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Wait the Queen's Justice

Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 1:10am by Grand Admiral T'Sara McKnight & Major Daisy Rohr-McKnight
Edited on on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 1:10am

Mission: Mission 54: Where Snow Meets Sky
Location: CO's office, Starbase 54 and Marine CO's office, USS Argonne
Timeline: 1000Hrs - Dec 16th 2391

Fleet Admiral T'Sara McKnight regarded her second son's new wife as she almost smiled. "Daisy, I was bored and thought I'd say hello.How are things with you?" The Vulcan woman who sounded human inquired with a gentle smile.

"Hello Captain, how are you?" Daisy replied with a smile.

"Oh I'm good... You will be happy to know that I am not pregnant thanks to .... the what are they calling it again last month?" T'Sara inquired.

"That's good." Daisy replied. "I don't know if the galaxy could handle another McKnight sibling."

T'Sara regarded Daisy with a soft chuckle. "And you... Does our future liege-lord have a sibling?"

"No, not yet." She replied. "He doesn't like to share his parents attention with anyone else."

T'Sara chuckled softly as she sipped her drink. "I know how that goes... Considering that Iason was demanding of his dad at times... and now his grandson has his first... how does it feel to be a great grandmother at age twenty six?" T'Sara suddenly grinned at her. "and just think... you got all those kids and grandkids to spoil rotten."

Daisy smiled back at T'Sara. "I'm only the step great grandmother. I really don't count. Besides, there are two many offspring for my slow Marine issue brain to comprehend."

T'Sara raised an eyebrow. "Thats not what they think of you." she explained. "Iason speaks highly of you. Daniel does likewise." she paused. "Though getting Karass to say anything nice about anyone is a challenge in itself..." she paused. "Karax also speaks well of you.. as does many of Orthos's children." she paused a second time. "Many of their children have been asking when they all get to meet you."

"Really?" Daisy asked. "Why?"

"Because you are something new to them. Plus you make their Dad happy." T'Sara explained simply. "Orthos's children all know that their dad will live a long time and that he will eventually find someone new... " she explained.

"So I'm basically the new shiny object everyone wants to take a gander at?" Daisy asked.

T'Sara regarded the younger woman. "I wouldn't put it quite like that but.. They also like you for you." she explained. "You are a..." she paused. "you are a fresh new face int he family and they want to know who is this young woman who's captured my son's heart."

"I guess this means I should make sure to keep our quarters clean for when guests stop over?" Daisy joked.

T'Sara regarded her daughter in law. "Well we can hope they will call first bjt they will probably bug your husband more then they will you as you are on assignment. "

Daisy just nodded her head. "How many of them are there?"

T'Sara regarded the younger woman. "There are a lot of McKnights." she then smiled. "All of them my progeny." as she slowly smiled. "Lets see.." she paused as she sipped her drink. "I myself have four children. Karass, Orthos, Karax, Jessica and Iason." she explained. "Iason is a civilian with a wife of his own and two children, one of whom has two children of their own." she explained. "Karass has no children though with the way things are brewing between him and his present girlfriend, that may change someday." T'Sara smiled. "Then there is Jessica. She has two children of her own and they have one child and three children respectively."

Daisy just nodded, even though she was now completely lost.

"Then there is Karax. She's had eight children but one was killed during the Dominion War." she paused. "The only one of my grand babies to die in wartime." she paused. "her eldest four including Alexander are all in starfleet with families of their own, they all have between two to four children apiece." she then grinned. "Then there is your husband.. He has had five children, all of whom have between two to four children of their own, Iason his eldest has two adult children and the last is about to turn eighteen... His eldest Ian.... has just had a daughter with his fiancee. a delightful little baby named Mackenzie." T'Sara explained.

"So the there are more members of this family then there are tribbles?" Daisy remarked.

T'Sara nodded. "More or less... yes," she responded. "I have lots of relatives to spoil mercilessly." she paused. "How are things with you and Orthos?" she inquired.

"Things are well." Daisy replied. "I just wish we could see more of each other."

"Yeah... He was saying that to me too earlier." T'Sara responded with a smile. "I keep in regular contact with all of my children and grandchildren." she added by way of explanation. "Its because I enjoy talking to them and also so nobody feels left out." as she regarded the handsome part Klingon woman before her. "It also helps those who marry into the family feel welcome... and not overwhelmed."

Daisy smiled "Thank you very much Captain. I'm glad to be part of your family."

"I'm glad to have you as part of the family." T'Sara explained. "Orthos is my sons name in Vulcan... I had forgotten to mention it earlier... same as Daniel's name is Karass and Jennifer is Karax."

"As if I can keep track of your family now your giving me alternative names. I think I'm going to have to start recording all this on a PaDD." She replied.

"No need..." T'Sara responded evenly. "Orthos will have his entire family listed on his file." the Vulcan explained. "Besides... There are so many... even I can't keep up."

"I'd rather have a list made out by Orthos." Daisy replied. "I know that sounds odd but personnel files seem so cold."

T'Sara nodded her head. "Fair enough. I do understand where you are coming from."

"Okay, we really do have to plan a dinner together so you can meet your grandson." Daisy suggested.

"I've like that." even though T'Sara had already met her grandson. "How lordship is well I assume?"

"He is doing well, although I'm sure he'll want to spend time with his grandmother." Daisy replied.

"According to Orthos... He does.." as T'Sara smile widened. "Are you going anywhere for Christmas?" the Vulcan woman inquired. "I have a feeling my son is being devious."

"I'll be on the Argonne with Edward." Daisy replied, a little dejected. "Orthos will be on Watchman Station pulling extra duties."

"Oh, probably." T'Sara responded with a look. "It'll be fine.." she added a moment later.

"Yeah, I know." Daisy told her mother in law. "Orthos I know will at least take some time out and talk to Edward."

"I am sure he will." T'Sara responded. "I must go. I have an appointment and I must prepare for it." the Vulcan woman explained evenly.

"Okay, thank you Captain." Daisy said.

"You are welcome." T'Sara nodded as she cut the transmission, as soon as the screen went black the Vulcan woman grinned at the black screen. "Oh Daisy... If only you knew what my son has planed for you." she chuckled softly.


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