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All My Worries - Part Two

Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 1:27am by Division Admiral April Dragon & Master Chief Petty Officer Ranav Dvald-Grenix & Post Captain Heris Dvald
Edited on on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 1:53am

Mission: Mission 55: The Measure of a Woman
Location: Medcenter - ASFS Ryazar's Shield
Timeline: 1700Hrs - December 19th, 2391

Commander Heris Dvald smiled at her husband as he had dropped by to make sure she was settling in alright. She nodded. "Lets go into my office. I need to share with you a couple of things.."

"Okay." Chief Petty Officer Ranav Grenix followed his wife into her office. "Okay... I'm going to be late for dinner tonight... I need to contact Admiral Yamaguchi and sort a couple of things out in regards to Starfleet Child Services."

"Wait... what's going on?"

"I can't say too much, not right now... but I have reason to believe that one of our skipper's children was taken from her against her will...and placed in foster care."

Chief Petty Officer Ranav Grenix was shocked. "What!" he kept his voice down. "I think I'd best sit down." before he spotted the tear stains on her left shoulder. "Talon's tears I assume?" There was something in his tone.

Heris nodded her head. "Yes... She's sleeping now... but I told her I'd look into the matter... Ranav, I have a horrible feeling about this mess.."

"I can understand... I guess I'm just... spoiled that way... "Ranav shrugged his massive shoulders. "Our relationship has been tried and tested..." he smiled as he gently gave his wife a kiss on the lips. He prefered his company alone and he did not desire to share her with anyone else.

"Let me explain Talon's background in regards to her divorce from her husband.." Heris settled in to explain.

Twenty minutes or so later. Heris drained a glass of water. "and that is how she ended up single with three children."

"Unbelievable," Ranav said quietly. "I had no idea that humans were capable of such... malice and cruelty.." he paused as he fought to control himself, he very nearly smashed his fist into the desk. "Admiral Hunt... Pray, I never meet this fool..." he sighed as she fought to calm himself.

Heris nodded. "I know... but I'm going to do something about it."

"I will not detain you further." as he gently gave her a hug. "I'll bring you dinner." Ranav knew his wife's mind well, she was a truly implacable threat when crossed, he knew better than to step in her way. He smiled warmly at her. "If I can help."

Heris gently kissed her husband on the lips. "Thanks." as she watched him leave her office, she turned before she slid her body into a nearby chair before she called the Operations Center. "Guys, I need to talk to Admiral Yamaguchi on Starbase 12, mark it as urgent please?"

The response came back promptly from whichever Akurian was handling things. Heris smiled as she was indeed enjoying this assignment as Talon had said that she would.

She tapped the wall monitor as the face of Fleet Admiral April Yamaguchi appeared on the screen, she was wearing a golf shirt and jeans, clearly not in uniform. "Doctor... What's wrong?"

"I need to speak with you about your sister Admiral... Talon is alright... but I need your help to correct an injustice done against her." the tall Bolian looked determined, some would say angry.

"You're referring to Noel. Her adopted daughter." April responded.

Somehow Dvald was not suprised that the Admiral before her knew of the matter at hand. "Yes, I am... I want her back... to be reunited with her mother as this travesty we laughingly call justice done in an act of unmitigated malice and cruelty must end Admiral... "

"I've been looking into the matter myself Doctor... " Yamaguchi responded. "JAG is involved and they keep saying that she's better off with her husband's parents."

Heris frowned. "I disagree..." the normally cheerful Bolian was now angry, it showed in the look on her face and in her voice. "I am going to cram my boot up someone's ass for this Admiral... you can either help me... or get out of my way..." as she growled at the human woman before her, technically this was a major act of insubordination but April was used to such things, she allowed it to pass without comment.

April was shocked, few dared to speak to her like this, even fewer were related to her and even fewer still were on a first name basis, this woman before her was none of the above. "I want to see you do this Doctor. If nothing else, it'll be diverting."

Heris had come too far to quit now. "I want you involved for various reasons Admiral. Talon mentioned you to me, that's the second reason I'm calling you... Talon wants her daughter back from whatever shithole Starfleet stuffed her into... So... one way... or another... I will see it done. Whatever it takes."

"Easy Doctor, you convinced me that you're serious... Talon must have impressed you." April responded. "I'll send a JAG officer to you with all the relevant material and I will inform Admiral Hunt that this matter will be sorted out.-."

"No" Heris growled loudly at her, "He will not be informed, he has connections where Talon does not and he will not hesitate to use them against her, I wish to deny him his satisfaction... and sooner or later, I will destroy him for this travesty."

"I can see why Talon likes you," April responded with a smile. "Yes, she spoke of you to me... and to others..."

"I take no shit... from anyone... for any reason whatsoever," Heris responded. "He got away with what I could consider violations of the law when he divorced her, he also offended me with the way he did it... so I will ensure he is reminded of the pain he caused my friend... Because... he has made an enemy today..."

"Be careful you don't bite off more then you can chew Doctor." April cautioned the other woman.

"I will be fine Admiral. Do not be troubled with this matter any longer, send me your best JAG Officer and the two of us can work on this case together.." she paused. "Do not send me a political lackey, send me a troublemaker."

"Captain Andrew Whiteshadow is already a part of your battlegroup. I will contact him quietly and inform him of the situation." April responded. "He will then sort through this matter with you... but make sure then when you go see Admiral Hunt... Make sure your case is airtight... As he is the kind to hold a grudge... and when you do present it... Make sure it'll crush him... Oh.. and say goodbye from me please."

Heris gave the other woman a sinister smile. "Consider it done Admiral. Thank you for your candor."

"Oh. no problem, thank you... for yours... I find it refreshing when someone has the stones to tell me how it is in no uncertain terms. I like that...." April smiled cheerfully. "So.. whats Talon's other problem?"

"Well.. She's pregnant... That's the other reason she wants her daughter back.. its so she and what I assume to be her boyfriend can reunite their family under one roof again.."

"Wait... She has a boyfriend..." April blinked. "I didn't even know she was dating anyone?"

"Yes... Captain Davijaan Yeager is, I assure you, an officer and a gentleman. Mention his name and Talon is instantly happy... he also spends more time with her children then she herself does, also Lieutenant Samantha Yeager also thinks well of Talon too." Heris added. "I tell you this only because you are her sibling and nothing else... This conversation never happened and I was never here.... cool?"

"Say what?" April then winked. "I don't know what you're talking about... you're breaking up." April explained in response.

"Excellent," Heris responded. "In any case... I can see Talon wanting to move on with her life... and get married to Captain Yeager... but in order for her to move on, her previous husband must cut all ties to her and I don't think he has."

"As I said... I'll talk to Andrew Whiteshadow and then I'll let the two of you plus whoever else you think can be helpful in this regard handle him." April smiled.

"Thank you for your time Admiral. I had best get back to work." she explained with a smile.

"Of course. Yamaguchi out." and with that the wall monitor went black as Heris turned back to her desk. "Admiral Hunt... You're ass is mine."
she said softly as she began to make notes for herself.


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