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The Ceremony of Innocence - Part Two

Posted on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 @ 2:05am by Commander Tienn Iteela & Commander Ennis Cullen & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Lieutenant Commander Kameron "Foehammer" Solusar-Yamaguchi & Director Tienn Gyce
Edited on on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 @ 2:06am

Mission: Mission 51: Warchild
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1045Hrs - November 23rd

Lieutenant JG Tienn Iteela moaned softly as she slowly woke up. "Mmmm.." the smaller then average woman moaned softly as Elizabeth Yamaguchi gently brushed a lock of hair from Tienn's face. "Easy El Tee... You've been through quite a horrific event... But you're more gonna be okay."

Tienn blinked open her eyes as she regarded the other woman before her with a confused look. "I... I don't know..." she muttered softly. "Where's mommy?" she asked, in a child-like tone of voice.

Elizabeth knew instantly that something was very seriously wrong with Iteela as she turned to the nurse on duty. "I need to page Doctor Cullen. Look after her for me please?"

"Yes Doctor." as the nurse tended to the confused and frightened Bajoran woman. Elizabeth went over to the nearby medical desk. "Yamaguchi to Cullen. Iteela is awake and... Well, you'd best see this for yourself.." she sighed softly.

"On my way," Cullen spoke on the comm, and quickly put his lab coat on before he headed for Iteela's room.

"I hate Security Goons..." she said as Commander Renhai passed close to her. "Doctor... I was just thinking of you, Tienn is awake... and... well you should see this for yourself."

Renhai nodded and asked, "OK, whats the issue then."

Ennis entered the room not long after, though he watched for a moment as his patient lay more animated than he originally predicted. A good sign that she may yet recover strongly from her ordeal.

Elizabeth regarded her younger sister's boyfriend with a concerned look. "Ennis..." she turned her head to regard Tienn. "She's just woken up... and she is having problems articulating anything.." she explained the situation briefly. "Frankly... It's a major miracle she ain't dead like Ralih..." she lowered her voice. "She went from an intelligent young woman... to... " Elizabeth suddenly stopped as she shook her head, fighting back tears. "The mindset of a young child."

"Her motor and verbal cortexes starting to heal. Sometimes that means her neural network creates new paths to go around the dead ones created from the incident," Ennis explained. "As advanced as we are, the brain is still an enigma. But her reactions this soon after surgery, indicate she'll recover decently."

"Maybe..." Elizabeth responded softly. "When you say 'decently?'. How exactly do you mean?"

"Umm..." Ennis looked around until her found a dry-erase marker from one of the medical counters and drew a square on the glass. "Let's call this a healthy memory engram. And this bigger square, the brain."

Ennis proceeded to draw several squares inside the main one - making sure they fit right up against each other exactly, showing how everything neatly aligned. Then he drew a circle in a random part of the outer square. "This circle represents a distorted memory engram, either from cranial trauma or neural degradation. Since it cannot properly place itself into the memory center of the brain, it moves about freely throughout the neural pathways, causing an array of chaotic reactions from several cortexes. Motor, namely. Personality, another. Everything changes from the distorted engrams that cannot properly store into short or long-term memory."

Renhai pulled out an Akurian medical scanner and did an examination of Tienn. After a couple of minutes, she reported," Well, some of the physical damage to her brain is a bit beyond federation tech, but, the Akurian Battlecruiser Ryazar's shield has the technology we need to repair all the physical damage. We definitely can restore all the dead nerve tissue. But for the mental damage, I suggest we take her to Vulcan afterwords."

Elizabeth nodded her head. "All of this sounds good Doctors. Thank you for explaining it for me." as she turned her head. "Kam... We must talk... Let's go outside so I can give you the bollocking you deserve!" as she led her silent husband out the door.

As they were heading out, in walked the massive woman who looked human but was actually a Vrykul, her hair was done up in her normal deadlocks as she took in the scene at a glance. "Hey guys." she greeted Cullen and Renhai. "What was that about?" Galiaan Fordring indicated the door and the unhappy couple who just left.

Renhai glowered in Kameron's general direction. "Well, Mr. Tact over there thought it was o.k. to tell Benice that Iteela's condition was ugly and talked of hanging the people responsible. Naturally this upset Benice when it really wasn't a very good time."

Fordring sighed softly. "Well... He needs to work on his timing and tact ..... but I won't argue with the punishment for those responsible." she paused. "How is everyone coping?"

"Doctor Olmos believes Gyce will have a difficult rehab, considering her already transparent mobile disability," Ennis explained. "Add to that, Doctor Renhai is not wrong in saying Gyce is highly upset with her girlfriend's situation. She only eats after she gets an update on Tienn... Which Tienn is not good at all. Stable, sure. But she'll have to have several neural reconstruction surgeries as her brain tries to heal."

Fordring nodded her head. "That's assuming her mind can even come back from this." she let out a soft sigh. "Who is Iteela's attending physician?"

Renhai indicated Ennis, "Given her brain damage, it will be Ennis here, at least until all the physical brain damage is healed."

"Aye," Ennis agreed. "I should probably give Doctor Olmos a call... She's been focused on her daughter's emotional health the past several hours. But she should know her patient is too anxious to rest."

Fordring nodded her head. "Is there anything that can be done?" she inquired.

"Gyce needs rest, but she wont thank us if we just up and sedate her," Ennis spoke with sympathy to the older Bajoran. "If Gyce gets too agitated, then and only then should we act. Besides that, all we can do is be there for the both of them."

Renhai meanwhile, whom had the time to look at Gyce's case, added. "Well speaking of, I think Akurian nanoprobe therapy might actually be able to clear out some of those poisons that are still lingering in her body. Given the exotic nature of the poisons, Nanoprobe therapy wont clear out all of the poisons, but it would reduce the level of poisons and make her less dependent on the medications."

Fordring nodded her head. "Okay.... How long would that take?"

Renhai shrugged," Not sure yet, but the initial therapy will take about a week, she may need follow up medication for up to a month or two afterwords though. The long portion of nanoprobe therapy isn't the therapy itself, but usually the configuring of the nano probes to get them to do what they need to do. So the study portions could take a month or two at least."

Galiaan Fordring shifted her attention to Iteela who was more or less acting like a young child and then back to Renhai. "Alright.... Do you think it'll restore her?" she inquired softly. "I still have a report to write... the skipper wants to generate a black hole under those guys who hurt our people.... I intend to help him with his efforts." there was no mistaking her outrage on the subject but she was far more tactful then Yamaguchi.

Renhai sighed and look at Iteela. "For her, somewhat different techniques will be used. But yes, Nanoprobe therapy will be used to help regenerate the damaged brain tissues that federation technology is incapable of doing. But for the mental trauma, unfortunately the Akurians aren't really any better off than the federation. She will need a lot of different types of therapy to help her. Its still too early to tell yet, but I'm hopeful that there isn't too much permanent memory damage."

Fordring nodded her head. "Fair enough." she responded. "Well we can hope right?"

Renhai nodded but didn't say anything further. She then looked over, seeing Gyce and said, "Do you need someone to cuddle with?"

"I do..." Gyce held on to Iteela's hand as she fought back tears of her own agony and sadness. "...You're not the one I want them from though, no offense."

Renhai shrugged," alright well, I'll be nearby if you need me." She then left the room.


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