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Wed Mar 18th, 2020 @ 2:48pm

Lieutenant JG R'Merah

Name R'Merah

Position Chief Security Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Ferasian
Age 39
Birthdate April 20th, 2354

Physical Appearance

Height 6ft 3in
Weight 200lbs
Hair Color Gray
Eye Color Green
Physical Description R'Merah is large in stature and muscular though like many of his species is built rather lithe. His large mane of hair falls 1/3 the way down his back making him look larger then he is.

He is a Lion Type


Spouse None
Children None
Father M'Zeo - DECEASED
Mother Ashar - DECEASED
Brother(s) Unknown - Assumed to be Many
Sister(s) Unknown - Assumed to be Many
Other Family Unknown - Assumed to be Many

Personality & Traits

General Overview R'Merah is not your typical Ferasian in that unlike his species which detests violence except under the direst of circumstances, the use of claws in combat is considered an affront to common decency, R'Merah has embraced his violent tendencies, learning to control and channel them.
Strengths & Weaknesses The Ferasian litheness is both a strength and a weakness in that while they are fast on their feet, they do not have near the strength of a species like the Klingons, forcing them to use speed to compensate for their lack of natural strength in combat. They are also sprinters, not runners so their endurance under high exertion is quite low.
Ambitions He has no idea whatsoever of what he wants. Other than revenge for what he went through at the hands of the Klingons.
Hobbies & Interests While R'Merah enjoys practicing and collecting bladed weapons, in contrast, he also enjoys playing a small wooden flute he lifted from his master when he was a child.

Personal History R'Merah was raised from childhood amid the stew of violence and brutality that was the Ferasian's daily life. He was raised as a gladiator and he had to succeed or he would be taken out back and beaten or he was violated by other gladiators for amusement.

He was successful and was offered a way out, service in the Klingon Defense Forces as a Bek. He remained in the Klingon because he was told to fight or he would die.

He ended up on the Hurgh'maS where he ended up getting into a fight with a Human exchange officer, she won but he, in the end, overpowered her and then he raped her. After finishing he allowed her five minutes before he raped her a second time.

Autumn Yamaguchi was able to fight him off and she left a few months later, but her mate, a Klingon woman named Ajal challenged him over the matter and he refused, citing that Ajal was not worthy to face him. However, the point had been made.

He applied and joined the Federation exchange program and a year later he found himself on the USS Spirit of Winter where Autumn and Ajal were both serving. He remained here dealing with the inadequacies of life, quickly finding out what it means to be the abused and the abuser in life.

During the Gorn-Klingon War, R'Merah found himself being mind-wiped by a Lethian who was decapitated moments later by another member of the assault team. R'Merah was unable to recover any of his memories other than basic childhood and much of his skills also remained intact. R'Merah was quickly promoted and he found himself becoming the head of security after Lt Commander Bernadette Chevalier was promoted and reassigned to the USS Iron Duke
Service Record Klingon Gladiator School - Kronos - OMEGA LEONIS
2354 to 2364 - Warrior
No Rank - Slave

IKS K'mpinn - K'Vort Class
2364 to 2368 - Security Enlisted

IKS Ethuss - K'Tinga Class
2368 to 2373 - Security Enlisted

IKS Genlag - K'Tinga Class
2373 to 2374 - Security Enlisted

IKS Uwiq - K'Tinga Class
2374 to 2374 - Security Enlisted

IKS Vremmur - Vorcha Class
2374 to 2375 - Security Enlisted

IKS Esir - Vorcha Class
2375 to 2375 - Security Enlisted

IKS Mvenkargh - K'Tinga Class
2375 to 2375 - Security Enlisted

IKS Umahko - Vorcha Class
2375 to 2378 - Security Enlisted

IKS Vokon - K'Tinga Class
2378 to 2380 - Security Enlisted
naQ bu'

Halaw - Vorcha Class
2380 to 2383 - Security Enlisted
naQ bu'

IKS Tresso - K'Tinga Class
2383 to 2384 - Security Enlisted
naQ bu'

IKS Vumtinga - Vorcha Class
2383 to 2386 - Security Enlisted
gunnery bu'

IKS G'gann - Vorcha Class
2386 to 2388 - Security Enlisted
gunnery bu'

IKS Hurgh'Mas - K'Vort Class
2388 to 2390 - Security Enlisted
gunnery bu'

Federation Exchange Program - Earth, SOL
2390 to 2391 - Security Student
Chief Petty Officer

USS Spirit of Winter - Century Class
2391 to Present - Security Officer
Chief Petty Officer / Lieutenant JG