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A Long Overdue Reunion - Part One

Posted on Thu Mar 19th, 2020 @ 2:53am by Admiral Jake Yamaguchi & Colonel Lee Antilles & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Fleet Captain Coral 'Icecrown' Yamaguchi-Antilles

Mission: Mission 101: The Restless Shades of the Past
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 0800Hrs - July 7th, 2393

Vice Admiral Jake Yamaguchi regarded his spouse and mother to their various children, Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi as the two were having breakfast in the flag officers lounge. "Well Jake, I'm not sure of what to think, you tell you the honest truth, we both assumed she was dead and that was the end of it," she commented in a gentle tone of voice to her husband who nodded his head in agreement. "I know. I can only imagine how Heather will feel when Coral contacts her and asks for her children back, only to be told no."

"You think Heather will keep them?" Torilla responded quietly.

"I do, she is the mother to eight children and the kids don't know who Coral is anymore. They were raised by Heather and Steven. Not Coral and Lee." Jake explained. "I don't know how I'd cope if something like that happened to me. Or to you," he added as he regarded his mate.

"I don't know either... but we both knew. Look at Plataea. She got married and now she's having babies with Tom Lasky." Torilla responded evenly.

"I'm happy that she could find someone new. I'm happy for Tom as well, he finally has the peace he wanted and the family he craved." Jake paused. "Even if his relationship with you and me was complicated by the fact that he impregnated you."

"I sometimes wonder.." she paused. "Should I have bought Kurt to term then hand him off without a second thought?" Torilla regarded Jake as she spoke.

"I don't know," Jake answered. "I can't answer that Torilla, only you can... But it would not have changed anything, you would still have been my wife and the mother of our children. Really Torilla. It would have changed nothing."

"You know the Halanan government still wants a piece of me, right?" Torilla reminded her husband.

"I know sweetie. They exiled you for mating with me and now they want you because you've had a small brood of children with me. I find that deliciously ironic." Jake responded in a deadpan tone of voice.

Just then the doors opened and in came Coral Antilles, she stopped as she looked around for a moment, her husband was right behind her as they both spotted Jake and Torilla chatting in a corner, both had food that was more or less untouched by the look of it all. Torilla turned her head. "Jake, she's here," she said quietly to her husband.

Coral Antilles came over slowly with Lee Antilles beside her. "Hey guys, are we interrupting?" Lee commented as Coral marveled at her younger brother who was now older then she herself was. "Jayyke.." she dragged out the sound of his name. Lee followed in silence as he regarded his brother and sister in law, he, however, held his silence.

"Coral. You have no idea how happy I am to see your ugly mug." Jake commented as he gave his sister a hug. "We'd all given up... We assumed you were lost but there was no debris left of you or your ship."

"We made that assumption ourselves when we saw the Starbase, we knew six years had past and that's too long to assume we'd ever be coming back alive," Coral explained. "How are the kids doing?"

"Heather took all of your children in and she's raised them as her own." Torilla paused. "There will be issues between you and Heather because the kids won't know you anymore."

Coral sighed softly. "Yeah I figured as much." she paused as she turned to Lee, he shifted his attention to regard his wife.

Jake and Torilla both knew from experience that an entire conversation was taking place between husband and wife, one based on relationship, work, understanding, and effort. Both Jake and Torilla knew from experience that sometimes one had to sacrifice. "I don't know how the kids will respond with us back in the picture."

"Talk to Heather and Steven. The four of you can work it out between you." Jake explained. "Coral, you'd best sit down. A lot has happened and it won't be easy for you to hear it but you need to know what's been happening." Jake explained.

Coral slid into the booth next to Torilla, she gently greeted her sister in law with a hug. "Hey, Torilla."

"Lo Coral, Welcome home." Torilla gently hugged her back. "You have no idea how happy we are that you are here."

Lee sat down next to Jake. "Hey, Jake. It's good to be home."

"Its good to have you home brother." Jake and Lee had always gotten along very well, that relationship had clearly not changed as Lee was still the same man he always was. "I have good news, I have bad news and a lot you will need to figure out for yourself," Jake explained. "First is Autumn. Your eldest, she's the one who never gave up hope on ever seeing you guys again and I will let you share that detail with her," he explained.

"Wait, she's alright.. Where is she?" Lee inquired.

"Autumn is alive and well, she's married with children. Her family, however, is rather strange, she is married to a Klingon woman." Jake explained with a smile.

Lee smiled. "Right I recall Autumn mentioning that she had met someone while she was serving on that Klingon vessel. She was on an exchange program as I recall." he smiled. "I guess things worked out then?"

"She married Ajal who took her name as her own." Torilla paused. "A lot has happened with her, she's had children with a Klingon male named Noq't who came with her to the Federation. Autumn is here on the Starbase, helping with your crew as she deliberately wanted to see you alone. So you could meet your grandchildren."

"Wait... We're grandparents?" Coral responded softly.

"Yes, Coral. Congratulations." Jake responded. "There are three children in this relationship. Two came from Ajal and one from Autumn. I have a feeling however that she might want more." he added. "She has been asking Torilla, myself, Heather and Steve for input on the matter," Jake commented. "Also it doesn't hurt that my own children babysit for her. Elizabeth finds the experience very rewarding as it helps with her own child." he paused. "Rachael has been through a lot, stuck in a temporal anomaly for eight years, she's now the same age as Gabriel rather than still a teenager."

"Holy shit Jake, yeah, it sounds like a lot has happened... What else is there?" Coral paused. "I can see it in your eyes, Jake... you are not telling me something."

"Yeah." Jake nodded his head. "The Borg threat is no more, the Borg Collective has been destroyed... Forever." Jake paused as he looked at Torilla, silently asking her for help with this one.

Both Lee and Coral were both shocked by this development, it showed on their faces. "What... How!?" Lee inquired softly.

"The Borg ran into a question they couldn't answer," Torilla explained quietly. "An Enemy they couldn't assimilate, with weapons that Borg technology couldn't replicate, a question that Borg shielding could not duplicate or imitate. It really was something the Borg were never prepared to deal with... and this enemy destroyed them by targeting their collective consciousness itself, it shattered the unity of the Borg and allowed the dormant personalities of trillions of sentient beings to come out." she paused a moment. "The Last Queen asked... No, she begged for our help in saving the last of the collective... and in exchange for our help, they gifted the Federation with everything they ever had and will ever know... They gave us the secrets to transwarp flight in addition to several other things."

"Wow, sounds like we really came out on top," Coral answered quietly, she was shocked it had all ended so easily and so suddenly.

"That's not the hard part of the Borg question." Torilla shifted her attention to her husband, she regarded Jake a moment. "Tell her..."

Jake regarded his elder, now younger sister. "Coral. This is one of those things you need to process for yourself... But the identity of the last Borg Queen... It was our mother. Rachael Yamaguchi... She has been returned to us and while her original body was lost, we were able to save her consciousness and download her into a new body, grown specifically for the task, thanks to some new allies of ours."

"New allies?" Coral answered quietly. "Who?"

"They are called the Akurian Confederation and they exist in a parallel reality, similar to our own but with a very different history," Jake paused. "In truth, I don't know their history as I'm still getting to know them myself but they have been extremely helpful with various issues, they are the ones taking the lead in freeing the trillions of Borg drones who are still being liberated from the collective."

"Wow, it sounds like we came back to a totally different galaxy then when we left it." Coral then began to help herself to some of the food presents as it gave her a break from processing all of the information she was being told.

"You did Coral. Welcome home." Torilla smiled warmly at her sister in law.


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