"Will the blade be sharp or dull?" Lenaris inquired as his own wife chuckled softly.

"Nah.." Siaxx responded. "I'm gonna cut his heart out with a spoon."

"Why a spoon Siaxx.... Why not an axe or a sword?." Sohnaxx responded.

"Because it dull, it'll hurt more." Siaxx answered. "Besides... I think I'd enjoy it."

"Thats the scary part about you." Heris commented with a smile. "Hows that Firehawk of a wife you keep around?"

"She's good." Siaxx responded. "Probably doing paperwork which she loathes in her office on this ship.."

"Wait... I thought you commanded a medical ship."

"I do..." Siaxx's smile only widened.

"I'm confused.... I figured she'd be on a Carrier."

"She picked my ship because she felt my ship was lacking the fundamentals." Siaxx explained. "Besides... She's the Commander for Starfighters for the Roanoke's battlegroup so... she works wherever the hell she likes."

The various Bolians all began chuckling softly as Sohnaxx shook her head. "That woman really is something else, you chose well.."

"It was more that she chose me....However what we have works..."

"How long before you're little one sticks in its appearance?" Sohnaxx inquired and judging by the looks the others shot at Siaxx and their mom, it was clear that Siaxx's pregnancy was not common knowledge.

Siaxx slowly smiled. "I know this will come as something of a shock to you all but...Yes I am pregnant....." her smile slowly widened. "Surprise..."

There was a soft meow as Shonax the cat hopped onto the table followed by Theris the Margey who rasped at the assembled gathering, a moment later a shape detached from the ceiling as it landed on Siaxx's lap. "Guys... Meet Shonax the cat...That one is Theris... and this one is Sohnaxx." Siaxx introduced the felines. "Dora?" Siaxx inquired a moment later as she turned her head. "She'll be right along."

A moderately sized dog came over, it had floppy ears and had a black and red furcoat. "Guys... this is Dora..."

Shonax the cat regarded the crowd of Bolians before him as he meowed loudly. Shonax the Bolian reached over as he gently rubbed the fur behind his namesakes ears. "You named the cats for some of us..."

"I did. yes." Siaxx responded as Sohnaxx the Margay growled at the crowd. "That actually is her meowing... She's a Margay wild cat thats been domesticated. Same with her littermate.."

Sohnaxx regarded the smaller two cats with fascination. "They look fascinating... whats with the eyes?."

"They are wild cats and they need excellent vision to see in the jungle.." Siaxx explained. "They see at night as well as we do during the day..."

Dora sat down at Siaxx's feet as she regarded the crowd with a look of confusion. "She can see and hear you but she can't smell you." Siaxx noted the dogs look.

"Ahh... understandable." Theris responded. "Considering we're not actually here." she paused. "But they are adorable though."

Theris the cat hissed and growled softly before she turned to look at Siaxx with an inquiring look. "They aren't actually here sweetie." as she gently petted Theris.

Theris blinked her large golden brown eyes as she responded with only an odd look before Theris the Bolian petted Theris the cat. "Aww.."

Theris the cat bolted, leaping onto a nearby shelf before jumping headlong across to a second shelf, then a third and within seconds she was hanging above the assembled crowd, while peering down at them.

Dora merely lifted her head as she regarded Theris who was hanging from the ceiling

"Now that was just amazing!" Sohnaxx responded. "Siaxx... what did you say they were again?"

"Margay wild cats..." Siaxx responded. "They look like miniature leopards.." the smaller woman explained as she regarded Theris. "Nice work though... scaring the crap out of the kitty.... What do you have to say for yourself?"

"Ummm... I couldn't resist?"

"Could you ever?" Siaxx inquired. "Resist I mean..."

"Nope... Besides she looks adorable.."

"Remember that I'm the one who has to live with her and keep her happy cetera, et cetera, et cetera.... So... behave yourself... Or I will need to ask your beau to ..... deal with you."

"He'd enjoy that.... and so would I."

Siaxx sighed. "Always with your mind in the gutter."

Lenaris chuckled softly. "Thats to be expected."

"Well guys... I do need to get going.... i got some paperwork to do and all that.... Commanding a ship is more then a full time job." Siaxx sighed. "I need to get me a yeoman." and with that she disconnected from the call. A wide smile on her face, as she missed her family before she picked up the PADD and began to do her paperwork.


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