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Twin Wolves, White and Grey

Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 1:07am by Vice Admiral Paul Emerson & Captain Javier Morales & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Post Captain Plataea "Phantom" Lasky

Mission: Mission 54: Where Snow Meets Sky
Location: Various Locations - USS Courageous / USS Dreamcrusher
Timeline: 1300Hrs - December 15th, 2391

Jake Yamaguchi was sitting at the workstation that he and his wife had built in their quarters, while the ship may belong to Torilla these days, Jake could still tell that his old ship still had plenty of life left in her. Courageous had a whole new crew and a lot of the interiors were new but she was still the same ship that he had commanded just a few short years ago. He was most decidedly out of uniform as he was wearing a pair of jeans and a simple sweatshirt.

Yamaguchi sighed softly as he considered his next matter he needed to deal with as he rose to his feet, thankfully the object of his desire was nearby and this matter would not take long to resolve.

Yamaguchi tapped the wall monitor which came to life at his touch, it showed the Courageous marked as a Federation combadge in the center and everything in four light years in all directions. There were four other combadges nearby, one of them was marked as 'USS Dreamcrusher'

Yamaguchi smiled. "Time to go deal with the other Torilla." as he tapped his combadge. "Yamaguchi to Bridge?"

Torilla's voice came back. "Bridge. Go ahead sir?"

"Torilla. I'm going over to the Dreamcrusher as ..... I have a mater I want to resolve between me and... the other... well you."

"Fair enough. I'll inform Zuko that you're-"

"No don't bother. This .... Its a personal matter... The fewer involved, the better." Yamaguchi responded evenly.

Up on the bridge. Torilla Yamaguchi shrugged as she looked at Javier Morales who shrugged back. "Okay.. The kids are alright?" Torilla inquired.

"Yes, they are in daycare and the cats are all sleeping... "

Torilla knew exactly what was going on. "Good Luck Jake. Yamaguchi out." she let out a soft sigh as she tapped the com panel on the left side of the Captain's chair.

"You think it'll end badly?" Morales inquired

"I do... She looks just like me... But she ... Plataea this is... She is not me."

Meanwhile Jake Yamaguchi went into the transporter room. "Transport me over to the Dreamcrusher please Chief?"

"Yessir." the young man responded as he went to work at his console while Yamaguchi stepped onto the pad. He nodded to Jake to signal that he was ready. "Energize."

The man nodded as Jake was dematerialized at the one location to be reassembled in the second location, aboard the USS Dreamcrusher. "Welcome aboard sir." Commander Daniel McKnight greeted the Admiral.

"Thank you Commander. Permission to come aboard?" Yamaguchi smiled at the other man. "I'm just here on a personal matter... Its not a matter of ships business.."

"Of course sir." McKnight responded, to both of the Admirals comments, the question and statement. "I won't detain you further."

Yamaguchi nodded as he went past the Commander and out of the transporter room. "Computer... Locate Plataea Unal?"

"The Commander is located in her office, location on deck eight, section fourteen."

"Thank you." Yamaguchi responded before he went down to the end of the hallway, he entered a turbolift before ratting off his destination.

Yamaguchi reached his destination and after having pressed the door-chime, he was permitted entry. "Commander."

"Sir." Plataea Unal regarded the good reflection of the vile beast that passed for her husband who had regarded her as little more then a passing paramour and their children as mistakes of genetics.

"Leave the sir at the door." Yamaguchi responded quietly. "We.... We must talk."

"Yes. we should.." Unal responded as she regarded him. "Come in then." she added as she rose to her feet. "Can I get you anything?"

"Just a glass of water please."

Unal replicated the desired drink for him before she sat back down. "I did not expect anything from you other then ..... Well.. more of what your evil twin did to me in my reality."

"Why would you say that?" Yamaguchi inquired of his wife's doppelganger.

"I apologize... I have done you something of a disservice." Unal responded with a sad sigh. "I am finding out that you are more of a man then he was was." she exhaled then inhaled as she composed herself and ordered her thoughts. "I was reading your service record.. but various reports about you."

"Oh?" Yamaguchi regarded her with a gentle smile. "And.. what have you found?"

"That I am envious of your mate in this reality." Unal responded bluntly. "You have a family with her that I can only dream of."

"Well... Genetics don't lie..." Yamaguchi responded quietly. "Your children are my children too... even if I wasn't the biological father.." Jake responded. "If... your children need a father figure or a family to turn to.... they can have mine... I always have space at the dinner table."

"You are far too kind.." Unal responded softly. "I caused you grievous harm with the mating during the... I'm sorry... Pineapple incident."

"Yeah... Thats what Roanoke's crew are calling it." Yamaguchi responded. "I have since come to terms with the memories and such I received from you and Nalla. I also have adjusted to what I learned and that will still be an ongoing process.."

"I could ask why.....?" Unal inquired. "After what happened.."

"Why... what?" Yamaguchi inquired of his wife's mirror image

"Why do you care... I am not your wife and my children are not yours." Unal elaborated.

"You do have a point..." Yamaguchi responded as he sipped his drink. "Why should I care.... The answer is simple... Because I do, I do not change who I am because of one incident and I will not change who or what I am for anyone for any reason whatsoever."

"I find that particular attitude somewhat refreshing." Unal responded evenly.

"Well... It is ... what it is..." Yamaguchi responded. "Besides, you expect me to behave a certain way which I find somewhat amusing."

Unal regarded Jake Yamaguchi with a curious look. "Considering?.."

"Considering I look like... him." Both of them knew who 'he' was as Yamaguchi smiled. "He will trouble me no longer.."

"Oh... how so?"

"He was.... evil." Yamaguchi responded as he regarded her. "How did you handle him?"

"I don't know." Unal admitted, a soft smile appearing on her face.
"He was cruel, cold... Calculating and he would stop at nothing to become emperor.."

"Sounds like a man who hated life.." Yamaguchi responded.

"Yes." Unal agreed with him. "I'd like to get to know you better.... You are everything he was not."

Yamaguchi nodded. "I'd like that..." he responded.


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