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Posted on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 @ 4:40pm by Commander Moni Nasao PhD & Lieutenant Commander Kthaara 'Leadfoot' Taavoro & Lieutenant Rtas "Halfjaw" 'Vadum'ee & Lieutenant JG R'Merah & Company Sergeant Major Jeffery "The Mountain" Duval

Mission: Mission 52: The Astral Winds
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: December 1st, 2391 - 1500Hrs

R'Merah smiled toothily as he walked into the Green Dragon on the USS Roanoke as he had heard that several Caitians and other feline species aboard, he was bored and looking for someone to spend time with. He found himself regarding a woman with a short Russian blue fur pattern as he almost purred at her. "Well hello sexy... How do you like your eggs.?"

Moni Nasao blinked her large eyes. "Unfertilized." she responded in a dry tone as she turned to the bartender. "Sergeant Major?"

"Yes Miss Nasao, what can I.... you best be behavin' or I'm gonna have you tossed out the nearest airlock." he pointed to R'Merah who raised both hands. "I didn't do whatever it is thats happened.!"

"A likely story..." Duval responded with a soft growl. "I'll be watching you...." as he turned back to Nasao. "You were saying?"

"Yes... I'm just wanting a glass of water please while I wait for Leadfoot.."

"Of course." and with that he turned away as R'Merah threw an arm over her shoulders. "So... tell me my pretty... what do you do aboard this ship?"

Nasao regarded him with extreme distaste as the doors opened behind her, she hoped it was Leadfoot coming in. "Go away Caitian... I am spoken for... and he is not you... so either go away.... or else.." she growled loudly.

Duval watched this closely but he decided not to interfere, he left Nasaop's glass of water on the bartop while he ordered a glass of water for himself before he caught sight of Leadfoot who had just entered, he indicated to Leadfoot then he indicated the new Caitian who was hitting on Nasao rather potently.

"I'm sure I can make you happier than him.." R'Merah was saying.

Leadfoot, by now had known that Moni Nasao is pregnant, and it made him more defensive than usual. Giving the strange Caitian the staredown, Leadfoot almost growled at him, "Hey buddy, the lady has already said she wants nothing to do with your mangy ass, so beat it."

R'Merah looked across before he noticeably looked down at the smaller being. "You... are honestly going to challenge me.... for her... I will fucking kill you kitty.."

Nasao angrily shoved him away before he gripped her tighter, so she grasped his forearm in her hands before she sank her fangs into his arm, hard enough to bring blood. "Let go of me!"

R'Merah screamed at the top of his lungs, before he let her go then he lashed out at both her and Leadfoot, his foot caught her on the left hip and she went into a nearby table.

Rtas Vadum'ee rose from his table as he went to assist the dazed Caitian female. "Easy Lieutenant," he reassured her. "Let me check you over.."

Nasao regarded Halfjaw as she gently placed her hand on his massive shoulder. "Thanks." as she felt him pick her up and set her down on a chair. "Easy El Tee.."

Before R'Merah had any chance to react, a chair slammed into his head, and he went down in a heap. Leadfoot, whom was holding the chair, then brought it down on the dazed Caitian, and smashed him repeatedly with the chair, until it got reduced to splinters. Looking down at the collapsed Caitian, Leadfoot dropped the ruined chair, kicked him over so R'Merah was lying on his back, then Leadfoot spat on R'Merah's face. He then went to go check on Moni.

Duval watched with amusement, he snorted once or twice as he tried not to laugh but that was about all he did. "Nice work Leadfoot." he said quietly.

Nasao sighed softly. "I hate people who try this endless shit... first Talon Hunt and now... this.." she growled. "I think I need to bulk up my self defense training."

Ledfoot went to cuddle with Moni," Eh, don't worry about it too much for now. We got other things to be concerned about other than the trash of the battlegroup."

Nasao shifted her attention to Rtas Vadum'ee as she gently pressed a hand to the center of his massive chest. "This one thank you for you're care and protection." she said in english as she did not know his language, before she lowered her head to him, clearly she knew this tradition.

Vadum'ee bowed back to her. "Thank you Lieutenant. you have honored me properly. I will not forget this respect." before he moved off so Nasao could have her time alone with Leadfoot, she was the larger of the two and she was also more dominant at times, however she did not mind him being protective of her, especially now as she was new with children.

Duval meanwhile made notes. "Need new chairs.." he mentioned aloud as he jotted down notes. "I guess I have to charge Argonne again.." he sighed.


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