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The Ceremony of Innocence - Part One

Posted on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 @ 2:03am by Commander Tienn Iteela & Commander Galiaan Fordring & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Lieutenant Commander Kameron "Foehammer" Solusar-Yamaguchi & Director Tienn Gyce

Mission: Mission 51: Warchild
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1030Hrs - November 23rd

Lieutenant Kameron Yamaguchi was seated in a chair at the bedside of Lt Commander Benice Gyce as she slept, she had just undergone some major surgery to sort out various issues and now she was reading. Kameron was sitting silently when she heard a noise.

He inhaled quite nosily, but that was by reflex and not by design. "Gyce?" he asked softly

"Iteela," Gyce coughed groggily, for her mouth was dry and her only concern was for her beloved.

Kameron turned his head as he stood up. "Let me get the nurse for you." as he emerged into sickbay. "Nurse. Commander Benice is awake."

"Excellent." The younger Bolian woman followed Kameron back into the recovery room as she smiled warmly at the older Bajoran woman. "Hey Commander... It's good to see you awake.. How are you feeling?"

"Shoddy," Gyce spoke as she shielded her eyes. Her knee throbbed fiercer than normal and when she looked down at the autosutures, she knew it was very bad. "Water."

The nurse gently poured a glass of water before she gently handed it to Gyce. "Easy Commander... You have been through a brutal trauma.." she explained as she helped Gyce drink the glass of water as Kameron flagged down Commander Renhai. "Doctor. Gyce is awake."

The small Kurokuri approached quietly, and upon observing Gyce, Renhai asked," How are you feeling?"

"Like my bones were shattered and put back together with cement," Gyce grimaced as she sat up and rubbed her right leg with agony written all over her face. "How's Iteela?"

Kameron paused as he suddenly looked away. "Its..... I'd best let the Doctor explain." was all he could say. "I hope they take her attacker out back and hang the bastard!." he rose to his feet. "Excuse me.." and with that he quickly took his leave.

"I wish to see my girlfriend now," Gyce spoke to one of the closest medics. Her mind just could not rest until she knew Iteela was safe and sound.

Renhai glared at the door that Kameron left, she then turned back to Gyce, saying tactfully. "Iteela is still unconscious right now, but she is alive and stable. I'm not fully sure the extent of the damage, but after examining her, it is likely she may need to go to an Akurian Medical facility, but I do believe we can repair all the physical trauma. You can go see her, but you will have to go in a wheelchair because of your own injuries."

"Whatever it takes," Gyce spoke firmly, as if she were attempting to ignore her own feelings. A bruised ego, to admit she needed a chair to get around.

Renhai retrieved a simple wheelchair and asked one of the nurses to help her get Gyce into the wheelchair. A few minutes later, Renhai brought Gyce into Tienn's room. "Unfortunately, as I said, she isn't awake yet but she will survive, that I am sure of."

Elizabeth was sitting at her bedside. "Oh hey guys," she said in a soft tone. "You want the room to yourself?" she inquired.

Gyce took Iteela's hand into hers and kissed it reverently. "We Bajorans were bred for survival... we don't die easily."

Elizabeth rose to her feet which most of the time, it was a struggle as she was now heavily pregnant. "I'll let you guys have some time alone. Let me know when you wish to leave k?"

Renhai also decided to leave the room but not before saying to Gyce, "I won't be far away, if you need me for something, or just need someone cute to cuddle with, call for me."

Elizabeth smiled but didn't say much of anything. "Anyway... I need to go and sort out Mister Tactful." she turned to Renhai. "You won't need to deal at him, I will save you the bother."

Renhai nodded, "Alright, feel free to not be gentle with him."

"Consider the matter handled," Elizabeth responded before she turned and departed. Elizabeth, however, had no intention of yelling at her husband as in her eyes, he did nothing wrong.

Renhai went to tend to other matters, but she made sure to keep an ear on Gyce and Tienn, never straying too far.


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