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All My Fears - Part One

Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 1:17am by Division Admiral Talon Yeager & Post Captain Heris Dvald
Edited on on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 1:53am

Mission: Mission 55: The Measure of a Woman
Location: Medcenter - ASFS Ryazar's Shield
Timeline: 1500Hrs - December 19th, 2391

Commodore Talon Yamaguchi regarded the Bolian doctor before her, with a measure of trepidation and fear. "Out with it already Doc.."

Heris regarded the smaller woman before her. "Yep, as I thought.." she responded as her eyes sought out those of Talon. "You are pregnant Talon."

Talon could feel a wave of fear, ice cold and dark creeping up her spine. "Check again... I can't be..." she muttered, fear clouding her voice.

Heris knew instantly that something was very seriously wrong. "Talon... Talon. look at me." she commanded, the way she would for a deeply unhappy child. "Whats going on?"

"Its my... Ex-husband... He has had one child taken away from me on the grounds that I'm an unfit mother... and now I'm pregnant... Jerome would have all the grounds he needed to declare me unfit as he saw me as a threat to his oh so previous career. He tossed me onto the slag heap and severed his ties to our three children."

The shocking level of the statement all in one sentence was more then Heris could ever imagine dealing with, she simply shook her head. "Your beau does not even sound like he is a man... Just that he used you as a fuck toy and then abandoned you."

"Yeah... Noel was adopted by me.. but he had her taken away because he wanted to hurt me... and her."

Heris looked angry and disgusted with this entire series of events. Also she was insulted and hurt too, as a woman who had never gone through this and she as willing to measure her husband against Admiral Hunt any day of the week. "I will look into this matter Talon... For this... offends me deeply.."

Talon wanted to curl up into a ball and hide, she wanted to scream and cry but she was numb all over. "Who.... Who is the father?"

"Let me check." Heris gently soothed Talon as she gently took her hand in her own. "We will get through this... But I recommend that you talk to your family, get things rolling on that end as well... I'm sure your elder sister could help."

Talon nodded her shoulders as she blinked her eyes, slowly coming back to herself. "Right... Okay.. I mean... err... right. right.."

"Talon... It'll be'll see.." Heris responded with a smile. "And.... the father is... Captain Yeager.."

"Davijaan.." Talon whispered. "Do you know where he is?"

"Oh No no nonono Talon..." Heris's measured tones were somewhat soothing to Talon's ragged nerves. "Take a deep breathe. If you go tell him like this... right now,, it'll cause him to have a heart attack... and you won;'t be much better off... Wait until you two can be alone... then break the news after you've had time to process the news yourself."

"Alright.." Talon responded. "He's babysitting the kids anyway. Perea and Othello both love hanging out with him, as he makes things educational and interesting for them. Marie however is a little more reserved as she was involved when Jerome tried using her against me."

"I am really starting to hate Admiral Hunt..." Heris admitted.

"So does the rest of my massive family.. Get in line." Talon responded.

Heris nodded before she gently coiled her arms around the smaller human woman. "Its gonna be alright Talon... You will see.."

Talon settled into the embrace as she buried her face into the other womans shoulder. Heris gently held her close as she felt and heard Talon crying but this wasn't the tears of a strong woman, they were the tears of a lost and frightened child.

Heris simply held Talon in her arms as she wept. The taller and larger Bolian had not been expecting this, it showed too as she made various mental notes to speak with various people, as she gently soothed Talon off to sleep. While she gently laid the other woman down to sleep as Talon had cried herself out a short time earlier.

Heris decided she was going to go look into matters at hand, she asked one of her nurses to keep an eye on the Commodore and that if anything went wrong, the nurse was to come and get her but not intervene. The nurse understood as Heris went to work on Talon's situation, as in Heris's experience there was nothing more dangerous then an angry mother protecting her young except this Bolian was out to prove that the one thing more dangerous then a mother protecting a young was a mother avenging her young.


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